What’s the dumbest thing you’ve done recently?


Jun 4, 2018
I just locked my keys in my running car, leaving me stranded at the office in the rain. Looking for some stories to read while I wait for a ride.
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Tore my ass up Dam Sliding out the exhaust tubes at back of Mansfield Dam on the moss, you get way back up in tube and run, you be haulin the mail when ya hit the water, important info: when siren goes off better get ya ass outa the water cause they gonna open the tubes

I know this guy that was shooting sand hill crane one time on the gulf coast and "allegedly" shot a whooping crane and then "allegedly" realised what he'd done and hid the evidence in a hole he "allegedly" dug in a swampy area but still "allegedly" debreasted said bird so as not to be wasteful plus his friends had already heard the shot and saw the bird fall and rather than admitting what he'd done, this 18 year old kid didn't tell anyone and the bird was "allegedly" cooked and consumed by he and his friends....... allegedly.....
I meant to sprinkle some hot pepper flakes on a slice of pizza earlier this evening. Instead of just opening the top so that they’d come out at a controlled pace through the shaker lid, I absentmindedly unscrewed the lid entirely and dumped the whole f*cking bottle on my slice.

Then I shook the excess off of the first slice onto a second slice and proceeded to consume the entire bottle of hot pepper flakes on two slices of pizza. I’ll let y’all know in 12-18 hours if that was an even dumber decision than the first one.

I’m sure I’ve done dumber crap recently, but that’s what came to mind.
2 things stick out in my mind although they probably don't even stratch my top 50.

1) similar to clob, I was young and out duck hunting over our stock tank. Target species did not show up but I had been watching 3 wood ducks come in and out for hours. I'd been told you cant eat those ducks a million times before but hey, a duck's a duck right? Shot, breasted, grilled.......Conclusion is, you can't eat wood ducks.

2) A couple months into having our 1st child I found myself up at 2am & burning a pot of coffee. I grabbed what I assumed was creamer but upon drinking said coffee I discovered I had dumped in baby flake cereal. It had the consistancy of instant mashed potatos. Yummmmmy.
I know this guy that was shooting sand hill crane one time on the gulf coast and "allegedly" shot a whooping crane and then "allegedly" realised what he'd done and hid the evidence in a hole he "allegedly" dug in a swampy area but still "allegedly" debreasted said bird so as not to be wasteful plus his friends had already heard the shot and saw the bird fall and rather than admitting what he'd done, this 18 year old kid didn't tell anyone and the bird was "allegedly" cooked and consumed by he and his friends....... allegedly.....
Many moons ago, the outdoors editor of the SA paper got a phone call from a lady looking for a recipe for sandhill crane. Thinking it a prank, he said, "Easy, you cook 'em just like a whooper". She was president of the local Audubon society. He kept his job, but it was a near thing.
Many moons ago, the outdoors editor of the SA paper got a phone call from a lady looking for a recipe for sandhill crane. Thinking it a prank, he said, "Easy, you cook 'em just like a whooper". She was president of the local Audubon society. He kept his job, but it was a near thing.

Sand Hills are great eating. They're the "ribeye of the sky". Rub with olive oil, season with your favorite seasonings and grill.
2 things stick out in my mind although they probably don't even stratch my top 50.

1) similar to clob, I was young and out duck hunting over our stock tank. Target species did not show up but I had been watching 3 wood ducks come in and out for hours. I'd been told you cant eat those ducks a million times before but hey, a duck's a duck right? Shot, breasted, grilled.......Conclusion is, you can't eat wood ducks.

2) A couple months into having our 1st child I found myself up at 2am & burning a pot of coffee. I grabbed what I assumed was creamer but upon drinking said coffee I discovered I had dumped in baby flake cereal. It had the consistancy of instant mashed potatos. Yummmmmy.
Wait a minute..... I said "allegedly"......... Don't be pointing a dirty stick at clob....
I really can’t think of anything dumb that I’ve ever done, off the top of my head.
Just like me Bell. Then again, I heard of you cant think of anything dumb you ever did, it means you are still doing it. Damn!....sucks to be us....
Tore my ass up Dam Sliding out the exhaust tubes at back of Mansfield Dam on the moss, you get way back up in tube and run, you be haulin the mail when ya hit the water, important info: when siren goes off better get ya ass outa the water cause they gonna open the tubes

good way to rid yourself of 'roids
thinking 2018 would be a good year

I am trying to survive until August 2018, as Harvey used up all my luck. I actually had to leave my house and cars as the water was at the door. I thought the displacement caused by me stepping into the water just might put it in... The had just said they were going to open up Lake Houston so I told the Wife to get in the boat. It took three days for it to subside...but when we went in... the water had not. Three cars totally survived. I had to replace a back window tint on the Wife's car but the Dealership took pity on me.

I don't have time to list all the crap that has happened since- some BIG and some small but all bothersome - and you don't have time to read it.
Read every word bro. Sucks that this sh!t happened to you. I buy a$$ tons of insurance on all my sh!t. I do it because of what you're going through now. I grew up in corpus, and as a kid, I got to see how mother nature can fvck your shit up. I took that lesson with me when I grew up. It hardened me. I saw friends whose families went from living in a 4 br house to living in a pop up tent. Scared me. I over insure bro. Hopefully, one day you will be able too as well.

Good luck my man.

I am trying to survive until August 2018, as Harvey used up all my luck. I actually had to leave my house and cars as the water was at the door. I thought the displacement caused by me stepping into the water just might put it in... The had just said they were going to open up Lake Houston so I told the Wife to get in the boat. It took three days for it to subside...but when we went in... the water had not. Three cars totally survived. I had to replace a back window tint on the Wife's car but the Dealership took pity on me.

I don't have time to list all the crap that has happened since- some BIG and some small but all bothersome - and you don't have time to read it.
* Edit: I guess I missed the word, "recently." Still, fun times... *

I don't regret it, but as a UT freshman I went sliding down 21st Street on a cafeteria tray when it really snowed one winter (1984/85). This was in front of Moore-Hill dormitory, heading towards Memorial Stadium (now DKR).

Some sliders were getting hurt. Many were slamming into the curb on the left or the right. Some were going up the handicapped ramp and onto the sidewalk. There, some would slam into sign poles or a Daily Texan box.

Some sliders went individually. Others went in trains, with each person hooking his legs around the slider in front.

I chose to be at the front of my train. We started in the middle of 21st, where it's highest, and started to veer slowly left. (Were cars not allowed to park there back then? It was totally clear.) Gradually, we picked up speed.

Trying to protect my people, I kicked at the rapidly-approaching curb, trying to be a shock absorber. Instead, my right foot went into a drain, and slammed against the back. Our train pivoted and spun around my shin, as I yanked it out just in time.

I didn't seek any medical attention, but limped around campus for a week or so.

A year later, that shin snapped while I was playing touch football with my non-Greek fraternity, in a non-contact situation. I realized it'd probably been fractured the entire time.

Which of these decisions do you think was the most stupid?
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I usually have something to contribute to every thread on this board but this one really has me stumped. I will admit that I have had some pretty dumb thoughts in the past but I never acted on them. Does that count?
I don't regret it, but as a freshman I went sliding down 21st Street on a cafeteria tray, in front of Moore-Hill dormitory, when it really snowed one winter (1984/85, I think).

Some sliders were getting hurt. Many were slamming into the curb on the left or the right. Closer to Memorial Stadium (now DKR), some were going up the handicapped ramp and onto the sidewalk. There, they would often slam into sign poles or a Daily Texan box.

Some sliders went individually. Others went in trains, with each person hooking his legs around the slider in front.

I chose to be at the front of my train. We started in the middle of 21st, where it's highest, and started to veer slowly left. (Were cars not allowed to park there back then? It was totally clear.) Gradually, we picked up speed.

Trying to protect my people, I kicked at the rapidly-approaching curb. I was trying to be a shock absorber. Instead, my right foot went into a drain, and slammed against the back. Our train pivoted and spun around my shin, as I yanked it out just in time.

I didn't seek any medical attention, but limped around campus for a week or so.

My sophomore year, that shin snapped while I was playing touch football with my non-Greek fraternity.

Which of these decisions do you think was the most stupid?
The paying for friends part! haha
I was changing the breaks on my car and for some really stupid reason a) didn't put a block behind the rear wheel and b) forgot to set the parking break. So I'm pulling hard on the big bolt to release the calipers and the whole damn car rocks on the jack and falls. The tire is already off of course so the drum drops between my legs and misses both legs and my nuts by about 2 inches. This is pre cell phone so if it had of hit an artery or something, I probably just bleed out in the garage. I'd changed breaks maybe a 1/2 dozen times over the years and always blocked the back tire and put on the break. I knew better but just brain farted. I sat on the garage floor and just shook for several minutes. Couldn't move. My brain just couldn't wrap itself around what I'd just done. I finally started making more money soon after and quit working on cars altogether. Still makes me sick to my stomach to think about.
No bullsh!t--- my uncle was restoring a 64 vette. He was a big man-- 6'5 250. Crawled under it with it on a jack and was messing with the tranny... yanked a little too hard (as best they could tell) and the car came off the jack and he died a very slow, painful death. Kids were all grown and out of the house and two years before his wife, my aunt, died of colon cancer. They went to his house after 24 hours of him not answering the phone.

I was changing the breaks on my car and for some really stupid reason a) didn't put a block behind the rear wheel and b) forgot to set the parking break. So I'm pulling hard on the big bolt to release the calipers and the whole damn car rocks on the jack and falls. The tire is already off of course so the drum drops between my legs and misses both legs and my nuts by about 2 inches. This is pre cell phone so if it had of hit an artery or something, I probably just bleed out in the garage. I'd changed breaks maybe a 1/2 dozen times over the years and always blocked the back tire and put on the break. I knew better but just brain farted. I sat on the garage floor and just shook for several minutes. Couldn't move. My brain just couldn't wrap itself around what I'd just done. I finally started making more money soon after and quit working on cars altogether. Still makes me sick to my stomach to think about.