UTEP game thread??

If ya was a true Texas fan for a long time, it would matter to you, I suppose you are one of them people that don't care about the Natl Athem being sung? Same thing!
We worry way too much about songs in this country right now. WAY to much. If you want to “respect the troops” for get about that anthem and go help homeless vets. That will be way more impactful than listening to someone sing a song.

Judy enjoy Texas football and let’s stop obsessing over stuff that in the grand scheme of things is insignificant
We worry way too much about songs in this country right now. WAY to much. If you want to “respect the troops” for get about that anthem and go help homeless vets. That will be way more impactful than listening to someone sing a song.

Judy enjoy Texas football and let’s stop obsessing over stuff that in the grand scheme of things is insignificant

I do help Homeless Vets every week, whats you excuse? And there is no Me in your We...
We worry way too much about songs in this country right now. WAY to much. If you want to “respect the troops” for get about that anthem and go help homeless vets. That will be way more impactful than listening to someone sing a song.

Judy enjoy Texas football and let’s stop obsessing over stuff that in the grand scheme of things is insignificant

Not to jump off the og post but since it’s been done. I have a next door neighbor that has PTSD due to tours. The cops were outside my house Sunday at 12 am. This man needs help I’ve sat and had talks with him but I honestly can’t comprehend what he’s been through. These are the thing us patriotic citizens need to worry about most. Yes I get it you want a black man to stand for the anthem not sure if you want it because you’re truly patriotic or just upset cause it’s a black man protesting while our anthem is sung. I wish as much effort is being put out by some of us in America hating these protest would be put into helping our vets. My two cents which isn’t worth much.
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Not to jump off the og post but since it’s been done. I have a next door neighbor that has PTSD due to tours. The cops were outside my house Sunday at 12 am. This man needs help I’ve sat and had talks with him but I honestly can’t comprehend what he’s been through. These are the thing us patriotic citizens need to worry about most. Yes I get it you want a black man to stand for the anthem not sure if you want it because you’re truly patriotic or just upset cause it’s a black man protesting while our anthem is sung. I wish as much effort is being put out by some of us in America hating these protest would be put into helping our vets. My two cents which isn’t worth much.
I think you hit the nail on the head. For many people(not all) it’s about the fact someone is protesting not about the anthem. The actions of some fans of my favorite NFL team Thursday night proved that. There are just deeper things to worry about in this country.
Worry about your neghbiors health and wear your mask. Volunteer for veterans charities, make a difference in underprivileged kids lives, run for school board of city council. All those things will impact more lives than complaining over what someone is or isn’t doing during a song
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Not to jump off the og post but since it’s been done. I have a next door neighbor that has PTSD due to tours. The cops were outside my house Sunday at 12 am. This man needs help I’ve sat and had talks with him but I honestly can’t comprehend what he’s been through. These are the thing us patriotic citizens need to worry about most. Yes I get it you want a black man to stand for the anthem not sure if you want it because you’re truly patriotic or just upset cause it’s a black man protesting while our anthem is sung. I wish as much effort is being put out by some of us in America hating these protest would be put into helping our vets. My two cents which isn’t worth much.

I don't care what color you are! Its America! Your Home! where ya was born and fought for to keep this country free, its been done for Centuries...Best to leave that Vet alone and let someone qualified to help him, he probably has some deep roads in his head that needs paving or other issues, but only he can help his self, until he wants to he won't listen, maybe ask him about joining a Vets Support Group that deals with this stuff and he can be with his own kind of people just like him, if ya have not been to War then you would not understand...
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I think you hit the nail on the head. For many people(not all) it’s about the fact someone is protesting not about the anthem. The actions of some fans of my favorite NFL team Thursday night proved that. There are just deeper things to worry about in this country.
Worry about your neghbiors health and wear your mask. Volunteer for veterans charities, make a difference in underprivileged kids lives, run for school board of city council. All those things will impact more lives than complaining over what someone is or isn’t doing during a song
Standing up for our National Anthem is what we VETERANS would expect you to do as citizens to show respect for those that died for our Freedom. When one protests our National Anthem I get pissed off because they are spitting on the graves of my buddies. That is all I have to say.
It was only UTEP, however, I really liked Yurcich's game plan. The running game wasn't very explosive, but I thought the offense in general was a huge improvement from past years.

The only offensive linemen that is returning to his old position is Cosmi. Keep that in mind, the line is going to get better and better with each game. As Angilau settles in at left guard, Kerstetter settles in at center and Okafur and Jones get settled in on the right side, you will see holes open up for our running backs.

It's obvious this is a hell of a passing game. My biggest takeaway from last night was the scheme was setting our receivers up to succeed. It was the scheme that was getting people wide open not athletic ability, it was very refreshing to see our coaches actually coaching and creating situations for our players to shine.
Standing up for our National Anthem is what we VETERANS would expect you to do as citizens to show respect for those that died for our Freedom. When one protests our National Anthem I get pissed off because they are spitting on the graves of my buddies. That is all I have to say.
That’s the crux of the whole issue. They fought for our freedom which by definition anyone is free to do or not do whatever they want during the national anthem or any other song for that matter. Now if we want to have “mandatory patriotism that’s fine, but gotta stop talking about freedom because the two don’t go together
I have no respect for these protesters or their movement. If it was about Black Lives, I would see something being done to stop the violence in black communities, not trying to defund the police who are wanted by the black community.

The disrespect to America and our past shows two very important things, we need a purge in our school system of the communist that have poisoned the minds of our youth, and two, we need to address the fact that our government leaders have zero leadership outside of lining their own pockets.

My father is a Vietnam vet, I know first hand what it is like to live with someone who has PTSD. We owe a debt to every man who has served this country, especially those who gave their lives so that a bunch of pampered children can run around terrorizing good people because they think they know more than the rest of us.

They are in for a rude awakening when we stop worrying about the repercussions of our actions and we take the gloves off. What are they going to do when there are no cops to protect them? What are they going to do when society actually does break down and the only rule of law is might and fire power? That is when they will see first hand what the fruits of their actions bring.

I often take my dad to the local VFW, I can tell you, there are a lot of vets who are more than willing to fight when push comes to shove.
Not to jump off the og post but since it’s been done. I have a next door neighbor that has PTSD due to tours. The cops were outside my house Sunday at 12 am. This man needs help I’ve sat and had talks with him but I honestly can’t comprehend what he’s been through. These are the thing us patriotic citizens need to worry about most. Yes I get it you want a black man to stand for the anthem not sure if you want it because you’re truly patriotic or just upset cause it’s a black man protesting while our anthem is sung. I wish as much effort is being put out by some of us in America hating these protest would be put into helping our vets. My two cents which isn’t worth much.

You're right. Your post isn't worth much because you're projecting. You assume that we only want "black" men to stand for the anthem or that we're only upset at "black" men protesting. Who cares what the color of their skin is. We want everybody to stand and respect our flag and anthem. If they decide not to do that, fine that's a choice. But along with that choice comes criticism that is well-deserved. It's up to them entirely. Also, you're assuming that everyone who is upset with the protesters and kneelers don't put any energy into helping our veterans. How the hell do you know that? You have no idea what myself and countless others on this board and elsewhere have done to support and help our veterans. Stop with the virtue signaling and straw man arguments.
That’s the crux of the whole issue. They fought for our freedom which by definition anyone is free to do or not do whatever they want during the national anthem or any other song for that matter. Now if we want to have “mandatory patriotism that’s fine, but gotta stop talking about freedom because the two don’t go together
The 1st Amendment does not mean an employee can do whatever he wants. The players are employees but yet these morons think they can act unpatriotic by disrespecting our National Anthem because it is their right to do so. Take a civics class.

Freedom is not free and showing respect to those who died is the least one can do. All I see is by them disrespecting the National Anthem the players are telling me and other Veterans to go the hell. You want to be unpatriotic and protest our Country, then do it on your time not your employer's time. I have written off the NFL MLB and the NBA because they cannot explain to these idiots a simple civics lesson and they allow these protests to disparage our Veterans and Country. I am not asking for mandatory patriotism because they can simply stand without being a-hoes and being disrespectful. It is our Country and our National Anthem and if they hate it so much, then leave.
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