***Ultimate thread of gun porn****

Freeper you're such a good student of military history. If you get a chance find a good military documentary about a man named Simo Hayha there's plenty to choose from.

If Germany invading Poland was the start of WW2 then the Soviet Union invading Finland was the second battle. In Finland it's referred to as the winter war or the 100 day war.

Simo Hayha was a true hero. You could make a legitimate case for him being the greatest soldier ever. Without question he was the greatest sniper ever. You reading that correctly. In that 100 day war Simo Hayha killed over 500 Russian soldiers. And he used iron sights because they held up better in the winter. Simo Hayha was only 5'2" but he had the balls of someone 7'2". The Red Army called him the white death. That little country Finland humiliated Stalin in the winter war. Sent them back to Russia with their tail between their legs. Unlike the other Scandinavian countries who gave up immediately that little country fought for their freedom. I've learned to have a great respect for the Finnish people.

Check it out
Loved reading about him. Snipers always had a special place in my heart historically. Carlos Hathcock, Vassili Zaitsev, "Lady Death" Lyudmila Pavlichenko, Howard Wasdin (DEVGRU sniper in Mogadishu during TF Ranger Blackhawk Down), Chris Kyle, Aaron Perry- the Canadian who made a 2200 meter shot-- and a young army Ranger named Nick Irving. Young brotha was 3rd bat Rangers and got the nickname "The Reaper".
Loved reading about him. Snipers always had a special place in my heart historically. Carlos Hathcock, Vassili Zaitsev, "Lady Death" Lyudmila Pavlichenko, Howard Wasdin (DEVGRU sniper in Mogadishu during TF Ranger Blackhawk Down), Chris Kyle, Aaron Perry- the Canadian who made a 2200 meter shot-- and a young army Ranger named Nick Irving. Young brotha was 3rd bat Rangers and got the nickname "The Reaper".
I've learned to respect other WW2 heroes who weren't Americans. And one thing about the Soviet Union that some Americans don't realize. They were invaded we weren't.