Trump Found Guilty on ALL Counts

always...ALWAYS whenever there is a giant problem brewing for the powers that be, something will be drummed up to take the peoples eye off the ball....Example,,,,when the house banking scandle was brewing and every damned member of congress was guilty as hell, up popped the Clarence Thomas hearings ....orchestrated by both sides of the aisle.
Where was Maga outrage when Trump's attorney got sentenced to 3 years in prison for the same crime. Maga can even rationalize Jan 6 as just another busy day at the Capitol. Please!
Where was Maga outrage when Trump's attorney got sentenced to 3 years in prison for the same crime. Maga can even rationalize Jan 6 as just another busy day at the Capitol. Please!
Been through some insurrections in your day?
40 former Trump cabinet members, his generals, and his Vice President all say he is unfit for office and a clear and present danger to democracy. Checkmate!
Anybody ever ask themselves why neither side will do anything about illegal immigration?

Republicans won't. Democrats won't.

Anybody know why? I'm seriously curious if anyone has figured out why neither side, even when they have the majority in the house, senate and Whitehouse (2017-2018 R and 2020-2021 D).

Tell me what you think and I'll tell you what I've learned.
Its my opinion that Republicans want cheap labor and dems want the votes. All Congress has to do is pass a bill that creates a $500,000 fine for anyone hiring a person here illegally. Ted Cruz introduced a bill like this 5 times but the Republicans shot it down.
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Its my opinion that Republicans want cheap labor and dems want the votes. All Congress has to do is pass a bill that creates a $500,000 fine for anyone hiring a person here illegally. Ted Cruz introduced a bill like this 5 times but the Republicans shot it down.
Population decline. No nation can prosper if it's reproduction rate isn't at a high enough ratio. Economically it will be destroyed.

They want warm bodies- and any warm bodies will do. Just look at Europe. Middle Eastern and African immigrants now control the streets in Brussels, and many of the neighborhoods in Paris. The "system" folks at the EU thought they could shove some wine and cheese in their mouths and get them to assimilate.

They were wrong.
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...Or even put on trial for insurrection?
I may be confused, but I thought the corrupt, party line DOJ has been relentless in prosecuting those in attendance at the Capitol that day and had forced many to take pleas involving jail time.
I may be confused, but I thought the corrupt, party line DOJ has been relentless in prosecuting those in attendance at the Capitol that day and had forced many to take pleas involving jail time.
They haven't charged them with insurrection. They've done what the FBI does, snagged them on process crimes and then intimidated them into a plea deal.
You'll plea out REAL fast when a room full of FBI agents start talking about the IRS showing up to audit you and every family member or friend you have, every year for the rest of your life.
He cares because he doesn’t want you trashing up the good parts of this board with your shit. Don’t be an a-hole.
Lol, you paying guys take this message board stuff too serious. You need to come out of your mom's basement, get laid, and find a hobby that doesn't include the internet. It would do you some good.
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Having a civil conversation and you retort with this.

Wait..... were you one of the dudes from the covid posts?
Clob you can’t mention Covid in print. It’s WAY too contagious. You might have just single-handedly infected every 9.95er that comes down to the dungeon.
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You can't. Establishment R's or D's are still "establishment". This, what's being done to him, is about sending a message: "Don't try and pee in our pool or we will fvck you up."

The Russians have an old saying- "Give me the man and I will give you the case against him." And it's true. Nobody is above reproach. Ask Jehova what happened when he pissed off the Jewish establishment. Kennedy-- pissed off the establishment. It's all over recorded history. Trump isn't one of "them" and he tried to fvck with "their" gravy train.

In Henry VI, there was a line that said "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers". Shakespeare wrote that for a reason. Substitute "career, establishment politicians" in for "lawyers" and I think we have a starting point for how to correct our failed country.
But make no mistake- this is a message to the young people out there that if you get into politics, you better go along to get along-- or else. This message is being sent by the same axe gashed pvssies that hid behind their desks and locked themselves in closets when a bunch of iPhone waving, fanny pack wearing chuckle-fvcks decided to parade through the capital for sh!ts and giggles.
These people don't FEAR the citizens any more- and on THAT day, they did. And they want to make sure they never have to fear YOU again.
This among other reasons is why i am all in with Kennedy.
There you have it!.....Lying about paying off a porn star is a felony for sure! not forget insisting the sexual relations never occurred! ok....thats 2 felonies....where are the other 32?

What I do not get is why Trump got em so pissed off by not telling them what he was guilty of. No wonder they hate him so much. They never could find out what that was so they tried him anyway.....and convicted him of not telling them what is was,
I never said that paying a porn star hush money is illegal. I never said cheating on your wife is illegal. I never said lying about banging the porn star is illegal. Nobody is.

He never got charged for any of that.
I will never vote for a Democrat candidate, again. (Last one was for Dolph Briscoe. Know the family.
I dont care what party the candidate is a part of. R, D, Independent, green, yellow, irrelevant to me. Where you stand on important issues is all that matters to me.

I wish they wouldnt even have the party affiliation by their name.
They are all pawns of AIPAC. Find one that separates our policies from AIPAC/central banking and you will have a winner.
wish we'd just completely ban all private money from politics. run every campaign on public funds, it wouldnt cost that much. give each eligible voter a voucher worth $X and you can give that voucher to the candidate of your choice. make the politicians beg the citizens for money instead of rich donors and special interests and PACs. Also end citizens united.

And issue every american who cant afford one a free passport ID card and require everyone to provide valid ID to vote at every level. require said ID by every employer.
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wish we'd just completely ban all private money from politics. run every campaign on public funds, it wouldnt cost that much. give each eligible voter a voucher worth $X and you can give that voucher to the candidate of your choice. make the politicians beg the citizens for money instead of rich donors and special interests and PACs. Also end citizens united.

And issue every american who cant afford one a free passport ID card and require everyone to provide valid ID to vote at every level. require said ID by every employer.
Paragraph 2 - Agree 100%.

Paragraph 1 - I'd give you one vote for every tax dollar that you paid.
wish we'd just completely ban all private money from politics. run every campaign on public funds, it wouldnt cost that much. give each eligible voter a voucher worth $X and you can give that voucher to the candidate of your choice. make the politicians beg the citizens for money instead of rich donors and special interests and PACs. Also end citizens united.

And issue every american who cant afford one a free passport ID card and require everyone to provide valid ID to vote at every level. require said ID by every employer.
Dude this isn't Sir Thomas More's Utopia
Do you ever fact check anything before you post?....Like , ever?
He doesn’t. Additionally, he must love the deep state and deeply entrenched, self serving, lifetime beaurocrats, His freaking kind love the sheep mentality and hate it when the proletariats think for themslelves.
Paragraph 2 - Agree 100%.

Paragraph 1 - I'd give you one vote for every tax dollar that you paid.
So you'd say that the more tax you pay the more your vote matters? that seems like a poor way to do things. so the typical American who makes under 70k has less of a say than the several thousand billionaires in the country. at the end of the day it sounds like you want money involved in politics, thusly giving those with the most money the most influence on who runs the country.

Seems counterintuitive to me. Can you help me understand why I might be wrong here?
Dude this isn't Sir Thomas More's Utopia
I dont know what that Is, but it sounds like a really great couple of ideas to me.
How amazing would it be if these politicians had to beg people like you and me for money for their campaigns instead of just being bribed by special interest groups who can afford to pay lobbyists?
I dont know what that Is, but it sounds like a really great couple of ideas to me.
How amazing would it be if these politicians had to beg people like you and me for money for their campaigns instead of just being bribed by special interest groups who can afford to pay lobbyists?
I don't disagree. Nobody should ever spend $150 million dollars on a campaign for a job that pays $225,000 a year.
It's fvcking ludicrous.
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I don't disagree. Nobody should ever spend $150 million dollars on a campaign for a job that pays $225,000 a year.
It's fvcking ludicrous.
Just goes to show that the “benefits” package is WAY better than the salary.