Tom Herman

And I agree the likelihood of that is very low. And I also agree that "non POC" need to sit in the shade right now. This is a Black community thing that's going on right now. We white people just need to sit back and let their voices be heard. Nothing says "unintentional racism" like white people running to the front of the line to champion black causes. It's akin to saying "welp, you black folks is too stupid or disorganized or uneducated to stand up for yourself, so you need Whitey McCrackerson to do it for you. So here we come to your rescue helpless black folks!". <----- That right there is a form of racism. Either AA's are capable of fighting their own battles and staking their own claims to what they believe, or they aren't. And every white person rushing to the front to steal away a camera or news article is simply using another form of racism to take that moment away from a POC. It's the WORST kind of racism.

The "pity" form.

Clob94 if you get a chance go to the Baltimore Ravens twitter account. There's a 10 minute message from people in the organisation one of them being Justin Tucker. Anyway they said exactly what I'm thinking. You played for the longhorns when the OJ trial was going down surely you had some engaging conversations with your black teammates on this matter. You're a smart man check this out.
Clob94 if you get a chance go to the Baltimore Ravens twitter account. There's a 10 minute message from people in the organisation one of them being Justin Tucker. Anyway they said exactly what I'm thinking. You played for the longhorns when the OJ trial was going down surely you had some engaging conversations with your black teammates on this matter. You're a smart man check this out.
hmmm no, nobody thought OJ was innocent, not even black folks, nice try though. There were no differing opinions
It's all about communism. They want your stuff. Communists will always bully what they can take. You have to stand up to them at the beginning. This is war. The shooting starts soon. We'll see if the snowflakes are real when the whizzing rips past them.
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Unless you we're on that Texas team with Clob94 then you really don't know what was going on in that locker room.
Didn't have to be on that team, EVERYONE knew he was guilty, there were no differing options except for yours, apparently. Why am I not surprised? I hate to break it to you, OJ did it, accept it.
Didn't have to be on that team, EVERYONE knew he was guilty, there were no differing options except for yours, apparently. Why am I not surprised? I hate to break it to you, OJ did it, accept it.

sigh roll my eyes no I thought OJ Simpson was guilty. But America was divided by deep racial divided that transcended the trial itself.
Clob94 if you get a chance go to the Baltimore Ravens twitter account. There's a 10 minute message from people in the organisation one of them being Justin Tucker. Anyway they said exactly what I'm thinking. You played for the longhorns when the OJ trial was going down surely you had some engaging conversations with your black teammates on this matter. You're a smart man check this out.
Here's how the group's broke down. The dudes that knew he did it.
The dudes that knew he did it but wanted to be antagonists and "feign" that he didn't do it just to rile other dudes up--- they'd admit to it later.
And the dudes that said he didn't do it (about a handful)--- and their reason why he didn't do it??

"Because he didn't HAVE to. He was RICH."
Now everybody marinate on that for a minute.
Here's how the group's broke down. The dudes that knew he did it.
The dudes that knew he did it but wanted to be antagonists and "feign" that he didn't do it just to rile other dudes up--- they'd admit to it later.
And the dudes that said he didn't do it (about a handful)--- and their reason why he didn't do it??

"Because he didn't HAVE to. He was RICH."
Now everybody marinate on that for a minute.

That's what I thought. I think that's because it came on the heels of the Rodney King trial. By any chance did you check out the Ravens twitter I was talking about?
That's what I thought. I think that's because it came on the heels of the Rodney King trial. By any chance did you check out the Ravens twitter I was talking about?

This is where you and I differ a bit Cali.

Just because you have a platform or a loud microphone, that doesn't mean you can "make people understand". When you "make" someone do something, that's using your power or your authority to FORCE an agenda onto someone. That's no different than bullying.

Ex: "I am bigger and stronger than you so I'm going to MAKE you give me your lunch money."
"I am a man that dresses as a woman and I want to be able to urinate in the women's bathroom at your business so I am going to MAKE you or FORCE you to allow me to do so."
These aren't the best tactics. You can't force people to understand things.

As far as the Billionaire owner is concerned, he MAKES hundreds of millions of dollars off the backs of Black labor. Kinda like back in the 19th century. How he Makes sure his best players are fabulously wealthy for their efforts, but what Billionaire isn't going to side with his cash crop labor pool? This is the perfect example of rich Whitey McCrackerson, that we talked about earlier, feeling like his black labor can't get the job done on their own, so the master of the house gets on social media to protect his investment and keep the labor happy.

You have a good habit of seeing the silver lining in people. That's an admirable trait. But becoming a Billionaire doesn't happen because you never stepped on others or didn't take advantage of your labor pool. Let Black people handle this. It's "their" (because this is the language being used by AAs, not by myself) fight.

This is where you and I differ a bit Cali.

Just because you have a platform or a loud microphone, that doesn't mean you can "make people understand". When you "make" someone do something, that's using your power or your authority to FORCE an agenda onto someone. That's no different than bullying.

Ex: "I am bigger and stronger than you so I'm going to MAKE you give me your lunch money."
"I am a man that dresses as a woman and I want to be able to urinate in the women's bathroom at your business so I am going to MAKE you or FORCE you to allow me to do so."
These aren't the best tactics. You can't force people to understand things.

As far as the Billionaire owner is concerned, he MAKES hundreds of millions of dollars off the backs of Black labor. Kinda like back in the 19th century. How he Makes sure his best players are fabulously wealthy for their efforts, but what Billionaire isn't going to side with his cash crop labor pool? This is the perfect example of rich Whitey McCrackerson, that we talked about earlier, feeling like his black labor can't get the job done on their own, so the master of the house gets on social media to protect his investment and keep the labor happy.

You have a good habit of seeing the silver lining in people. That's an admirable trait. But becoming a Billionaire doesn't happen because you never stepped on others or didn't take advantage of your labor pool. Let Black people handle this. It's "their" (because this is the language being used by AAs, not by myself) fight.

Well I think Steve Biscotti (sic?) is speaking on behalf of himself, his team, and his city. I see it as he is letting his players know that they are not property to him that he sees them as human beings and how many people who own professional sports franchisees can say that? I don't think he's trying to force an agenda.

What i take from his thoughts is that as white people we have to be more vocal in speaking out against police brutality and I agree 100. If white people become more vocal against not just police brutality, but a judicial system that is stacked against people of color we can go a long way to make a permanent change.
Why should any white person be pressured or bullied to accept the sins of others? Aren't we individuals responsible for ourselves? Yes, racism exists but why is every white person in America having to re-assess their minds because of what this cop did to George Floyd? I don't know of one single sane person who doesn't believe that George Floyd was murdered by this white cop. That white cop is responsible and will be held to account for his actions. That should be the end of the discussion. I always look for the good in people because I firmly believe that our country is good, decent and honorable for all Americans. Despite our decency, we also have good and evil that exist among us and that is called human nature. Our decency as a nation far outweighs our evil. That's partly why so many people from around the world want to desperately come here.
Well I think Steve Biscotti (sic?) is speaking on behalf of himself, his team, and his city. I see it as he is letting his players know that they are not property to him that he sees them as human beings and how many people who own professional sports franchisees can say that? I don't think he's trying to force an agenda.

What i take from his thoughts is that as white people we have to be more vocal in speaking out against police brutality and I agree 100. If white people become more vocal against not just police brutality, but a judicial system that is stacked against people of color we can go a long way to make a permanent change.

Please provides facts on your premise that the judicial system is stacked against people of color versus stacked against economically disadvantaged people of all colors. Especially in California where the entire judicial system is run by progressive democrats.
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“Other research suggests that this disparity is often due to the fact that black defendants cannot afford to pay bail.”

None of the points made controlled for wealth. My point is that our system is biased against less wealthy people versus particular races. If we could modify the system is remove the wealth bias I believe that most of the perceived race bias would disappear. I am sure that there are plenty of anecdotal cases of racially biased police/prosecutors which we need to address.
“Other research suggests that this disparity is often due to the fact that black defendants cannot afford to pay bail.”

None of the points made controlled for wealth. My point is that our system is biased against less wealthy people versus particular races. If we could modify the system is remove the wealth bias I believe that most of the perceived race bias would disappear. I am sure that there are plenty of anecdotal cases of racially biased police/prosecutors which we need to address.
Oh there are two classes in this country FOR SURE. The rich and politically connected and the rest of us. That's why no corrupt high level politician ever goes to jail, and why pedophile end up "hanging" themselves while in federal holding facilities.
“Other research suggests that this disparity is often due to the fact that black defendants cannot afford to pay bail.”

None of the points made controlled for wealth. My point is that our system is biased against less wealthy people versus particular races. If we could modify the system is remove the wealth bias I believe that most of the perceived race bias would disappear. I am sure that there are plenty of anecdotal cases of racially biased police/prosecutors which we need to address.

The first part of your reply I'd like to address is like me you sound like an older Texan. Do you remember the trial of T Cullen Davis? It was back in the 70"s and before the OJ trial there was the trial of T Cullen Davis. Like OJ he was guilty as sin but like OJ he had lots of money. At time of his trial he was the richest man tried for murder. But in the end he bought himself out of a guilty verdict. Just like OJ. Anybody who reads this reply needs to read about the trial of T Cullen Davis the similarities between the 2 trials is shocking.

As for the second part the decked being stacked against poor people of color. This issue has its roots in the get tough on crime that started in the Reagan era. It got worse under Bush 1 and its worst under Clinton. Yes I'm a liberal D but I'm too smart to see the world thru rose tinted glasses. That being said Clinton took the 3 strikes and you're out to unnecessary extremes that I still haven't forgotten him for. It has destroyed to many lives.

Now there is a lot more to this issue but it would take to long so I'll just start at the root of this. And we're not arguing were discussing.
The first part of your reply I'd like to address is like me you sound like an older Texan. Do you remember the trial of T Cullen Davis? It was back in the 70"s and before the OJ trial there was the trial of T Cullen Davis. Like OJ he was guilty as sin but like OJ he had lots of money. At time of his trial he was the richest man tried for murder. But in the end he bought himself out of a guilty verdict. Just like OJ. Anybody who reads this reply needs to read about the trial of T Cullen Davis the similarities between the 2 trials is shocking.

As for the second part the decked being stacked against poor people of color. This issue has its roots in the get tough on crime that started in the Reagan era. It got worse under Bush 1 and its worst under Clinton. Yes I'm a liberal D but I'm too smart to see the world thru rose tinted glasses. That being said Clinton took the 3 strikes and you're out to unnecessary extremes that I still haven't forgotten him for. It has destroyed to many lives.

Now there is a lot more to this issue but it would take to long so I'll just start at the root of this. And we're not arguing were discussing.
It all starts with accountability, not laziness as a whole.
You boys predicting Herman’s demise at Texas better hope it doesn’t happen because if it does the BMD may be in the market for an elder statesman, instead of the young somewhat unproven coaches, one who’s been there and done that to lead Texas. It won’t be Mack Brown, NC won’t allow it, won’t be Urban, too much pressure, I’m predicting Les Miles. @StrangerHorn will be ecstatic
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They are not messing with BLM stuff, they are messing with Very Major stuff, they messing with a song that Reps our school since way back, you think we gonna be another Ole Miss then ya wrong, ever since 3 or 4 weeks ago, everyone was quiet and then this BLM started and now everyone's pisses, we never said nothing wrong about them ever here, BLM just shit in the wrong yard this time cali!

To hell with BLM because BL do matter and BLM is not working for anyone that is Black.. They are a Marxist based group that champions the LGBTQ agenda and they want God removed from society..

It is time, and this may sound crazy but we have kids getting coaches fired/ reprimanded for wearing a t-shirt they don't like, for a counter revolution..

Google yesterday I believe silenced aspects of the Federalist and one other conservative site and this has really gone to far.. The guys that left are in many ways justified..

Ketch is a decent guy and just made a simple mistake.. We all have. That may seem to have been the proverbial straw but it centered more on the things that I am referencing here.. I reached out to two guys and was considering leaving too.. Not because of Ketch though. Those guys added a lot to this site and they bleed orange.. I should add Ketch does too..

The way this whole thing has been framed dishonestly and the critical societal drivers behind this get no coverage at all.. and kids like Chubba are clueless about the essential broader realities at work and if all that happened because a woke kid didn't like a t-shirt it should damn sure get everyone's attention on here..

John Cleese “If People cannot control their own emotions, then they have to start trying to control other people’s behavior. When you are around super sensitive people who cannot relax and be spontaneous because you have no idea what is going to upset them next. That is why I’ve been warned recently not to go to University campuses. Because political correctness has gone from becoming a good idea… to the point where any criticism of any individual or group can be labeled cruel. How do you make God laugh? Tell him your plans.”

Stephen Fry.. It is now common to hear people say I’m rather offended by that, as if it gives them certain rights. It’s no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. I’m offended by that well so what..

Circle of diversity = we demand to be included in your space to make it more diverse>>>>> we demand you change this space to our liking and ban stuff that offends>>>>>we demand you be kicked out of this space we created since you offended us>>>>>LOL if you hate us why not make your own space…..

With all due respect the woke generation is detached from reality... If Chubba takes offense at an OAN t-shirt get the whinny bastard an emotional support animal and tell him to shut the hell up... Or go play somewhere else..

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To hell with BLM because BL do matter and BLM is not working for anyone that is Black.. They are a Marxist based group that champions the LGBTQ agenda and they want God removed from society..

It is time, and this may sound crazy but we have kids getting coaches fired/ reprimanded for wearing a t-shirt they don't like, for a counter revolution..

Google yesterday I believe silenced aspects of the Federalist and one other conservative site and this has really gone to far.. The guys that left are in many ways justified..

Ketch is a decent guy and just made a simple mistake.. We all have. That may seem to have been the proverbial straw but it centered more on the things that I am referencing here.. I reached out to two guys and was considering leaving too.. Not because of Ketch though. Those guys added a lot to this site and they bleed orange.. I should add Ketch does too..

The way this whole thing has been framed dishonestly and the critical societal drivers behind this get no coverage at all.. and kids like Chubba are clueless about the essential broader realities at work and if all that happened because a woke kid didn't like a t-shirt it should damn sure get everyone's attention on here..

John Cleese “If People cannot control their own emotions, then they have to start trying to control other people’s behavior. When you are around super sensitive people who cannot relax and be spontaneous because you have no idea what is going to upset them next. That is why I’ve been warned recently not to go to University campuses. Because political correctness has gone from becoming a good idea… to the point where any criticism of any individual or group can be labeled cruel. How do you make God laugh? Tell him your plans.”

Stephen Fry.. It is now common to hear people say I’m rather offended by that, as if it gives them certain rights. It’s no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. I’m offended by that well so what..

Circle of diversity = we demand to be included in your space to make it more diverse>>>>> we demand you change this space to our liking and ban stuff that offends>>>>>we demand you be kicked out of this space we created since you offended us>>>>>LOL if you hate us why not make your own space…..

With all due respect the woke generation is detached from reality... If Chubba takes offense at an OAN t-shirt get the whinny bastard an emotional support animal and tell him to shut the hell up... Or go play somewhere else..


This country is going through a divorce. The small towns in conservative states are about to have a massive revival. Some already are, see NB. Conservatives are going to flee the cities and city suburbs to escape the insanity. The cities are going to face massive tax revenue declines over the next decade. Working remotely over the internet makes this possible.

The Bostock ruling is going to make the separation happen faster. Christians are going to pull out of the public square because of persecution via the courts. It's already happening. The people who need the help that Churches offer are going to be the ones suffering because of their democrat overlords.

Any attempt to attack suburbs is going to be the straw that broke the camels back. Like cornering a honey badger, conservatives have the guns and at some point, the value of staying calm and allowing the government to do its job will pass. There will be fighting and not with fists.

The future for those unwilling or unable to move out of the cities will be one of a third world nature once the depression kicks into full swing. It's past time to learn to garden, hunt, and work outdoors for one's family's needs. These skills will be needed to offset the deflationary and inflationary swings over the next 10 to 15 years.

Picked this morning:


My boys and I pull 1-2 cats a week from the lake. We also pull 15-20 nice perch. We pack them in the freezer for later.

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This country is going through a divorce. The small towns in conservative states are about to have a massive revival. Some already are, see NB. Conservatives are going to flee the cities and city suburbs to escape the insanity. The cities are going to face massive tax revenue declines over the next decade. Working remotely over the internet makes this possible.

The Bostock ruling is going to make the separation happen faster. Christians are going to pull out of public because of persecution via the courts. It's already happening. The people who need the help that Churches offer are going to be the ones suffering because of their democrat overlords.

Any attempt to attack suburbs is going to be the straw that broke the camels back. Like cornering a honey badger, conservatives have the guns and at some point, the value of staying calm and allowing the government to do its job will pass. There will be fighting and not with fists.

The future for those unwilling or unable to move out of the cities will be one of a third world nature once the depression kicks into full swing. It's past time to learn to garden, hunt, and work outdoors for one's family's needs. These skills will be needed to offset the deflationary and inflationary swings over the next 10 to 15 years.

Picked this morning:


My boys and I pull 1-2 cats a week from the lake. We also pull 15-20 nice perch. We pack them in the freezer for later.

It's a sad depiction but one that could quite possibly come to pass.. And I'll swing by at lunch and we can discuss this further..!!
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The first part of your reply I'd like to address is like me you sound like an older Texan. Do you remember the trial of T Cullen Davis? It was back in the 70"s and before the OJ trial there was the trial of T Cullen Davis. Like OJ he was guilty as sin but like OJ he had lots of money. At time of his trial he was the richest man tried for murder. But in the end he bought himself out of a guilty verdict. Just like OJ. Anybody who reads this reply needs to read about the trial of T Cullen Davis the similarities between the 2 trials is shocking.

As for the second part the decked being stacked against poor people of color. This issue has its roots in the get tough on crime that started in the Reagan era. It got worse under Bush 1 and its worst under Clinton. Yes I'm a liberal D but I'm too smart to see the world thru rose tinted glasses. That being said Clinton took the 3 strikes and you're out to unnecessary extremes that I still haven't forgotten him for. It has destroyed to many lives.

Now there is a lot more to this issue but it would take to long so I'll just start at the root of this. And we're not arguing were discussing.
I remember the Davis trail very well.. And your right if you are not willing to talk about everything influencing what has happened and is happening you are in truth not even having a discussion.. Certainly not one that matters.. It is both sad and astounding that we are in the position that we are in and we certainly can not move in a truly meaningful direction hiding from the truth..!!
I remember the Davis trail very well.. And your right if you are not willing to talk about everything influencing what has happened and is happening you are in truth not even having a discussion.. Certainly not one that matters.. It is both sad and astounding that we are in the position that we are in and we certainly can not move in a truly meaningful direction hiding from the truth..!!

We have people who are ignorant of the truth. Hiding the past will not make it go away. It will only doom us to repeat it. Unfortunately, the end of a MASSIVE credit bubble is nigh upon us and we are repeating history. Most civil wars are not geographic locations pitted against one another. They occur in small groups with groups linking together to form a front. I think the front lines will be the nice neighborhoods within cities, at first. Once they are breached and burned, the cities become the target from the outside. They can be encircled and cutoff. It will be hell in these places. The time to prepare is now. Hopefully we can avert this outcome, but I see the bolsheviks forcing the issue. Most of them once trapped inside cities can be starved without having to fight. Sad indeed.
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We have people who are ignorant of the truth. Hiding the past will not make it go away. It will only doom us to repeat it. Unfortunately, the end of a credit bubble is nigh upon us and we are repeating history. Most civil wars are not geographic locations pitted against one another. They occur in small groups with groups linking together to form a front. I think the front lines will be the nice neighborhoods within cities, at first. Once they are breached and burned, the cities become the target from the outside. They can be encircled and cutoff. It will be hell in these places. The time to prepare is now. Hopefully, we can avert this outcome but I see the bolsheviks forcing the issue. Most of them once trapped inside cities can be starved without having to fight. Sad indeed.

I just listened to RJ Young say in his second show addressing the Oklahoma State issue that the only thing that mattered was Chubba Hubbard's perception.. Not whether Hubbard's perception was accurate.. This is the disturbing aspect of this to me.. The truth doesn't matter and if it doesn't then there is no viable pathway to a solution..

The truth matters and most people understand what the truth is in all this and they are tired of having a discussion framed in relation to a perceptual orientation of woke kids that are detached from reality and absolutely oblivious to a significant majority of the real truth impacting this/ these issues..

I was shocked to hear RJ take that position as I thought he had a PhD.. I know he has a masters and for him to take the easy way out was pretty sad.. Macron, who I have not been a fan of, at least had the guts to take the right position on what statues actually reflect in relation to French History.

He said in essence that the entire history of France must be observed and understood and that in truth those moments in history that show that one group perhaps truly was on the wrong side then demonstrate in truth the frailty of the human condition and show how every man alive at some point has been on the wrong side of an issue.. And unless we acknowledge how easy it is to fall prey to the lesser part of ourselves we deceive ourselves and easily become aligned to a false posture of moral superiority.

It is these false postures that we see driving most of this and the career race baiters like Sharpton are more than willing to throw gas on the fire to profit from it.. The ones truly suffering are the ones being indoctrinated into this false crusade and if things do not change people are going to get hurt..

If you saw the shoot out in Cali caught on the Ring home security system.. Those gang kids had a willingness to engage in a gun battle but they had no clue what so ever how to work together tactically and they are going to encounter people that do..

There is also footage of martial arts/ hand to hand instructors working with antifa groups and what was being taught was laughable.. The kids being taught 1. were not tough kids. 2. what was being taught was complete bullshit and absolutely useless in a street fight. 3. they believed what they were being shown.. i.e. the reality of the stupidity of what was being taught would only be exposed as insane when they were getting the living hell kicked out of them in a street fight by someone who has had a lot of them..

The truth matters and this doesn't have to happen.. and I say this not to be childish.. But they need to go back and look at footage of the gun rights demonstration that took place in Virginia of the 500+ armed citizens that protested in favor of gun rights... because those guys are the weak link on the other side.. By that I mean there are groups a hell of a lot meaner.. better coordinated.. linked with other groups like them.. far better trained and equipped and that will take the false training given to woke suburban middle class kids and dismantle them..

What has not been said.. Is that in the minds of those groups it has already gone to far and it is clear to them right or wrong that war is the only option now and Ideologically they are a hell of a lot more committed to what is coming than are a bunch of woke kids pretending to be moral crusaders.. This has gotten more serious than anyone, save a few, are willing to openly admit..
Bell, I know this is hard to believe, but there are people out there that are against interracial marriage/relationship. Lots of them. And there are people out there that don't want to see a black man in a position of leadership.

Those people exist. And some of them probably watch and cheer on Texas football players. That is who TH was talking to.
White women love Black men and that’s not gonna change.
It's all about communism. They want your stuff. Communists will always bully what they can take. You have to stand up to them at the beginning. This is war. The shooting starts soon. We'll see if the snowflakes are real when the whizzing rips past them.
The sky is falling! The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Talk about a snowflake.
What has not been said.. Is that in the minds of those groups it has already gone to far and it is clear to them right or wrong that war is the only option now and Ideologically they are a hell of a lot more committed to what is coming than are a bunch of woke kids pretending to be moral crusaders.. This has gotten more serious than anyone, save a few, are willing to openly admit..

Once the police have been disbanded or have quit, it's game on. These woke youth believe that disbanding the police as the authority will give them free rein to do as they please. What they don't understand is what is waiting for them on the other side.
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Once the police have been disbanded or have quit, it's game on. These woke youth believe that disbanding the police as the authority will give them free rein to do as they please. What they don't understand is what is waiting for them on the other side.

Thats why I am training Bubba, to tear you a new asshole... starts the aggressive training next week and maybe start the tree climbing phase a little bit, he's still young, My Navy Chief VFW friend who trained for the Navy doing a great job saved me big money LOL Old Strangers Sgt of the Barracks, falls asleep by the empty Shiner cans...LOL...he might be good if Bubba fails in a pinch hit situation if I can wake him up...
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Thats why I am training Bubba, to tear you a new asshole... starts the aggressive training next week and maybe start the tree climbing phase a little bit, he's still young, My Navy Chief VFW friend who trained for the Navy doing a great job saved me big money LOL Old Strangers Sgt of the Barracks, falls asleep by the empty Shiner cans...LOL...he might be good if Bubba fails in a pinch hit situation if I can wake him up...

I have always needed a new one of those. ;)
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