Myself, two brother in laws, and father in law been looking for a West Texas deer lease over the past 4 offseason. We have tried chamber of commerce’s,, and grocery stores all across WTX without any real luck. Have had a couple leads but nothing that has gotten anywhere close to working out.
Father in law is on and has been on lease in Sonora over last 15 years where my two bro in laws were able to hunt from teenage years until recently and I have only been on East Texas leases (we’re all Southeast Texas natives) ... figured I would post here to see if there are any leads or know of any opportunities coming after this season. Looking for an opportunity that the four of us can get on together.
Feel like with social media, it has become increasingly difficult to find opportunities or openings on West TX leases.
Appreciate any help! Know this is a long shot but figured I would give it a try.
Father in law is on and has been on lease in Sonora over last 15 years where my two bro in laws were able to hunt from teenage years until recently and I have only been on East Texas leases (we’re all Southeast Texas natives) ... figured I would post here to see if there are any leads or know of any opportunities coming after this season. Looking for an opportunity that the four of us can get on together.
Feel like with social media, it has become increasingly difficult to find opportunities or openings on West TX leases.
Appreciate any help! Know this is a long shot but figured I would give it a try.