Vince busted for DWI

I truly hate to see this happen to Vince!

Him being one of the greatest athletes of all time. I know, I know, DWI is very bad.

Still, he has been hit with hard licks in his life.

Hopefully he gets a break and goes forward and stays clean and more lucky in the future!
Vince will learn that the ridicule he will get plus the $$$ fine that it will not be worth it.If this is everyday Joe its not even Newspaper worthy.
you are right Flourbluff.....but it doesn't make it right for Vince. He is a grown educated man with a good job. He should be smarter than this.

Yes I have driven drunk. I was stupid, stupid, stupid and I regret it......I was never caught but it doesn't make it right. I could have killed someone.

Sounds like you are from Pecos haha
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Vince made a mistake. During my twenty one year career as a Texas Peace Officer. I arrested many highly educated males and females for Driving While Intoxicated. Just reminder we are not here to Judge him because we all Sin and he does it differently. He is a fellow Longhorn brother and should be respected as such. We should be there to help him and not laugh at him or criticized him for his mistake. We should be glad he didn't get hurt or hurt someone else. He will learn from this and grow. Remember he made us proud in 2005 and he is the same man.
Sometimes you have to learn the hard way, glad no one was hurt.

Learn the hard way in what way? Pretty much guaranteed someone else covered bail and will cover fines. He'll likely keep his job. He likely won't see anymore jail time. His punishment will likely amount to a slap on the rise. So what exactly will he "learn" from this the hard way, at least to the point it becomes a deterrent for himself and others? First time or not. Misdemeanor or not. Drinking and driving is flat out stupid and extremely dangerous whether it's a misdemeanor or felony, and if John Q. Public realizes there are pretty much no deterring punishments for such misdemeanors, then what exactly is the deterrent? What, so it's okay to do it as long as no one is injured or killed??? Sorry, you got me on my soapbox based on personal family history.
Learn the hard way in what way? Pretty much guaranteed someone else covered bail and will cover fines. He'll likely keep his job. He likely won't see anymore jail time. His punishment will likely amount to a slap on the rise. So what exactly will he "learn" from this the hard way, at least to the point it becomes a deterrent for himself and others? First time or not. Misdemeanor or not. Drinking and driving is flat out stupid and extremely dangerous whether it's a misdemeanor or felony, and if John Q. Public realizes there are pretty much no deterring punishments for such misdemeanors, then what exactly is the deterrent? What, so it's okay to do it as long as no one is injured or killed??? Sorry, you got me on my soapbox based on personal family history.

You're assuming a lot of things without knowing any facts. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. :rolleyes:
Learn the hard way in what way? Pretty much guaranteed someone else covered bail and will cover fines. He'll likely keep his job. He likely won't see anymore jail time. His punishment will likely amount to a slap on the rise. So what exactly will he "learn" from this the hard way, at least to the point it becomes a deterrent for himself and others? First time or not. Misdemeanor or not. Drinking and driving is flat out stupid and extremely dangerous whether it's a misdemeanor or felony, and if John Q. Public realizes there are pretty much no deterring punishments for such misdemeanors, then what exactly is the deterrent? What, so it's okay to do it as long as no one is injured or killed??? Sorry, you got me on my soapbox based on personal family history.

All of this is pretty presumptuous.

Pretty sure he will pay his own fines. And he will not just get some slap on the wrist. But go ahead and criticize something that hasn't even happened yet.

Are you just upset that he doesn't have any elig left so Bob can't give him a second chance??? If so, you'd cheer him on your sidelines in a heartbeat.

His crime was not a good one. Neither is kidnapping girls and threatening their lives. Or punching them in the face. People actually were injured in those instances. And yet, since they wear crimson and care not. Heck you actually defend their actions.
The University made an official statement that they are evaluating the situation. I wouldn't say anything is a given here. I will be the first to admit that I want VY to learn from this and keep his current relationship with UT. He made my undergraduate years awesome during the Fall.
I think we oughta stop talking about him and let him get on with his Public Flogging we got going on, I know a Chef that got one same night as VY...wanna hear his story?

I am sure we all got Skels in our closets..let it die, paying the price for this is gonna hurt him enough, he's got a lottta shit to work thru this time..

FlourBluff, you are correct. We have all done things at least this bad. Question is, are we still doing them now? I love VY and always will. I want him to stay out of trouble.
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Truth be told I'm not sure how I never got one myself. Don't drink and drive anymore, actually rarely drink at all but in my 20's and early 30's different story.
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To be fair, he has only been arrested on suspicion of DWI. Until there is a conviction, it isn't really fair to judge. Yes, it is apparent by his own admission that he had consumed alcohol before being pulled over (he states 3-4 beers). He failed field sobriety test and was arrested. It is probable that his BAC was above the .08 limit based on what has been released. However, until the evidence comes out, he isn't guilty of anything. It is not illegal to drink alcohol and then drive as long as you are under the legal limit.
Look DUI's are about as dumb a "crime" as can be committed because they are so easily preventable... Especially today. With that said I don't beleive anyone should lose employment over it. Now the exception to thst is if it becomes a pattern of behavior. For a one time deal though no one should lose employment imo