Trump Found Guilty on ALL Counts


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2014
In a Manhattan court. Where 85% of residents vote blue. For paying off a pornstar.
Kangaroo court.
Banana Republic.
Political prosecution.
Rigged system.
Our founding fathers would already be stacking bodies.
They're trying to start a civil war.
They're probably going to get it.
Things haven't hit enough ordinary citizens on a personal level yet. Nothing will happen until Jo the plumber's house gets foreclosed or his kids well being are directly threatened. Trump losing a BS political trial doesn't move the needle for average people to revolt. I support Trump because I agree with his policies but he is as crooked as a barrel of snakes. Why would I stick up for him? Let a different candidate step in with the same policies and then we can move forward.
In a Manhattan court. Where 85% of residents vote blue. For paying off a pornstar.
Kangaroo court.
Banana Republic.
Political prosecution.
Rigged system.
Our founding fathers would already be stacking bodies.
They're trying to start a civil war.
They're probably going to get it.
If all he did was pay her off, he wouldnt have been charged with anything. but not only did he pay her off, he lied about it, and still to this day insists he never had sexual relations with her.
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Things haven't hit enough ordinary citizens on a personal level yet. Nothing will happen until Jo the plumber's house gets foreclosed or his kids well being are directly threatened. Trump losing a BS political trial doesn't move the needle for average people to revolt. I support Trump because I agree with his policies but he is as crooked as a barrel of snakes. Why would I stick up for him? Let a different candidate step in with the same policies and then we can move forward.
I wish more of the Rs felt this way. find someone worth electing and you can win me over again. until then i'm staying independent
They are all pawns of AIPAC. Find one that separates our policies from AIPAC/central banking and you will have a winner.
I wish more of the Rs felt this way. find someone worth electing and you can win me over again. until then i'm staying independent
You can't. Establishment R's or D's are still "establishment". This, what's being done to him, is about sending a message: "Don't try and pee in our pool or we will fvck you up."

The Russians have an old saying- "Give me the man and I will give you the case against him." And it's true. Nobody is above reproach. Ask Jehova what happened when he pissed off the Jewish establishment. Kennedy-- pissed off the establishment. It's all over recorded history. Trump isn't one of "them" and he tried to fvck with "their" gravy train.

In Henry VI, there was a line that said "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers". Shakespeare wrote that for a reason. Substitute "career, establishment politicians" in for "lawyers" and I think we have a starting point for how to correct our failed country.
But make no mistake- this is a message to the young people out there that if you get into politics, you better go along to get along-- or else. This message is being sent by the same axe gashed pvssies that hid behind their desks and locked themselves in closets when a bunch of iPhone waving, fanny pack wearing chuckle-fvcks decided to parade through the capital for sh!ts and giggles.
These people don't FEAR the citizens any more- and on THAT day, they did. And they want to make sure they never have to fear YOU again.
If all he did was pay her off, he wouldnt have been charged with anything. but not only did he pay her off, he lied about it, and still to this day insists he never had sexual relations with her.
There you have it!.....Lying about paying off a porn star is a felony for sure! not forget insisting the sexual relations never occurred! ok....thats 2 felonies....where are the other 32?

What I do not get is why Trump got em so pissed off by not telling them what he was guilty of. No wonder they hate him so much. They never could find out what that was so they tried him anyway.....and convicted him of not telling them what is was,
Can an East Texas rural county host Hunter Biden's trial?😄
Probably not Hunter’s trial but based on the precedent that was just set, any Texas County could theoretically file felony charges against Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or Goofy Ass Garland for violating current immigration laws. If Trump wins, that needs to be done the first day the new administration takes over.
I'm no fan of Trump for sure, but trying him for this seems a little bullshitty, and like, pretty weak sauce. I'm like, "is this all you got on him?"
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Trump’s like a cat, he covers his sh!t. I agree that they used the courts for political reasons which is very concerning, but Trump plays the same game and enjoys the drama. He invites the spotlight and I’m starting to get tired of his constant whining about being treated unfair. He pushes those that work for him to step across the line and then claims he doesn’t know about anything going on if they get caught. I wish we could find a candidate who is honorable but I’m afraid that ship has left.
Trump’s like a cat, he covers his sh!t. I agree that they used the courts for political reasons which is very concerning, but Trump plays the same game and enjoys the drama. He invites the spotlight and I’m starting to get tired of his constant whining about being treated unfair. He pushes those that work for him to step across the line and then claims he doesn’t know about anything going on if they get caught. I wish we could find a candidate who is honorable but I’m afraid that ship has left.
If you want an honorable politician- here's what you do. No sh!t... you can't laugh at or mock me for what I'm going to say.


Kill them. All. Brutally. Publicly. French guillotine 1793 style. One by one. Parade them infront of the cameras- one by one. Tell them if they confess their crimes while in government, their lives will be spared. When they confess, kill them anyway. Brutally.
If they don't confess, torture them and then dispatch them in a more brutal fashion. Hoist them on their own petard.

Then when it's all over, like the Roman generals that would sieze control of the capital briefly-- give the country back to the people and hold new elections for all national positions--- with this cautionary tale:

Take heed of your predecessors lest ye face their fate.

We'd go at least 100 years before we needed to repeat the process.

I know it sounds extreme. Crazy. Revolutionary. Far fetched. But think about this for a second. About 250 years ago, on Christmas eve, some of our founding fathers rowed a boat across a frozen river to sneak into a camp full of enemy soldiers to slit their throats while they slept in their tents.

Why? Because fvck them. No man should hold control over another. Guidance. Influence. That's OK. But not control. You're controlled by your government. You have only the freedom they allow you.

Want it back?
Anybody thinking that Trump is more corrupt than even the average politician in Washington is only seeing what he/she want to see. Our politicians (both sides) becoming multimillionaires while supposedly serving is a joke. Trump has not taken one red cent nor self benefited like the insider trading Ahole congressmen. Clob hit the nail on the head on Trump’s worst crime being to threaten the establishment on both sides. The Dems are currently power corrupt like we have never seen in this country before. They are actually breaking every immigration law we have because they don’t have enough votes (even with their cheating) to win. It is unbelievable they have to import voters because real American citizens aren’t buying their propaganda. Well, I take that back, many liberals do lie to themselves in order to justify what they they are doing to Trump.
Anybody thinking that Trump is more corrupt than even the average politician in Washington is only seeing what he/she want to see. Our politicians (both sides) becoming multimillionaires while supposedly serving is a joke. Trump has not taken one red cent nor self benefited like the insider trading Ahole congressmen. Clob hit the nail on the head on Trump’s worst crime being to threaten the establishment on both sides. The Dems are currently power corrupt like we have never seen in this country before. They are actually breaking every immigration law we have because they don’t have enough votes (even with their cheating) to win. It is unbelievable they have to import voters because real American citizens aren’t buying their propaganda. Well, I take that back, many liberals do lie to themselves in order to justify what they they are doing to Trump.
Anybody ever ask themselves why neither side will do anything about illegal immigration?

Republicans won't. Democrats won't.

Anybody know why? I'm seriously curious if anyone has figured out why neither side, even when they have the majority in the house, senate and Whitehouse (2017-2018 R and 2020-2021 D).

Tell me what you think and I'll tell you what I've learned.
Anybody ever ask themselves why neither side will do anything about illegal immigration?

Republicans won't. Democrats won't.

Anybody know why? I'm seriously curious if anyone has figured out why neither side, even when they have the majority in the house, senate and Whitehouse (2017-2018 R and 2020-2021 D).

Tell me what you think and I'll tell you what I've learned.
The thing that makes sense in my mind is 1) current situation is obviously importing voters. 2) in 2017-2021 I assumed that it was a problem, but not a big enough of a problem to do something about it. Trump was fighting it by himself practically. The worthless Republicans give cheap lip service, but don’t lift a finger. Three things about the whole deal piss me off. First, have they ever thought about simply telling us the truth. If there is a sensible plan of why we need more immigrants, then how we’ll go about it, most citizens Rs and Ds would probably be okay with it. Second, we know so many people that have been trying to come to the US for years. Mexican people that have lived on the border for decades, but, no dice. The US only welcomes the people coming in illegally. Third, many of us with businesses would love to hire cheap labor, but I guess only construction, landscapers and restaurants get to hire illegals af a discount. The rest of us have laws we must abide by.
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Anybody ever ask themselves why neither side will do anything about illegal immigration?

Republicans won't. Democrats won't.

Anybody know why? I'm seriously curious if anyone has figured out why neither side, even when they have the majority in the house, senate and Whitehouse (2017-2018 R and 2020-2021 D).

Tell me what you think and I'll tell you what I've learned.
Because both sides need something to argue about for elections. If they fix the problem then they are no longer useful or needed.
Two pretty good responses thus far-- but there's something deeper at play.
Two pretty good responses thus far-- but there's something deeper at play.
Social Security is a ponzi scheme, and we don't/won't have enough paying in to keep the party going, so we need to import more workers to pay into the system? (46% of Americans have ZERO saved for retirement - without social security, we will have a revolution).
Social Security is a ponzi scheme, and we don't/won't have enough paying in to keep the party going, so we need to import more workers to pay into the system? (46% of Americans have ZERO saved for retirement - without social security, we will have a revolution).
Yup. Partly.

Historically, any country that faces a population decline also collapses economically.
The United Nations wrote a big fvcking paper about it 2 years ago.

Here, have a read.

See-- they don't CARE where the warm bodies come from. They just need the warm bodies. They think "well, these Latinos from Venezuela may be Venezuelan now, but it 2 generations, they'll be "Americanized" and everything will be fine."
Same thing with Europe. They think "well, these Muslims are backward and stupid, but in 2 generations, we will have their daughters wearing mini-skirts and playing with Apple phones and they won't want to cut off anyone's head because, they're Westernized".

They can't have the birthrate drop because they need your 2.75 kids to replace your purchasing power. But they can't have these people fvcking up the environment, so even though we NEED a never ending supply of humans, more and more each generation, we can't feed them with cows or pigs or chickens, we need soy lent or bugs. They can't have them driving cars that run off gas, so they build MASSIVE cities where you can walk everywhere. They can't lower their GDP because that would crater their fragile banking system and destroy the country and then they'd be stripped of their power and influence.

So the conspiracy theory of "the great replacement" isn't a conspiracy theory at all. The UN flat the fvck out tells you in the paper above.
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