The obvious problem with to many college fb players

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From this viewpoint ---- I think BU has looked even worse since Briles was canned. How can you keep the assistant coaches? Are they saying Briles did this all alone with no one else's knowledge? Why hasn't the lady/employee who lied at the Sam U. trial been fired? The Chafin girl friend beating and Zamora dog beating would probably have been blips on the screen, if reported at all, and are now on ESPN crawlers. "Oral" report from Pepper Hamilton? Are you kidding? Dare I say that I'm not sure the heat would be any worse if they had kept Briles. They really need to disclose exactly what Briles did. Until they do --- the stench will linger. Some will think Briles was just the fall guy, and the rest of the country will think they only fired Briles to hide their own inadequacies.

Eh, if they hadn't canned Briles, it would still be a big time topic. It died down because they finally made a move to give the appearance of caring.

The kid that was stalking a girl a few weeks back would have been huge national news if Briles was still on campus. They'd have bashed BU for doing nothing. Yahoo and others would still be digging. The vultures have calmed down. The news sites that were digging up dirt on BU were largely motivated by inactivity on the rape scandal....because a move was made, they have largely stopped digging. They could be if he was still there. You needed a fall guy.

And Briles needed to be it. He created that culture and was implicit in the cover ups. So were some of his assistants, and it is shocking that they are still there.
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They don't have the time to work as hard. The focus is on other things than a degree. Not all of them I guess.
Yes. You're a white nationalist who ignores the long list of racist things Trump has done/continues to do and blames Obama for everything under the sun and believes every ridiculous lie about him because he's black. You're s racist. The end.
That Obama is a hoot, always just funnin' around

Now we can get back to some football talk.
Yes. You're a white nationalist who ignores the long list of racist things Trump has done/continues to do and blames Obama for everything under the sun and believes every ridiculous lie about him because he's black. You're s racist. The end.

He doesn't ignore trump's racism, he applauds it.
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BLH this will be the last time I spend any of my time responding to your bs statements but I have a feeling the word "racist" does not mean what you think it does. Me saying the president is Muslim is not being racist, that's me stating opinion based on his actions. When people do not agree with something you and people of you ilk have said, the first thing you do is scream racist. I'm not playing it and will call you out. I have no prob with Muslims, black people, minorities etc. as you make it out to be as long as they are peace loving individuals and meaning no harm to the people of the U.S. Or abroad. I do however expect everyone that is physically able to be a productive citizen and respect the U.S. And it's laws. If any of that upsets you, well I can't help but go cry foul to someone else.
BLH this will be the last time I spend any of my time responding to your bs statements but I have a feeling the word "racist" does not mean what you think it does. Me saying the president is Muslim is not being racist, that's me stating opinion based on his actions. When people do not agree with something you and people of you ilk have said, the first thing you do is scream racist. I'm not playing it and will call you out. I have no prob with Muslims, black people, minorities etc. as you make it out to be as long as they are peace loving individuals and meaning no harm to the people of the U.S. Or abroad. I do however expect everyone that is physically able to be a productive citizen and respect the U.S. And it's laws. If any of that upsets you, well I can't help but go cry foul to someone else.
It's a prejudice Bell. I don't like the guy, but I have no earthly idea if he is Christian, Muslim or a Satanist and I really don't care.
BLH this will be the last time I spend any of my time responding to your bs statements but I have a feeling the word "racist" does not mean what you think it does. Me saying the president is Muslim is not being racist, that's me stating opinion based on his actions. When people do not agree with something you and people of you ilk have said, the first thing you do is scream racist. I'm not playing it and will call you out. I have no prob with Muslims, black people, minorities etc. as you make it out to be as long as they are peace loving individuals and meaning no harm to the people of the U.S. Or abroad. I do however expect everyone that is physically able to be a productive citizen and respect the U.S. And it's laws. If any of that upsets you, well I can't help but go cry foul to someone else.

You're not fooling anyone, you're a known racist around here. At least 4 people in this thread, have called you out. You're full of prejudice. You can't call me out for anything, except for charging up kkk punks like you.
It's a prejudice Bell. I don't like the guy, but I have no earthly idea if he is Christian, Muslim or a Satanist and I really don't care.
Yeah people not caring is part of the problem. We're closer to Iran as an ally that we are to Israel now. Let that sink in. Considering where ISIS and the others jihadi's are coming from that should concern you when a president claims to be one thing but his sympathies lie elsewhere.
...and dumbass belldokkk, called him a Muslim, because he had on African garments...that takes a special kind of stupid.
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Yeah people not caring is part of the problem. We're closer to Iran as an ally that we are to Israel now. Let that sink in. Considering where ISIS and the others jihadi's are coming from that should concern you when a president claims to be one thing but his sympathies lie elsewhere.

People not being prejudice is not a problem. People not making up wild conspiracies is not a problem. You are the problem. It's hard to hide that devil in you.
Yeah people not caring is part of the problem. We're closer to Iran as an ally that we are to Israel now. Let that sink in. Considering where ISIS and the others jihadi's are coming from that should concern you when a president claims to be one thing but his sympathies lie elsewhere.
Nope, the DB is out of office in a few months. I'm more concerned with who will replace him...
Nope, the DB is out of office in a few months. I'm more concerned with who will replace him...
Um that's not what I'm responding to. Your comment was about whether he's a Muslim or not. To take a page out of BLH's book: if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck....
Um that's not what I'm responding to. Your comment was about whether he's a Muslim or not. To take a page out of BLH's book: if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck....
No simpleton, it doesn't concern me and I have several Muslim friends. They aren't walking around with bombs strapped to their chest, nor do they condone it. Like I said, I don't care. He's out of office in a few months and the person replacing him may do more damage to this country than he ever thought about doing. WTF is your angle? And why are you stuck on something you cannot control? You love to derail threads, that's for damn sure.
Um that's not what I'm responding to. Your comment was about whether he's a Muslim or not. To take a page out of BLH's book: if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck....

Umm no, that's not taking a page out of my book. Don't try and pass your stupid off on me. You've been exposed, devil.
No simpleton, it doesn't concern me and I have several Muslim friends. They aren't walking around with bombs strapped to their chest, nor do they condone it. Like I said, I don't care. He's out of office in a few months and the person replacing him may do more damage to this country than he ever thought about doing. WTF is your angle? And why are you stuck on something you cannot control? You love to derail threads, that's for damn sure.
Nobody is referring to peace loving Muslims genius, stop embellishing my comments to make your narrative fit tge argument. My comments are regarding the president being sympathetic to these nations that mean great harm to the U.S. A. And do not hide their hate screaming death to America and death to Israel everyday. That's fact. These nations are harboring terrorists and perpetuating terror through their terror groups they fund. We have shunned Israel. Him leaving by office in a couple of months is beside the fact especially considering Hillary is of the same ilk. So Texexspur you should be concerned . As far as derailing thread, I was attacked and can respond
I wanted to give the Sooner the benefit of the doubt, but it's looking more and more like the ignorant troll is racist, after all. Oh, well. I guess the demagogue and the troll are.

He can be amusing, though, and surely he isn't wrong about everything.

Nobody is referring to peace loving Muslims genius, stop embellishing my comments to make your narrative fit tge argument. My comments are regarding the president being sympathetic to these nations that mean great harm to the U.S. A. And do not hide their hate screaming death to America and death to Israel everyday. That's fact. These nations are harboring terrorists and perpetuating terror through their terror groups they fund. We have shunned Israel. Him leaving by office in a couple of months is beside the fact especially considering Hillary is of the same ilk. So Texexspur you should be concerned . As far as derailing thread, I was attacked and can respond
You assume too much and there are millions of people in our nation that agree with his approach, you and I are both on the other side of the Isle. Simple fact, his religion doesn't matter and he is a peace loving (insert religion of choice) individual but you are attacking the idea that he is Muslim. STFU... Trump wont be better, I fear both candidates impact on our nation, but you obviously have formed a prejudice towards the Muslim religion and those that affiliate with it, No? Tin Foil hat wearing, far right/wingnut?
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I wanted to give the Sooner the benefit of the doubt, but it's looking more and more like the ignorant troll is racist, after all. Oh, well. I guess the demagogue and the troll are.

He can be amusing, though, and surely he isn't wrong about everything.

HornRuleU I noticed you don't offer anything of substance to debunk anything I have stated about where his sympathies lie and where we stand with Israel. All you say is that I'm racist. That's the coverall response when you people have no response or counter argument.
You assume too much and there are millions of people in our nation that agree with his approach, you and I are both on the other side of the Isle. Simple fact, his religion doesn't matter and he is a peace loving (insert religion of choice) individual but you are attacking the idea that he is Muslim. STFU... Trump wont be better, I fear both candidates impact on our nation, but you obviously have formed a prejudice towards the Muslim religion and those that affiliate with it, No? Tin Foil hat wearing, far right/wingnut?
Does he call out and condemn radical Islam? I rest my case. Sheeple

What TexExSpur said, and I'll add these two things, in response to "...the president being sympathetic to these nations that mean great harm to the U.S. A."

1. Your assertion of Pres. Obama's supposed sympathy for our enemies seems hollow. I'm sure those nations that Obama is bombing and sending in the drones and SFs, often secretly (and probably illegally), are not exactly feelin' the love. Catch my drift?

2. And so you want to replace Obama with someone who has bro-love for someone who invades Georgia & Ukraine, and now supports Syria's genocidal Assad al-Bashar? Now THAT'S some sympathy for an enemy of the USA!

And, BTW, Obama does all sorts of things that would be anathema to any Muslim, like let his daughters be raised Christian, eat pork, eat with his left hand, and so on.
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Does he call out and condemn radical Islam? I rest my case. Sheeple
The US is literally running out of bombs to drop on ISIS, you braindead moron. Last year, there were 9,000 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria and 23,000 bombs dropped. You want me to list all of the terrorist leaders he's killed in addition to bin Laden? BTW, he doesn't use the term "Islamic terrorist" because that helps them. That's what they want. It helps them recruit. Dumbasses like you can't understand that.

You believe BS stories about Obama because he's black. He's not Christian. He's not American. He couldn't possibly be a legitimate, twice-elected US President. He must be "other". Because he's black. You're racist filth.
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HornRuleU I noticed you don't offer anything of substance to debunk anything I have stated about where his sympathies lie and where we stand with Israel. All you say is that I'm racist. That's the coverall response when you people have no response or counter argument.
I hadn't read this, until after I posted the last post. FYI.

I'm not saying you're racist -- I mean, I think there's prejudice inside all of us, you and me included -- but I'm saying it's looking more and more that way, that you're especially racist. Others provided the evidence already. All the hate and conspiracy-believing on Obama and Muslims... it doesn't look like you're the most open-minded, fair guy of us all. Or maybe I'm just piling on. You're a troll. What am I supposed to do?

I've also said that you're probably not wrong on everything. I mean, what are the odds of it being 100%... I mean... it could be. But how unlikely would that be? ;) Well, at least there are untrue religions that you're not a part of, right? So, maybe you're just wrong on all political and social / racial things...

What TexExSpur said, and I'll add these two things, in response to "...the president being sympathetic to these nations that mean great harm to the U.S. A."

1. Your assertion of sympathy seems as hollow as your other Muslim-bashing. I'm sure those nations that Obama is bombing and sending in the drones and SFs are not exactly feelin' the love.

2. And so you want to replace Obama with someone who has bro-love for someone who invades Georgia & Ukraine, and now supports Syria's genocidal Assad al-Bashar?

And, BTW, Obama does all sorts of things that would be anathema to any Muslim, like let his daughters be raised Christian, among others.
As to 1: Obama is seen as the laughing stock around the world when dealing with ISIS. They are JV. They're contained. He had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the podium only after he had been shamed into finally having to address radical Islam. It is what it is I'm not making anything up. He has shown a clear disdain for Christian people, their causes.That is not disputed by anyone. How come he's not fighting for the Christians being persecuted across the Middle East? Why aren't they being a main focus of refugees? Any comments on any of that?

As to 2: we know for a fact that Hillary will be an extension of Obama. I have not heard one person in the liberal media deny that one. Trump is very different no doubt. He's for closed borders, legal immigration, pro military. He's not the greatest but between the 2 I'm going with him. Hillary claims to be fighting for women but has accepted millions from the Saudi's who promote violence against women, practice sharia law, hate and want to kill gays.

Who is raising obamas daughters as as Christian? Oh wait you believe that part too?
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Yes, now the attacks on his family. Par for the course from the racist POS.
The US is literally running out of bombs to drop on ISIS, you braindead moron. Last year, there were 9,000 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria and 23,000 bombs dropped. You want me to list all of the terrorist leaders he's killed in addition to bin Laden? BTW, he doesn't use the term "Islamic terrorist" because that helps them. That's what they want. It helps them recruit. Dumbasses like you can't understand that.

You believe BS stories about Obama because he's black. He's not Christian. He's not American. He couldn't possibly be a legitimate, twice-elected US President. He must be "other". Because he's black. You're racist filth.
Scholz him being black is no problem to me his sympathetic tendencies towards the countries that promote radical Islam is what is troubling. Has he addressed the Virginia terror attack yet? I haven't checked. Is that workplace violence done in allah's name again? Negotiating with a country , Iran, over their nuclear program and then to not even have Iran sign the freaking agreement but still release billions of dollars to them all the while them shouting death to America? Why no sanction them into oblivion until they comply? He knows damn good and well they want to wipe Israel off the map. You remember Israel right? They were our greatest ally in the region before Obama.
Not to jump in the middle of the fecal slinging going on here BUT (no pun intended)-- you know how I know that football season ended 8 months ago? Because ya'll are about to e-kill each other.

Just a friendly reminder, football starts on Saturday Cal vs Hawaii in Sydney, Australia--- aaaaaand if you dudes get the hammer from MM, how on God's green earth are you going to get to talk football smack to each other.

I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin.
Israel is still our greatest ally over there and you can't even count the # of terrorists he's killed. You call him Muslim because he's black and you hate him. End of story. He's a Christian man. He was born American. His wife isn't a tranny and his daughters aren't whores either, racist scumbag.
Not to jump in the middle of the fecal slinging going on here BUT (no pun intended)-- you know how I know that football season ended 8 months ago? Because ya'll are about to e-kill each other.

Just a friendly reminder, football starts on Saturday Cal vs Hawaii in Sydney, Australia--- aaaaaand if you dudes get the hammer from MM, how on God's green earth are you going to get to talk football smack to each other.

I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin.
Good point
As to 1: Obama is seen as the laughing stock around the world when dealing with ISIS. They are JV. They're contained. He had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the podium only after he had been shamed into finally having to address radical Islam. It is what it is I'm not making anything up. He has shown a clear disdain for Christian people, their causes, I Sarawak. That is not disputed by anyone. How come he's not fighting for the Christians being persecuted across the Middle East? Why aren't they being a main focus of refugees? Any comments on any of that?

As to 2: we know for a fact that Hillary will be an extension of Obama. I have not heard one person in the liberal media deny that one. Trump is very different no doubt. He's for closed borders, legal immigration, pro military. He's not the greatest but between the 2 I'm going with him. Hillary claims to be fighting for women but has accepted millions from the Saydi's who promote violence against women, practice sharia law, hate and want to kill gays.

Who is raising obamas daughters as as Christian? Oh wait you believe that part too?
You make some unverifiable claims.

Who exactly considers Pres. Obama to be "the laughing stock" [sic] vis-a-vis ISIS? He's seen that way around the world, so you should be able to give us a dozen quotes, at least. How about half a dozen? Really, any military strategy that doesn't go perfectly gets criticized, and maybe even then. But you set a high bar for yourself by calling our president not only a laughingstock, but the laughingstock.

When was Pres. Obama dragged kicking and screaming (figuratively speaking) to the podium to address radical Islam? Are you talking about the right-wing nonsense of "naming our enemy"? If you dimwits would realize, "naming the enemy" here falls directly into the plans of ISIS. That's exactly what they want. Making Islam the enemy, and stirring up xenophobia/racism/hate against Islam and Muslims is exactly what they want. Sorry, but some people are just smarter than you, Belldozer, and/or have better advisers. [You probably know next to zip about Islam. How many Muslim friends have you ever had?]

There are all sorts of varieties of Christians, and to speak of us as all having one set of politics is insincere. There are plenty of Christians who line up with you, I'm sure. Those who do put their politics ahead of their brains, and ahead of their faith. Their love of Trump is the proof of that. How sad...

As the Olympics show, some of us are faster, can jump higher, and are more coordinated. Some Christians are wiser, and smarter, and more thorough. Some of us grasp opposing points of view at the same time. Some of us have empathy for the unborn AND pregnant women. Some have empathy for LGBT people, and others who struggle in various ways. [Don't you struggle with sexual sin, at least on some level? Don't we all?] Some of us have stronger empathy for future generations, and want to follow what God told Adam in Genesis. Others don't, for some reason. And there are lots of those people who don't, just as there are lots of people who can't be Olympians or play college football.

I agree that protection of Christians against ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood and Communists ought to be a bigger concern. Persecution of anyone is a serious issue.

I agree that Saudi Arabia is a very closed society that harms women, despite all the Saudi women who claim otherwise. Homosexuality between men and boys is something that Arab Muslims overlook, or nervously joke about. They also overlook the harms done by slavery and pedophilia. They think it's fine to control others. (Sounds like Trump, maybe?) Like many of us, if something harms others, they just redefine what it means to be doing right and wrong, and justify it via their past. Muhammad did it, so it must be OK.

Saudis are absolutely free to practice Shariah Law, as long as their citizens agree to it, or can gain citizenship elsewhere.

As for accepting money from Saudis, the USA has been in bed with them since FDR, and American influence began well before. So, the Clinton Foundation accepting donations from them is no surprise. That's not her political campaign money, though, nor is it her personal pockets. So don't pretend that it is.

I'm not Pres. Obama's apologist, by any means, nor Hillary's. I'm more against racist, vile, misinformed demagogues and con-men who threaten American democracy.
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You make some unverifiable claims.

Who exactly considers Pres. Obama to be "the laughing stock" [sic] vis-a-vis ISIS? He's seen that way around the world, so you should be able to give us a dozen quotes, at least. How about half a dozen? Really, any military strategy that doesn't go perfectly gets criticized, and maybe even then. But you set a high bar for yourself by calling our president not only a laughingstock, but the laughingstock.

When was Pres. Obama dragged kicking and screaming (figuratively speaking) to the podium to address radical Islam? Are you talking about the right-wing nonsense of "naming our enemy"? If you dimwits would realize, "naming the enemy" here falls directly into the plans of ISIS. That's exactly what they want. Making Islam the enemy, and stirring up xenophobia/racism/hate against Islam and Muslims is exactly what they want. Sorry, but some people are just smarter than you, Belldozer, and/or have better advisers. [You probably know next to zip about Islam. How many Muslim friends have you ever had?]

There are all sorts of varieties of Christians, and to speak of us as all having one set of politics is insincere. There are plenty of Christians who line up with you, I'm sure. Those who do put their politics ahead of their brains, and ahead of their faith. Their love of Trump is the proof of that. How sad...

As the Olympics show, some of us are faster, can jump higher, and are more coordinated. Some Christians are wiser, and smarter, and more thorough. Some of us grasp opposing points of view at the same time. Some of us have empathy for the unborn AND pregnant women. Some have empathy for LGBT people, and others who struggle in various ways. [Don't you struggle with sexual sin, at least on some level? Don't we all?] Some of us have stronger empathy for future generations, and want to follow what God told Adam in Genesis. Others don't, for some reason. And there are lots of those people who don't, just as there are lots of people who can't be Olympians or play college football.

I agree that protection of Christians against ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood and Communists ought to be a bigger concern. Persecution of anyone is a serious issue.

I agree that Saudi Arabia is a very closed society that harms women, despite all the Saudi women who claim otherwise. Homosexuality between men and boys is something that Arab Muslims overlook, or nervously joke about. They also overlook the harms done by slavery and pedophilia. They think it's fine to control others. (Sounds like Trump, maybe?) Like many of us, if something harms others, they just redefine what it means to be doing right and wrong, and justify it via their past. Muhammad did it, so it must be OK.

Saudis are absolutely free to practice Shariah Law, as long as their citizens agree to it, or can gain citizenship elsewhere.

As for accepting money from Saudis, the USA has been in bed with them since FDR, and American influence began well before. So, the Clinton Foundation accepting donations from them is no surprise. That's not her political campaign money, though, nor is it her personal pockets. So don't pretend that it is.

I'm not Pres. Obama's apologist, by any means, nor Hillary's. I'm more against racist, vile, misinformed demagogues and con-men who threaten American democracy.
Good grief these bleeding heart excuses are really something. First you skip over Obama's claim that ISIS is the JV team and that they have been contained. Instead of acknowledging that part you praise him for his psychological mind games that he is using to defeat ISIS by not acknowledging who they are? Are you serious? Why would I hate peace loving muslims. That makes no sense? A simple google search of "Obama laughing stock" will give you all of the reading pleasure you can stomach. I obviously don't have the same beliefs that you liberals have so to continue arguing is really just a waste. Neither side is convincing the other.
BLH this will be the last time I spend any of my time responding to your bs statements but I have a feeling the word "racist" does not mean what you think it does. Me saying the president is Muslim is not being racist, that's me stating opinion based on his actions. When people do not agree with something you and people of you ilk have said, the first thing you do is scream racist. I'm not playing it and will call you out. I have no prob with Muslims, black people, minorities etc. as you make it out to be as long as they are peace loving individuals and meaning no harm to the people of the U.S. Or abroad. I do however expect everyone that is physically able to be a productive citizen and respect the U.S. And it's laws. If any of that upsets you, well I can't help but go cry foul to someone else.

who the **** is BLH? Is that another woman beater playing for zeroU? racist POS
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