Making Changes
“Don’t let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy.”
I recently saw this on OB’s aggy thread in a discussion of the officials in the ASU game.
What if that were changed to read:
“Don’t let excuses get in the way of becoming a better person.”
How many times do we say we want to loose weight, but when we look in the pantry and only see a very small number of healthy foods, we use that as an excuse to wait till tomorrow?
How many times have we said that we want to start going to the gym to get stronger, but use the cost of membership as an excuse to wait until prices are reduced?
How many times have we said that we want to spend more time with the family, but when 5:00 rolls around we stay at the office to finish whatever we’re working on, and before we know it, it’s past time for supper and the kids are in bed?
There’s always an excuse to not do something. Instead let’s prioritize finding reasons to do things that will make us a better person. Let’s make today the day that we begin the journey towards becoming the person we want to be.
Blessings and love,
Mrs. T-Sipper 1972
“Don’t let facts get in the way of a good conspiracy.”
I recently saw this on OB’s aggy thread in a discussion of the officials in the ASU game.
What if that were changed to read:
“Don’t let excuses get in the way of becoming a better person.”
How many times do we say we want to loose weight, but when we look in the pantry and only see a very small number of healthy foods, we use that as an excuse to wait till tomorrow?
How many times have we said that we want to start going to the gym to get stronger, but use the cost of membership as an excuse to wait until prices are reduced?
How many times have we said that we want to spend more time with the family, but when 5:00 rolls around we stay at the office to finish whatever we’re working on, and before we know it, it’s past time for supper and the kids are in bed?
There’s always an excuse to not do something. Instead let’s prioritize finding reasons to do things that will make us a better person. Let’s make today the day that we begin the journey towards becoming the person we want to be.
Blessings and love,
Mrs. T-Sipper 1972