Medicare must have gotten tired of talking to people who found their new Advantage plan that they choose in the fall, did not fit them well, in Jan / Feb / or March.
So, they created a season for Advantage plans that were unwanted. Now you have a Medicare Advantage Plan Mulligan! A do over.
It's called Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period. And I know how to fix it. Bottom line if you reapply before 3/31 at Midnight, you'll be on a new plan on 4/1.
This is the last month to do this. The first 3 months are available for change, but March is going fast! Last fall, Did you look for a better plan? Run your drug list to see if it might make a difference.? Or get a new plan without checking to see if they take your doctor? Get a new doctor since Jan. 1 who won't take the plan? Then you may be just the guy who needs to get a plan change application fired up. But you have on 21 days left to do so.
Turning 65? Always lots of good reasons to have your own agent that you know how to reach, by name. 1) You may not be a hotshot health picker, let someone else licensed to do it in Texas that has NO FEE for helping you and offers before and after help. 2) Have someone other than just that overseas customer service agent to call with requests. Many companies are routing you hard left, down I-10, to California, then over the Pacific, past Hawaii, to their new lower priced customer service teams. Agents can often do many of the same things customer service can do and we can speak English!
Supplemental plans are terrific for dealing with 98% of the doctors in the country (NO NETWORKS!) But they do go up in costs over time. About year 3 and forward, you might find a lower price by rewriting your Supplement. It can be done any month of the year, not just in the fall. Have your plan 5 years or more? Savings of $500 a year to double that might be possible. I once saved a woman in Galveston $2500 a year. Couples in good health near 70 to 75,? $100 a month, each is not that unusual.
Got Supplement F? Great plan, back in 2015 !! I started Medicare with it and wrote it often. But the companies decided that they hated the NO DEDUCTIBLE routine and raised the RATES TO THE ROOF! If you have it today and you are healthy, move to G, or even N and pay your own deductible, save $350 a year or so, if you can pass underwriting! Let's talk. Imagine if you and your spouse both have it, are 70 or over? The savings cango way up.
How hard is it to pass underwriting? I've personally done it 4 times. My rate today is half what some others pay due to that. The underwriters want to add clients to their company, BUT they want to make money on them also. So they ask questions to sort out the wheat from the chaff. Some things that tend to automatically weed you out? AFIB, will eliminate you with most companies. Over the years I have found one that will take you IF the rest of your profile is solid. Diabetics pass quite often, it won't stop you if you are healthy overall. An exception is if you have neuropathy. Stints I think are pretty much a solid NO. Cancer, that is behind you 3 years or more and not being treated, may well be approved. Most serious issues 3 or more years behind you without treatment or medication are usually OK. I have a two page form to see what your odds would be in passing. Call me.
Some of you are in GREAT shape, hardly any medications (blood pressure, cholesterol and thyroid are not considered bad necessarily) and paying too much for your supplement. I can quote the plan you are on now and review others as well. No charge to apply and usually one to three days to get results.
If I can help, please reach out. Been right here on OB since 2006. Formerly a sponsor of this site for almost ten years. I'm an independent agent with my own agency for 21 years, I charge no fee and have the lowest rates in Texas (Medicare makes all who sell a singular product, have the same price, no exceptions). I write most of the plans in Medicare, no fee, lowest rate. Just call or email. Please don't text! Give me a no. to call back / Don't worry about your data. It's illegal for anyone to share. ! HIPAA ! Gary S / 713-376-5608 /
So, they created a season for Advantage plans that were unwanted. Now you have a Medicare Advantage Plan Mulligan! A do over.
It's called Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period. And I know how to fix it. Bottom line if you reapply before 3/31 at Midnight, you'll be on a new plan on 4/1.
This is the last month to do this. The first 3 months are available for change, but March is going fast! Last fall, Did you look for a better plan? Run your drug list to see if it might make a difference.? Or get a new plan without checking to see if they take your doctor? Get a new doctor since Jan. 1 who won't take the plan? Then you may be just the guy who needs to get a plan change application fired up. But you have on 21 days left to do so.
Turning 65? Always lots of good reasons to have your own agent that you know how to reach, by name. 1) You may not be a hotshot health picker, let someone else licensed to do it in Texas that has NO FEE for helping you and offers before and after help. 2) Have someone other than just that overseas customer service agent to call with requests. Many companies are routing you hard left, down I-10, to California, then over the Pacific, past Hawaii, to their new lower priced customer service teams. Agents can often do many of the same things customer service can do and we can speak English!
Supplemental plans are terrific for dealing with 98% of the doctors in the country (NO NETWORKS!) But they do go up in costs over time. About year 3 and forward, you might find a lower price by rewriting your Supplement. It can be done any month of the year, not just in the fall. Have your plan 5 years or more? Savings of $500 a year to double that might be possible. I once saved a woman in Galveston $2500 a year. Couples in good health near 70 to 75,? $100 a month, each is not that unusual.
Got Supplement F? Great plan, back in 2015 !! I started Medicare with it and wrote it often. But the companies decided that they hated the NO DEDUCTIBLE routine and raised the RATES TO THE ROOF! If you have it today and you are healthy, move to G, or even N and pay your own deductible, save $350 a year or so, if you can pass underwriting! Let's talk. Imagine if you and your spouse both have it, are 70 or over? The savings cango way up.
How hard is it to pass underwriting? I've personally done it 4 times. My rate today is half what some others pay due to that. The underwriters want to add clients to their company, BUT they want to make money on them also. So they ask questions to sort out the wheat from the chaff. Some things that tend to automatically weed you out? AFIB, will eliminate you with most companies. Over the years I have found one that will take you IF the rest of your profile is solid. Diabetics pass quite often, it won't stop you if you are healthy overall. An exception is if you have neuropathy. Stints I think are pretty much a solid NO. Cancer, that is behind you 3 years or more and not being treated, may well be approved. Most serious issues 3 or more years behind you without treatment or medication are usually OK. I have a two page form to see what your odds would be in passing. Call me.
Some of you are in GREAT shape, hardly any medications (blood pressure, cholesterol and thyroid are not considered bad necessarily) and paying too much for your supplement. I can quote the plan you are on now and review others as well. No charge to apply and usually one to three days to get results.
If I can help, please reach out. Been right here on OB since 2006. Formerly a sponsor of this site for almost ten years. I'm an independent agent with my own agency for 21 years, I charge no fee and have the lowest rates in Texas (Medicare makes all who sell a singular product, have the same price, no exceptions). I write most of the plans in Medicare, no fee, lowest rate. Just call or email. Please don't text! Give me a no. to call back / Don't worry about your data. It's illegal for anyone to share. ! HIPAA ! Gary S / 713-376-5608 /