What's happening to Doushnozzle Mayfield?

Oh jeez. I could have sworn you were on here the other day complaining that you were arranging your work schedule to be off on Saturdays to watch Longhorn games, maybe I’m getting you mixed up with someone else. But just to be safe would you mind posting your last 3 tax returns for verification purposes.
i live in a trailer so what do I know. Sure Mayfield’s acting douchey and he should his mouth.

Maybe you should have a tv crew follow you around documenting your luxurious life and we’ll see if we spot any doucheyness.
Dude---- the trailer park schtick is played out homie. It was funny for a while, then I went and swam in your pool. These dudes all know you don't live in a trailer park.

I give you credit for keeping the "bit" going for a while but now it's gone from a bit to a gimmick to nails on a chalkboard. You're smart enough to disarm people and make your points without your "burning tires" and "cinder blocks" . Be you, hoss.[/QUOTE]
Interesting take. My psychiatrist tells me she has me on meds so I won't be me?
Is there any sort of evidence or information out there suggesting that he is terrible with money?
That was my question, I would think that a kid from Lake Travis would have enough support around him and been around money enough growing up to know how to not be a complete idiot with money.
Is there any sort of evidence or information out there suggesting that he is terrible with money?
I would assume he'll be ok, because he was able to "walk on" at Tech and pay his own way - doesn't appear his family is hurting for money. That said - 78% OF NFL PLAYERS GO BROKE WITHIN 5 YEARS. Roughly a 4 out of 5 NFL players are terrible with money, and he is an NFL player.
That was my question, I would think that a kid from Lake Travis would have enough support around him and been around money enough growing up to know how to not be a complete idiot with money.

Yeah. He did not grow up poor so I would imagine he isnt going around wasting it all like he has never seen cash before. Even dumbass manziel isnt broke, probably because he grew up with affluence.

I would assume he'll be ok, because he was able to "walk on" at Tech and pay his own way - doesn't appear his family is hurting for money. That said - 78% OF NFL PLAYERS GO BROKE WITHIN 5 YEARS. Roughly a 4 out of 5 NFL players are terrible with money, and he is an NFL player.

I mean most people who attend tech or any other university have to pay for it. And most of them arent affluent.

Half of these guys should be giving their checks to a financial planner. Yeah, sure most of them do go broke quick, but most of them lack an education (or cheated their way through), or never had money before and dont have a clue how to manage it. So yeah, the majority of all new money whether it's from sports or otherwise will be gone in a few years unless they have a good money manager. I mean hell about 30% of all lottery winners declare bankruptcy within 5 years. That's just human stupidity.