There is nothing wrong with men possessing riches. The wrong comes when riches possess men. - Billy Graham
If you are an investor or have a retirement account you may have been feeling anxious during these last few weeks. I’m retired and I depend on my portfolio to live the lifestyle I want to live. I try not to look at my portfolio on a day to day basis; this helps me keep my anxiety in check. I’ve been in the stock market since I had my first job that had a 401K plan. What I have experienced is to not let emotion rule your decisions, but to have a disciplined plan and professional to manage that plan so that you can sleep better at night.
Like the Apostle Paul has said, I have lived with little and with plenty. When I was in my college days, I shared a one bedroom roach infested apartment with my older brother and at one point we were passing a hat around our apartment complex since our parents were on hard times and couldn’t send us a little help to buy some groceries.
The above experience was a blessing in disguise. I told an expanded version of this story during my first sales position interview about how this experience motivated me to get my degree, get a good job to make money so I could marry my longtime girlfriend, buy a house, and have kids. My interviewer became my next boss and my sales career was launched.
I don’t tell you this as a humble brag, but rather to illustrate that we shouldn’t put our hope in earthly riches, those can come and go in a heartbeat. Our hope is in our Creator to provide what we need and if we are generous/good stewards with what we are given, He will bless us with all we need.
May you be blessed my friends.
Matthew 6:19-21 & Philippians 4:6
If you are an investor or have a retirement account you may have been feeling anxious during these last few weeks. I’m retired and I depend on my portfolio to live the lifestyle I want to live. I try not to look at my portfolio on a day to day basis; this helps me keep my anxiety in check. I’ve been in the stock market since I had my first job that had a 401K plan. What I have experienced is to not let emotion rule your decisions, but to have a disciplined plan and professional to manage that plan so that you can sleep better at night.
Like the Apostle Paul has said, I have lived with little and with plenty. When I was in my college days, I shared a one bedroom roach infested apartment with my older brother and at one point we were passing a hat around our apartment complex since our parents were on hard times and couldn’t send us a little help to buy some groceries.
The above experience was a blessing in disguise. I told an expanded version of this story during my first sales position interview about how this experience motivated me to get my degree, get a good job to make money so I could marry my longtime girlfriend, buy a house, and have kids. My interviewer became my next boss and my sales career was launched.
I don’t tell you this as a humble brag, but rather to illustrate that we shouldn’t put our hope in earthly riches, those can come and go in a heartbeat. Our hope is in our Creator to provide what we need and if we are generous/good stewards with what we are given, He will bless us with all we need.
May you be blessed my friends.
Matthew 6:19-21 & Philippians 4:6