And I agree the likelihood of that is very low. And I also agree that "non POC" need to sit in the shade right now. This is a Black community thing that's going on right now. We white people just need to sit back and let their voices be heard. Nothing says "unintentional racism" like white people running to the front of the line to champion black causes. It's akin to saying "welp, you black folks is too stupid or disorganized or uneducated to stand up for yourself, so you need Whitey McCrackerson to do it for you. So here we come to your rescue helpless black folks!". <----- That right there is a form of racism. Either AA's are capable of fighting their own battles and staking their own claims to what they believe, or they aren't. And every white person rushing to the front to steal away a camera or news article is simply using another form of racism to take that moment away from a POC. It's the WORST kind of racism.
The "pity" form.
Clob94 if you get a chance go to the Baltimore Ravens twitter account. There's a 10 minute message from people in the organisation one of them being Justin Tucker. Anyway they said exactly what I'm thinking. You played for the longhorns when the OJ trial was going down surely you had some engaging conversations with your black teammates on this matter. You're a smart man check this out.