"This is Sportscenter" commercial starring Jordan Spieth

I laughed, then I read the article and they said they had 51 takes and Jordan had to eat 51 spoonfulls of "gourmet Mac and cheese".

My first thought was "holy sh!t thats a lot of Mac and cheese". Then I thought "wait, that sh!t would run out and/or get cold after 51 takes".
Then I realized there had to be a chef just standing off camera whipping up Mac and cheese for 2 and a half hours.
That thought was followed by "how do you hire a gourmet chef to stand around for 2 and a half hours and make Mac and cheese? Do you post that ad on Craigslist?"
That thought lead me to thinking if Jordan even likes Mac and cheese and if he didn't, jeez, that made for a loooong day. Then I thought "well what if Jordan DID like Mac and cheese but this chef made really crappie Mac and cheese and that also made for a loooooong day for Jordan as well".

Then I finished taking my sh!t and went to work.