Okay, well that hypothesis doesn’t seem to hold water either. Mack did not have a top 10 ranked season, and win 10 games, and win a big four level bowl game (Sugar) in his first three years.
Further Mack had a 49 point loss to OU and a 41 point loss to KSU in that time frame.
All that while Herman came into a worse program than Mack.
Macks win/loss is better in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd season. If that’s what we’re talking about. I mean Strongs record was garbage they were losing seasons. My point is if you as a fan are comparing the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Macks from a W/L looks great. I don’t know what LMM is comparing it too I was just assuming from past coaches.
Mack Brown 1-3 season were.
6-4 so far.
if you’re just looking at W/L and comparing that was my point. I’m on TH’s side here and yes there’s other variables involved.
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