As to 1: Obama is seen as the laughing stock around the world when dealing with ISIS. They are JV. They're contained. He had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the podium only after he had been shamed into finally having to address radical Islam. It is what it is I'm not making anything up. He has shown a clear disdain for Christian people, their causes, I Sarawak. That is not disputed by anyone. How come he's not fighting for the Christians being persecuted across the Middle East? Why aren't they being a main focus of refugees? Any comments on any of that?
As to 2: we know for a fact that Hillary will be an extension of Obama. I have not heard one person in the liberal media deny that one. Trump is very different no doubt. He's for closed borders, legal immigration, pro military. He's not the greatest but between the 2 I'm going with him. Hillary claims to be fighting for women but has accepted millions from the Saydi's who promote violence against women, practice sharia law, hate and want to kill gays.
Who is raising obamas daughters as as Christian? Oh wait you believe that part too?
You make some unverifiable claims.
Who exactly considers Pres. Obama to be "the laughing stock" [sic] vis-a-vis ISIS? He's seen that way around the world, so you should be able to give us a dozen quotes, at least. How about half a dozen? Really, any military strategy that doesn't go perfectly gets criticized, and maybe even then. But you set a high bar for yourself by calling our president not only
a laughingstock, but
the laughingstock.
When was Pres. Obama dragged kicking and screaming (figuratively speaking) to the podium to address radical Islam? Are you talking about the right-wing nonsense of "naming our enemy"? If you dimwits would realize, "naming the enemy" here falls directly into the plans of ISIS. That's exactly what they want. Making Islam the enemy, and stirring up xenophobia/racism/hate against Islam and Muslims is exactly what they want. Sorry, but some people are just smarter than you, Belldozer, and/or have better advisers. [You probably know next to zip about Islam. How many Muslim friends have you ever had?]
There are all sorts of varieties of Christians, and to speak of us as all having one set of politics is insincere. There are plenty of Christians who line up with you, I'm sure. Those who do put their politics ahead of their brains, and ahead of their faith. Their love of Trump is the proof of that. How sad...
As the Olympics show, some of us are faster, can jump higher, and are more coordinated. Some Christians are wiser, and smarter, and more thorough. Some of us grasp opposing points of view at the same time. Some of us have empathy for the unborn AND pregnant women. Some have empathy for LGBT people, and others who struggle in various ways. [Don't
you struggle with sexual sin, at least on some level? Don't we all?] Some of us have stronger empathy for future generations, and want to follow what God told Adam in Genesis. Others don't, for some reason. And there are lots of those people who don't, just as there are lots of people who can't be Olympians or play college football.
I agree that protection of Christians against ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood and Communists ought to be a bigger concern. Persecution of anyone is a serious issue.
I agree that Saudi Arabia is a very closed society that harms women, despite all the Saudi women who claim otherwise. Homosexuality between men and boys is something that Arab Muslims overlook, or nervously joke about. They also overlook the harms done by slavery and pedophilia. They think it's fine to control others. (Sounds like Trump, maybe?) Like many of us, if something harms others, they just redefine what it means to be doing right and wrong, and justify it via their past. Muhammad did it, so it must be OK.
Saudis are absolutely free to practice Shariah Law, as long as their citizens agree to it, or can gain citizenship elsewhere.
As for accepting money from Saudis, the USA has been in bed with them since FDR, and American influence began well before. So, the Clinton Foundation accepting donations from them is no surprise. That's not her political campaign money, though, nor is it her personal pockets. So don't pretend that it is.
I'm not Pres. Obama's apologist, by any means, nor Hillary's. I'm more against racist, vile, misinformed demagogues and con-men who threaten American democracy.