Follow Through
That’s the motion used to throw a ball further than a few feet; it’s stepping into the throw and extending the arm as far as possible before the release.
It’s also what we do when we tell someone that we’ll bring a casserole to the pot luck dinner; that we’ll pick up the kids after school or ball practice; that we’ll pick up supper or bring home that one ingredient that completes the birthday cake and makes it special.
When we follow through, it means we can be counted on. It means that we will keep our promises, that we won’t disappoint our family and friends, or ourselves. It means that we do what we say we’ll do.
There’s hardly a week that passes that we don’t see a request for “Thoughts and Prayers” on OB. That’s probably the most important “Follow Through” we can do. It only takes a minute and can be done anywhere at any time of the day.
Whatever you do, don’t forget to follow through.
Blessings and love,
Mrs. T-Sipper 1972
That’s the motion used to throw a ball further than a few feet; it’s stepping into the throw and extending the arm as far as possible before the release.
It’s also what we do when we tell someone that we’ll bring a casserole to the pot luck dinner; that we’ll pick up the kids after school or ball practice; that we’ll pick up supper or bring home that one ingredient that completes the birthday cake and makes it special.
When we follow through, it means we can be counted on. It means that we will keep our promises, that we won’t disappoint our family and friends, or ourselves. It means that we do what we say we’ll do.
There’s hardly a week that passes that we don’t see a request for “Thoughts and Prayers” on OB. That’s probably the most important “Follow Through” we can do. It only takes a minute and can be done anywhere at any time of the day.
Whatever you do, don’t forget to follow through.
Blessings and love,
Mrs. T-Sipper 1972