$175 million in funding suspended because Penn enabled and abetted Tranny Lia Thomas to "place women in physical danger, facilitate sexual harassment of female student athletes"
Former teammates of the freak are happy and applauding the move. They were never heard or listened to.
Join Columbia in the FAFO funding category.
And CNN highlights poor Sadie Schreiner says because of the ban on men in women's sports, she feels defeated and may not make the Olympics. She identifies herself as a "2 time All American".
Thats heartbreaking.
Former teammates of the freak are happy and applauding the move. They were never heard or listened to.
Join Columbia in the FAFO funding category.
And CNN highlights poor Sadie Schreiner says because of the ban on men in women's sports, she feels defeated and may not make the Olympics. She identifies herself as a "2 time All American".
Thats heartbreaking.