The harpy has now taken Bernie to task for stating that he doesn't think gun manufacturers should be sued over someone's misuse of a product they legally manufactured. Said he was putting the interests of gun manufacturers ahead of the grief being felt by the Sandy Hook families.
Well, yes Hillary. That's the way the Constitution is supposed to work. The grief felt by those families is real and terribly sad. But so is the grief felt by the families of people killed because someone was unlawfully racing an SUV on a side street; the grief felt by the families of people killed because someone took a legally manufactured over the counter drug and used it in his meth lab which blew up; the grief felt by the families of people killed because someone ran a jet ski through a swim only area; the grief felt by the families of people killed because a nutty airline co-pilot locked the pilot out of the cockpit and then intentionally flew the plane into the ground. Should the manufacturers of each of these legally manufactured products be sued because of what some nut cake decided to unlawfully do with their product? Of course not.
Oh, wait. There is limited political value in those situations. Now I get it Hillary. The New York vote is coming up.
Well, yes Hillary. That's the way the Constitution is supposed to work. The grief felt by those families is real and terribly sad. But so is the grief felt by the families of people killed because someone was unlawfully racing an SUV on a side street; the grief felt by the families of people killed because someone took a legally manufactured over the counter drug and used it in his meth lab which blew up; the grief felt by the families of people killed because someone ran a jet ski through a swim only area; the grief felt by the families of people killed because a nutty airline co-pilot locked the pilot out of the cockpit and then intentionally flew the plane into the ground. Should the manufacturers of each of these legally manufactured products be sued because of what some nut cake decided to unlawfully do with their product? Of course not.
Oh, wait. There is limited political value in those situations. Now I get it Hillary. The New York vote is coming up.