It could easily be said of the President as well as Cohen couldn't it?
"I guess it will be relevant for us to determine does he lie to his own family, does he lie to his own financiers, does he lie to financiers who are members of his family and it will be one heck of an inquiry for us because this is someone who has tangled such a web of lies that he is not to be believed and I think it is entirely appropriate for any member of this body to challenge the truthfulness and veracity and character for the people who have a history of lying and has a future that contains nothing but lies."
"I guess it will be relevant for us to determine does he lie to his own family, does he lie to his own financiers, does he lie to financiers who are members of his family and it will be one heck of an inquiry for us because this is someone who has tangled such a web of lies that he is not to be believed and I think it is entirely appropriate for any member of this body to challenge the truthfulness and veracity and character for the people who have a history of lying and has a future that contains nothing but lies."