Why are'nt we talking about West Virginia?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2013
What the hell is going on? This is a damned important game and we are acting like we have an open week. WTF?
Important to whom? and for what? We're 5-4 right now with an outside chance to go to a mediocre bowl. Save Charlie's job? -- great, run the table and look good doing it. Then, we'll talk.
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Important to whom? and for what? We're 5-4 right now with an outside chance to go to a mediocre bowl. Save Charlie's job? -- great, run the table and look good doing it. Then, we'll talk.

@OldHornInPA coming in hot with the gear up for a belly landing on the Hudson.
Sorry.... got carried away. I am just not as enthused about this season anymore. I will still be glued to the TV, cheering on my horns.
Important to whom? and for what? We're 5-4 right now with an outside chance to go to a mediocre bowl. Save Charlie's job? -- great, run the table and look good doing it. Then, we'll talk.
Sounds pretty important.

WV 45, Texas 35
I think tc is on to something.

I frequent 3 Longhorn message boards and check out a couple more every once in a while, and all of them seem dead as Fred. I guess that's to be expected given the way the season has gone, recruiting season not in full swing and a few other things like the election taking up peoples time.

I still plan my Saturday around the game, but I spend a lot less time on the Horns during the week than I have in the past. I guess I need to kick it up a little.
Well, in our defense----- we haven't had too much to cheer about this year--- coupled with the fact that charlie's employment seems in limbo--the Big 12 being in complete shambles and we're not able to sneak in there and steal the titke-- toss in the craziest election in our nation's history-- stir all that up and you're left with a very "blah" feeling by horns fans.
Fortunately, we don't have to play the game. Although the thought of a bunch of old white men hobbling around the field might make for an interesting half time show.
WVA is running at 52% red zone TD conversions this year.

If we can hold them below that we should win the game. I think they make a lot of yards but our red zone defense is critical.

I say Texas 38-30.
Honestly.... I think this one goes to OT. It's a toss up after that.
well there was a whole presidential election. takes a little more precedent than another team putting 40+ points on us.
I've been spending all my time on facebook laughing at all my Liberal friends for blowing the election.

I'm too old and crotchety to be on Facebook . . . but my girlfriend isn't and she's doing the exact same thing! So funny. I have just 1 question though, will Melania be putting out a 2017 lingerie calendar? :)

That being said . . . I'm amped up about the WV game on Sat. I think it'll be a humdinger. Go for the jugular Shane!!
I'm too old and crotchety to be on Facebook . . . but my girlfriend isn't and she's doing the exact same thing! So funny. I have just 1 question though, will Melania be putting out a 2017 lingerie calendar? :)

That being said . . . I'm amped up about the WV game on Sat. I think it'll be a humdinger. Go for the jugular Shane!!
MM mmmmmm Melania........ I haven't spanked it to a first lady since Mamie Eisenhower........
I'm too old and crotchety to be on Facebook . . . but my girlfriend isn't and she's doing the exact same thing! So funny. I have just 1 question though, will Melania be putting out a 2017 lingerie calendar? :)

That being said . . . I'm amped up about the WV game on Sat. I think it'll be a humdinger. Go for the jugular Shane!!

Melania looks like she got hit by a truck and was put back together by Russian plastic surgeons who were trained in the dark. Maybe at one point she was attractive but now I keep thinking if she smiled the wrong way her face is going to rip down the middle.
People singing songs and a carrying signs. Mostly say hurray for our side.
This is the problem in OUR country. There is only we, us, or our. You seem to think I meant something different than what I did mean. Every American is important no MATTER their dang politics. I don't hope either side fails because that is pure ignorance.
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This is the problem in OUR country. There is only we, us, or our. You seem to think I meant something different than what I did mean. Every American is important no MATTER their dang politics. I don't hope either side fails because that is pure ignorance.
The song is not an endorsement of protests.
This is the problem in OUR country. There is only we, us, or our. You seem to think I meant something different than what I did mean. Every American is important no MATTER their dang politics. I don't hope either side fails because that is pure ignorance.
Maybe oldhorn can explain it to you.
Melania looks like she got hit by a truck and was put back together by Russian plastic surgeons who were trained in the dark. Maybe at one point she was attractive but now I keep thinking if she smiled the wrong way her face is going to rip down the middle.
Dude-------- for reals-------- you would smash and you know it----- And before you get all "No bro, seriously-- I don't like that fake looking plastic--- perfect a$$ and ergonomically round supple bosom and those Angelina Jolie lips that looks like she could suck a blood blister on boot leather----" I'm gonna have to cut you off----- You would break three bones in your legs to hit that.
From West Virginia to
bad team / bad conference to
historic election to
Melania Trump calendar to
smashing Mami E to
butter face to
blood blister on leather.
LMFAO! Before it gets locked, this thread ruled!
Well a lot of people on here are kind of blah about the season. Let's hope that coach Strong and the players feel different. I thought our defense showed some signs of life last Saturday. For the sake of our defense I would like to see our d hold them to no more than 24 and we win. But I'll be happy with whatever the final score is as long as were on top. But right now with all my life changes that I've written about I try to be optimistic because for me it's just fb and far more serious challenges await me.

So I say

TX 34
WV 24

Actually far more serious challenges await the USofA starting on Jan 20th. I hope we pull through it.
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Well a lot of people on here are kind of blah about the season. Let's hope that coach Strong and the players feel different. I thought our defense showed some signs of life last Saturday. For the sake of our defense I would like to see our d hold them to no more than 24 and we win. But I'll be happy with whatever the final score is as long as were on top. But right now with all my life changes that I've written about I try to be optimistic because for me it's just fb and far more serious challenges await me.

So I say

TX 34
WV 24

Actually far more serious challenges await the USofA starting on Jan 20th. I hope we pull through it.[/QUOTE
Why wouldn't we? We made it (barely) through the last 8 years of chaos and perversion of America. January 20th is the day law and order is restored. These lawless petty protesters will be put back in line. If that causes you grief perhaps Canada is a nice option for you. I just saw on CNN they had a segment "How to deal with post election depression" =)rollBut keep towing the company line, unfortunately the majority in America don't agree with you and showed it on election day.
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I'll say it again...... I think this game goes to overtime. I really do. I don't know why I'm getting this feeling-- wvu is just one of those teams that's built to give a team like us some trouble...
You might want to go get a dictionary and look up the word M A J O R I T Y. Your lack of education is showing.
Oh are you counting the votes of illegals the president encouraged to cast votes ILLEGALLY? Your lack of common sense continues to rear its ugly head. I'm sorry you're depressed but there's a new Sheriff in town and you need to embrace it and stop with the poor me protests.
Oh are you counting the votes of illegals the president encouraged to cast votes ILLEGALLY? Your lack of common sense continues to rear its ugly head. I'm sorry you're depressed but there's a new Sheriff in town and you need to embrace it and stop with the poor me protests.
You are always the loudest and most obnoxious person in any room. You have no close friends because you have to be the one who argues with everyone you know or come into contact with. You are "that" guy. The one nobody likes. You seem to think half of this country doesn't deserve to live. You are the product of the party system and why George Washington was against it. You still think I have a "team"...I don't....My TEAM is the United States. I served this country as a soldier in the U.S. Army...did you? Or do you only think soldiers, sailors, airmen, police, doctors, and emergency personnel are all exactly like you? I will always vote for who I think will help all of us and do the least damage to our country....dem or rep because until the party system dies (I wish) then that is the only choice I have.

When you go to the doctor do you ask him if he thinks like you? When you call for help do you make sure they think like you before you let them help? Do you not understand we are all in this together and there are not 2 America's only 1? You seem to be acting like you do when ou wins a football game. Life and death decisions will be made. I pray they are the right ones.

I am done with you. Should never have engaged your stupidity.

edit. By the way Trump is way to far left on some issues for me. You might want to check. Of course he is too far right on others.
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