Voters 18-24 overwhelmingly favor Harris

This election is marginally going to be issues based. Certainly, immigration on one side and abortion on the other but in the end this will be a Trump or No Trump election.
Jesus you are fvcking dumb. This is 100% about issues and can ONLY explain why a felon is winning in every battleground state and has lead nationally for 9 months (not just since the debate).
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Jesus you are fvcking dumb. This is 100% about issues and can ONLY explain why a felon is winning in every battleground state and has lead nationally for 9 months (not just since the debate).
2020 was a Trump or No Trump race with two arguably weak candidates. This is exactly the same.
I could give a shit about betting on the black vote. Harris has a MUCH bigger problems than the black vote and those reasons are why her approval rating stayed lower than Biden's for the last 3-1/2 years. I was pointing you to the data points since you are too helpless to look facts up before trying to debate anyone in the Corral and made no guarantees those polls are accurate given the past. You spout bullshit all day based on emotion and can't back anything up with facts or figures. I only care about facts and figures and the facts are that Harris is unlikely to win, 20% black vote or not.
Saving all these posts for posterity.
Saving all these posts for posterity.
PLEASE do. I am betting you will be nowhere to be found on November 8th (like in 2020) when Trump takes the White House back. Probably because you will be out burning and looting with the rest of your ANTIFA brethren.
PLEASE do. I am betting you will be nowhere to be found on November 8th (like in 2020) when Trump takes the White House back. Probably because you will be out burning and looting with the rest of your ANTIFA brethren.
...says the cultists whose side attacked the Capitol when they lost.
my god man. reality isn't that bad. just give it a shot. and if you don't trust the "MSM," just read the dismissals yourself. there are real court decisions for Trump's team's going 0 for 60 on their baseless lawsuits. and you may want to also pay attention to the state bar officials who have disbarred multiple Trump lawyers for their participation in the baseless lawsuits.

sucks for you. but your team is full of bad, unethical actors. and they got caught in one of the most shameful attempts to subvert a free and fair election in US history. you don't have to be on that team.
You're a moron
my god man. reality isn't that bad. just give it a shot. and if you don't trust the "MSM," just read the dismissals yourself. there are real court decisions for Trump's team's going 0 for 60 on their baseless lawsuits. and you may want to also pay attention to the state bar officials who have disbarred multiple Trump lawyers for their participation in the baseless lawsuits.

sucks for you. but your team is full of bad, unethical actors. and they got caught in one of the most shameful attempts to subvert a free and fair election in US history. you don't have to be on that team.
LOL. One lawsuit thrown out and his conviction will EASILY be overturned on the appeal due to the appeal rich case.
I could give a shit about betting on the black vote. Harris has a MUCH bigger problems than the black vote and those reasons are why her approval rating stayed lower than Biden's for the last 3-1/2 years. I was pointing you to the data points since you are too helpless to look facts up before trying to debate anyone in the Corral and made no guarantees those polls are accurate given the past. You spout bullshit all day based on emotion and can't back anything up with facts or figures. I only care about facts and figures and the facts are that Harris is unlikely to win, 20% black vote or not.