James Madison stated, "Charity is no part of the legislative duty of the government."
While I have not spent a great deal of time studying Trump's budget (mostly since I work for a living and I doubt the Republican establishment is gonna pass it) I have read a few things. I do agree that the government spending is out of control. I believe that we call all agree on that.
What needs to be done is to cut spending, which Trump wants to do, and cut taxes. As a nation we spend way too much money on things that are not constitutionally allowed (see above quote). The tax cuts will create growth in the private sector which will lead to increased government revenue.
Unfortunately most politicians believe and follow the following logic, "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch."
While I have not spent a great deal of time studying Trump's budget (mostly since I work for a living and I doubt the Republican establishment is gonna pass it) I have read a few things. I do agree that the government spending is out of control. I believe that we call all agree on that.
What needs to be done is to cut spending, which Trump wants to do, and cut taxes. As a nation we spend way too much money on things that are not constitutionally allowed (see above quote). The tax cuts will create growth in the private sector which will lead to increased government revenue.
Unfortunately most politicians believe and follow the following logic, "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch."