I am thankful Americans are so passionate about wanting the very best for America and her people. I am thankful we have two parties that check and balance each other. I am grateful for all of you and the spirited conversations we have had here. I hope each and every one of you are having a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving and I believe God will restore us to a state of normalcy sooner than later.
If I have ever offended anyone here please know it is not personal and I am sorry for it. Most of us have more in common than we realize if we stop and think about it. I have really become more and more aware of this lately.
I am also reminded that ALL authority comes from God (Romans 13). I am the first to admit I fail to remember this at times based on my behavior. Keep in mind the Lord doesn't teach us that all authority will be godly, meaning even the evil rulers are from Him and fulfill His purposes, whether we understand it or not. We just need to pray for all of our leaders and recognize they are working for the Lord - both the left and the right.
Finally, no matter who is the President God is still King and on His throne.
God bless you and America 🇺🇸
If I have ever offended anyone here please know it is not personal and I am sorry for it. Most of us have more in common than we realize if we stop and think about it. I have really become more and more aware of this lately.
I am also reminded that ALL authority comes from God (Romans 13). I am the first to admit I fail to remember this at times based on my behavior. Keep in mind the Lord doesn't teach us that all authority will be godly, meaning even the evil rulers are from Him and fulfill His purposes, whether we understand it or not. We just need to pray for all of our leaders and recognize they are working for the Lord - both the left and the right.
Finally, no matter who is the President God is still King and on His throne.
God bless you and America 🇺🇸