Why didn't TCU just keep giving the ball to Duggan

dude you made the bet of him putting up his house AFTER the fact TCU WAS NAMED IN THE TOP 4.....thats the whole point of this convo...fk evvvverything else you have said after that..thats what this is about..and good lord how sad do you have to be to come start shyt on a free board when you pay the all mighty 9.95.....just admit you were wrong and step the fck away from your keyboard, phone, tablet, wtf you have..you sound stupid.
that was all BEFORE TCU was picked.
And I think someone just said that I was the one that needed to chill out?. I haven't been the one blowing gaskets around here. I obviously hit a few nerves--mission accomplished😂
It's not about nerves or blown gaskets. Trust me when I tell you-- you've seen none of the sort.
What you bore witness to has happened down here all too often when $9.95ers (in the past) venture into our little corner (known as the dungeon) and begin spitting nonsensical and waxing prophetic. 90% of the time it's dilettante in nature and based on horse sh!t that's regurgitated from the pay board ($9.95ers).
9.95ers are often wrong in their assertions, opaque in their intentions (often trolls), and when called and cornered for their bullsh!t and or inaccuracies, resort to pithy comments and whataboutisms to try and squirm their way out of the obvious corner into which we have painted them.
Skulduggery is oft frowned upon as are snarky exchanges twixt 9.95ers and our crew.
You're new round these parts. We welcome you, we simply require to at first, land here as if you were a butterfly with sore feet.
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I’m so perplexed by people who buy “insider access “ for $9.95 a month. I easily find those same articles scouring through Twitter and Reddit and share that same information to everyone here on the free board on a daily basis. And before you start screaming “free loader “ just stop. Most of us down here in the dungeon are financially well off. If you want to throw your money away go ahead.
I’m so perplexed by people who buy “insider access “ for $9.95 a month. I easily find those same articles scouring through Twitter and Reddit and share that same information to everyone here on the free board on a daily basis. And before you start screaming “free loader “ just stop. Most of us down here in the dungeon are financially well off. If you want to throw your money away go ahead.
I wouldn't care it was 99 cents I still wouldn't pay for it. Like you said, I can easily find all the information I want by watching Youtube videos and reading Twitter.
It's not about nerves or blown gaskets. Trust me when I tell you-- you've seen none of the sort.
What you bore witness to has happened down here all too often when $9.95ers (in the past) venture into our little corner (known as the dungeon) and begin spitting nonsensical and waxing prophetic. 90% of the time it's dilettante in nature and based on horse sh!t that's regurgitated from the pay board ($9.95ers).
9.95ers are often wrong in their assertions, opaque in their intentions (often trolls), and when called and cornered for their bullsh!t and or inaccuracies, resort to pithy comments and whataboutisms to try and squirm their way out of the obvious corner into which we have painted them.
Skulduggery is oft frowned upon as are snarky exchanges twixt 9.95ers and our crew.
You're new round these parts. We welcome you, we simply require to at first, land here as if you were a butterfly with sore feet.
This is going to be my last word on this particular topic--it's turning a little kooko.

I was complimenting you earlier on one of your last posts, but now you've reverted back to hurling trite, undisciplined, and intellectually lazy insults. Come on Homeslice-your better than that.

I think you were talking about me being a last word kind of guy.😬 sheeeeesh. You have not wound down since this little post started! You totally want to get the last word!

Oh yeah, there were blown gaskets, a bit of knee jerk anger, feeble attempts at intimidation, over the top sensitivity-along with a little craziness--our corner?? There should be no corner--this is not a high school clique. (And, I have a feeling you've said this stuff to others before and probably pasted the same language). You need some new material.

A little crazy is fine--but you don't want to let it get out of hand and make it look like you really are.

You keep mentioning lost arguments. An argument is lost when you get mad and jump from the initial subject (the initial subject was someone, in my view, being sensitive and immature--offering to bet money about TCU getting into the playoffs, and I took it further by challenging him to put his money where his mouth is. And that was it--I didn't move from that. And I'm sure he still hasn't bet anything on the game. Profanity doesn't help an argument either.

And also, I replied to indirectly suggest TCU shouldn't be in the playoffs, which they shouldn't--they're not even the best team in the Big 12. I don't think a team that choked away a championship game should be in the playoffs. Their non-conference schedule is a joke. I don't think TCU is the third best team, I don't think Duggan should be a Heisman candidate, and I think that TCU's undefeated record had to do more with the rest of the big 12 not being able to show them up as the pretenders that they are. I probably should've started out that way in the first place, but the childish " you wannna bet on that???? distracted me.

And then YOU jumped in, completely off topic, out of left field, unprovoked, uninvited, and offered a free psychoanalysis! I wasn't even talking to you to begin with.🙂 That's why I replied to him only. He was the only one I was talking to.
(and you're not his mother--let him fight his own battles)

Thank you for the welcome, I appreciate it. I don't think you mean it, but thanks anyway.

I'm glad to be a part of it and have enjoyed talking with fellow longhorns. But I have followed Orangebloods for a long time. I'm aware of message boards. I don't need the neighborhood bullies showing me the way.

btw, 9.95er--it's not an effective insult--it just makes you look cheap. (Also Dungeon is probably another word for the place where the cheap b** s hang out).

Your friend, the superior, gold star longhorn.
This is going to be my last word on this particular topic--it's turning a little kooko.

I was complimenting you earlier on one of your last posts, but now you've reverted back to hurling trite, undisciplined, and intellectually lazy insults. Come on Homeslice-your better than that.

I think you were talking about me being a last word kind of guy.😬 sheeeeesh. You have not wound down since this little post started! You totally want to get the last word!

Oh yeah, there were blown gaskets, a bit of knee jerk anger, feeble attempts at intimidation, over the top sensitivity-along with a little craziness--our corner?? There should be no corner--this is not a high school clique. (And, I have a feeling you've said this stuff to others before and probably pasted the same language). You need some new material.

A little crazy is fine--but you don't want to let it get out of hand and make it look like you really are.

You keep mentioning lost arguments. An argument is lost when you get mad and jump from the initial subject (the initial subject was someone, in my view, being sensitive and immature--offering to bet money about TCU getting into the playoffs, and I took it further by challenging him to put his money where his mouth is. And that was it--I didn't move from that. And I'm sure he still hasn't bet anything on the game. Profanity doesn't help an argument either.

And also, I replied to indirectly suggest TCU shouldn't be in the playoffs, which they shouldn't--they're not even the best team in the Big 12. I don't think a team that choked away a championship game should be in the playoffs. Their non-conference schedule is a joke. I don't think TCU is the third best team, I don't think Duggan should be a Heisman candidate, and I think that TCU's undefeated record had to do more with the rest of the big 12 not being able to show them up as the pretenders that they are. I probably should've started out that way in the first place, but the childish " you wannna bet on that???? distracted me.

And then YOU jumped in, completely off topic, out of left field, unprovoked, uninvited, and offered a free psychoanalysis! I wasn't even talking to you to begin with.🙂 That's why I replied to him only. He was the only one I was talking to.
(and you're not his mother--let him fight his own battles)

Thank you for the welcome, I appreciate it. I don't think you mean it, but thanks anyway.

I'm glad to be a part of it and have enjoyed talking with fellow longhorns. But I have followed Orangebloods for a long time. I'm aware of message boards. I don't need the neighborhood bullies showing me the way.

btw, 9.95er--it's not an effective insult--it just makes you look cheap. (Also Dungeon is probably another word for the place where the cheap b** s hang out).

Your friend, the superior, gold star longhorn.
Cheap? I could buy the whole site of Orangebloods if I wanted to lol. I just choose not to get inside information from a guy who said Hudson Card was going to be named the starter this year. And all this back and forth was caused because you weren't man enough to admit you were wrong.
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Cheap? I could buy the whole site of Orangebloods if I wanted to lol. I just choose not to get inside information from a guy who said Hudson Card was going to be named the starter this year. And all this back and forth was caused because you weren't man enough to admit you were wrong.
Fair enough--I probably responded too quickly, the combination of "you want to bet" and TCU being exposed and reading what I thought praise for a team that is undeserving, got me going. And also, perplexed that Texas couldn't handle its business against them, like it should have.

To be honest, after I sent the first response, I thought--"you know what? TCU IS probably going to get in by a wussy committee that is going to put TCU in because they don't want to face the fallout-particularly from disgruntled, crybaby TCU fans." Not becuase they are among the 4 best teams. It happened (correctly when they were excluded). My opinion of course.

I decided to have some fun and roll with the rest. (Sorry for calling you a TCU fan) That was in all likelihood a tinge below the belt. 😂

And yes--that Hudson Card being the starter was not smart. He's been around long enough to bite on that stuff--and for not listening to his employees who were telling him to shut up.
TCU IS probably going to get in by a wussy committee that is going to put TCU in because they don't want to face the fallout-particularly from disgruntled, crybaby TCU fans." Not becuase they are among the 4 best teams.
It is only fair and follows some kind of logic to put TCU, imo. They are a P5 school and did everything required as far as I can tell. If it were up to you to decide, would you still put Alabama? How would you justify? I am not being argumentative, just trying to understand the decision making process.
It is only fair and follows some kind of logic to put TCU, imo. They are a P5 school and did everything required as far as I can tell. If it were up to you to decide, would you still put Alabama? How would you justify? I am not being argumentative, just trying to understand the decision making process.
Fair and good question. You make good points, and I can see the argument. But there's another way to look at this. I'll try to explain my take:

I just alluded to this on another post a few minutes ago. Here's my view:

I don't think simply pointing to wins and losses should automatically put a team in the playoffs or that having TCU having more wins over, say Alabama, means the team is better.

I am one who believes that strength of schedule is very important, and it says a lot about a team's quality. In fact, I think it's the most important component of a team's quality. And computer rankings actually give teams a lot of credit for scheduling goods teams--that's what I like about computer rankings--they take human opinion completely out of the equation. I know that they're not perfect--there are flaws with computer rankings--but no politics are involved.

Yes, you're correct, TCU beat the teams on their schedule, and they are from a power 5 league--a power 5 team that will be weakened when Texas and OU leave, but they are a power 5 team. But they had no choice but to play the teams in their conference. They did, however have a choice when they scheduled Tarleton State and SMU (and even Colorado, a once good program but has been down for a long time).

To me, they chose the easy way out and wanted to beef up their wins with as many cream puffs as they could before league play began. They're not alone--some big 12 teams (and others outside the conference) are notorious over the years for doing the same thing--for example, Baylor comes to mind. KSU also. I don't believe that TCU ever thought that they would be in contention for a championship, so they weren't thinking about a national title, they were just wanting more wins to promote their program. But here they are nonetheless.

Now, the main argument it seems, to counter this scheduling deficit in favor of TCU getting in would be a conference championship. A title would've added more credence to their argument, in my opinion. But they didn't--they blew it, on the biggest stage of their season. You can say Duggan was heroic and it was a very close game down to the wire etc. But they were not heroic enough--they lost, period.

I thought Alabama should've been chosen over TCU, not because I even think they're among the 4 best teams either, but because they were in the mix and scheduled Texas on the road--they took a risk and they were not rewarded for it, which I think was a mistake. TCU did not do this. (In fact, as a side note, even Ohio State had to play Notre Dame--a flawed team to be sure, but a blueblood program, and certainly more impressive than who TCU played in the nonconference).

Yes, I know that Alabama had two losses, but they were against respectable teams with good athletes. TCU did not have to face this. There are valid reasons not to put in Alabama or Ohio State (who couldn't beat their rival and got run off the field). TCU, like OSU, didn't win their conference, which should hurt both of them.

I know it's not a perfect scenario, and college football is complicated and crazy--and Alabama and OSU are obviously flawed, but I think they should be given the benefit of the doubt and put above TCU because they scheduled challenging matchups. I think teams have to be rewarded for being bold and taking risks by scheduling teams that they could lose to.

I wouldn't be saying all of this had TCU won their league and finished undefeated, but they didn't and I think were exposed. Don't get me wrong--TCU is a very good team, but not in the top 4.
Fair and good question. You make good points, and I can see the argument. But there's another way to look at this. I'll try to explain my take:

I just alluded to this on another post a few minutes ago. Here's my view:

I don't think simply pointing to wins and losses should automatically put a team in the playoffs or that having TCU having more wins over, say Alabama, means the team is better.

I am one who believes that strength of schedule is very important, and it says a lot about a team's quality. In fact, I think it's the most important component of a team's quality. And computer rankings actually give teams a lot of credit for scheduling goods teams--that's what I like about computer rankings--they take human opinion completely out of the equation. I know that they're not perfect--there are flaws with computer rankings--but no politics are involved.

Yes, you're correct, TCU beat the teams on their schedule, and they are from a power 5 league--a power 5 team that will be weakened when Texas and OU leave, but they are a power 5 team. But they had no choice but to play the teams in their conference. They did, however have a choice when they scheduled Tarleton State and SMU (and even Colorado, a once good program but has been down for a long time).

To me, they chose the easy way out and wanted to beef up their wins with as many cream puffs as they could before league play began. They're not alone--some big 12 teams (and others outside the conference) are notorious over the years for doing the same thing--for example, Baylor comes to mind. KSU also. I don't believe that TCU ever thought that they would be in contention for a championship, so they weren't thinking about a national title, they were just wanting more wins to promote their program. But here they are nonetheless.

Now, the main argument it seems, to counter this scheduling deficit in favor of TCU getting in would be a conference championship. A title would've added more credence to their argument, in my opinion. But they didn't--they blew it, on the biggest stage of their season. You can say Duggan was heroic and it was a very close game down to the wire etc. But they were not heroic enough--they lost, period.

I thought Alabama should've been chosen over TCU, not because I even think they're among the 4 best teams either, but because they were in the mix and scheduled Texas on the road--they took a risk and they were not rewarded for it, which I think was a mistake. TCU did not do this. (In fact, as a side note, even Ohio State had to play Notre Dame--a flawed team to be sure, but a blueblood program, and certainly more impressive than who TCU played in the nonconference).

Yes, I know that Alabama had two losses, but they were against respectable teams with good athletes. TCU did not have to face this. There are valid reasons not to put in Alabama or Ohio State (who couldn't beat their rival and got run off the field). TCU, like OSU, didn't win their conference, which should hurt both of them.

I know it's not a perfect scenario, and college football is complicated and crazy--and Alabama and OSU are obviously flawed, but I think they should be given the benefit of the doubt and put above TCU because they scheduled challenging matchups. I think teams have to be rewarded for being bold and taking risks by scheduling teams that they could lose to.

I wouldn't be saying all of this had TCU won their league and finished undefeated, but they didn't and I think were exposed. Don't get me wrong--TCU is a very good team, but not in the top 4.
Well the other teams that are behind TCU didn't win their leagues and aren't undefeated either. So what's the logic behind putting them in? And as far as comparing common opponents Bama beat Texas by 1 and TCU beat them by 7.

TCU played the 9th toughest schedule in the entire NCAA this year. If we are just going to throw the best teams in there then why even play the games? It has to be about the results.
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Fair and good question. You make good points, and I can see the argument. But there's another way to look at this. I'll try to explain my take:

I just alluded to this on another post a few minutes ago. Here's my view:

I don't think simply pointing to wins and losses should automatically put a team in the playoffs or that having TCU having more wins over, say Alabama, means the team is better.

I am one who believes that strength of schedule is very important, and it says a lot about a team's quality. In fact, I think it's the most important component of a team's quality. And computer rankings actually give teams a lot of credit for scheduling goods teams--that's what I like about computer rankings--they take human opinion completely out of the equation. I know that they're not perfect--there are flaws with computer rankings--but no politics are involved.

Yes, you're correct, TCU beat the teams on their schedule, and they are from a power 5 league--a power 5 team that will be weakened when Texas and OU leave, but they are a power 5 team. But they had no choice but to play the teams in their conference. They did, however have a choice when they scheduled Tarleton State and SMU (and even Colorado, a once good program but has been down for a long time).

To me, they chose the easy way out and wanted to beef up their wins with as many cream puffs as they could before league play began. They're not alone--some big 12 teams (and others outside the conference) are notorious over the years for doing the same thing--for example, Baylor comes to mind. KSU also. I don't believe that TCU ever thought that they would be in contention for a championship, so they weren't thinking about a national title, they were just wanting more wins to promote their program. But here they are nonetheless.

Now, the main argument it seems, to counter this scheduling deficit in favor of TCU getting in would be a conference championship. A title would've added more credence to their argument, in my opinion. But they didn't--they blew it, on the biggest stage of their season. You can say Duggan was heroic and it was a very close game down to the wire etc. But they were not heroic enough--they lost, period.

I thought Alabama should've been chosen over TCU, not because I even think they're among the 4 best teams either, but because they were in the mix and scheduled Texas on the road--they took a risk and they were not rewarded for it, which I think was a mistake. TCU did not do this. (In fact, as a side note, even Ohio State had to play Notre Dame--a flawed team to be sure, but a blueblood program, and certainly more impressive than who TCU played in the nonconference).

Yes, I know that Alabama had two losses, but they were against respectable teams with good athletes. TCU did not have to face this. There are valid reasons not to put in Alabama or Ohio State (who couldn't beat their rival and got run off the field). TCU, like OSU, didn't win their conference, which should hurt both of them.

I know it's not a perfect scenario, and college football is complicated and crazy--and Alabama and OSU are obviously flawed, but I think they should be given the benefit of the doubt and put above TCU because they scheduled challenging matchups. I think teams have to be rewarded for being bold and taking risks by scheduling teams that they could lose to.

I wouldn't be saying all of this had TCU won their league and finished undefeated, but they didn't and I think were exposed. Don't get me wrong--TCU is a very good team, but not in the top 4.
I'm not trying to throw any stones at you. But who did GA and MI play in non con this year?

Yes TCU belongs in the playoffs. Talking about losing to KSU who lost to Tulane hey Tulane's in the Cotton Bowl.

And more than a few people are picking TCU to beat MI dyk that?

And one picked TCU to win by 10.

AL still lost 2 games. And LSU is not an elite team. For once in his life Brian Kelly actually won a big game.

I've never pulled for TCU in my life. But otoh I'd love to see someone like TCU to knock the SEC and the Big X on their arrogant asses.
I'm not trying to throw any stones at you. But who did GA and MI play in non con this year?

Yes TCU belongs in the playoffs. Talking about losing to KSU who lost to Tulane hey Tulane's in the Cotton Bowl.

And more than a few people are picking TCU to beat MI dyk that?

And one picked TCU to win by 10.

AL still lost 2 games. And LSU is not an elite team. For once in his life Brian Kelly actually won a big game.

I've never pulled for TCU in my life. But otoh I'd love to see someone like TCU to knock the SEC and the Big X on their arrogant asses.
Michigan's non-conference isn't great, but they played division I teams. It's hard to cover up TCU playing Tarlton State.

GA played Oregon. And Michigan whipped up on Ohio State (on the road). To me that makes a huge difference. they also killed Penn State. And both teams are better than KSU and Texas. TCU just barley scraped by multiple games this year.

They're both undefeated--had TCU finished undefeated, I wouldn't be saying this, but they lost on their biggest stage.

And yes, it's college football and it's been whacky this year with a lot of upsets--so TCU could win, but IMO, TCU shouldn't even get that opportunity to pull an upset because of their record.

So, let me ask you a question--why are you rooting for TCU? It can't just be the arrogance of the SEC and Big 10. You mentioned arrogant asses. Texas has been called arrogant a few times. Also, Remember, Texas is joining one of those arrogant conferences.

What has TCU ever done for Texas, except flash the down hookem on TV (I'm not talking about TCU fans, but players and coaches), storm the field after whipping up on weak Texas teams, and bad mouth them every chance they get--(something all the big 12 teams do now). Gary Patterson ran down Texas for years.

TCU winning does absolutely nothing for Texas--in fact, it just puts them in a better position to recruit against Texas more and take recruits. I don't see the advantage at all.
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TCU won games fair and square, but ... 4 different games the other team's starting QB went down. And BU beat themselves by not slow walking the field goal D subs in on the last play of the game - literally handed them the game. You have to have breaks, and TCU got them.
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TCU won games fair and square, but ... 4 different games the other team's starting QB went down. And BU beat themselves by not slow walking the field goal D subs in on the last play of the game - literally handed them the game. You have to have breaks, and TCU got them.
Except in the big 12 championship game.
Michigan's non-conference isn't great, but they played division I teams. It's hard to cover up TCU playing Tarlton State.

GA played Oregon. And Michigan whipped up on Ohio State (on the road). To me that makes a huge difference. they also killed Penn State. And both teams are better than KSU and Texas. TCU just barley scraped by multiple games this year.

They're both undefeated--had TCU finished undefeated, I wouldn't be saying this, but they lost on their biggest stage.

And yes, it's college football and it's been whacky this year with a lot of upsets--so TCU could win, but IMO, TCU shouldn't even get that opportunity to pull an upset because of their record.

So, let me ask you a question--why are you rooting for TCU? It can't just be the arrogance of the SEC and Big 10. You mentioned arrogant asses. Texas has been called arrogant a few times. Also, Remember, Texas is joining one of those arrogant conferences.

What has TCU ever done for Texas, except flash the down hookem on TV (I'm not talking about TCU fans, but players and coaches), storm the field after whipping up on weak Texas teams, and bad mouth them every chance they get--(something all the big 12 teams do now). Gary Patterson ran down Texas for years.

TCU winning does absolutely nothing for Texas--in fact, it just puts them in a better position to recruit against Texas more and take recruits. I don't see the advantage at all.
Except that TCU's winning the NC could save the Big XII after TX and OK leave.

I was born and raised in TX and I still love college fb in TX. Unless it's a&m I don't have any problem with TCU winning.

They beat us because Duggan is a better qb then Ewers
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Except that TCU's winning the NC could save the Big XII after TX and OK leave.

I was born and raised in TX and I still college fb in TX. Unless it's a&m I don't have any problem with TCU winning.

They beat us because Duggan is a better qb then Ewers
But do we really care about the Big12 after Texas and OU leave? What have they done for us?
But do we really care about the Big12 after Texas and OU leave? What have they done for us?
The Big XII is the hoops conference in the country and it's not even close.

TX has not contributed to that.

In the last 2 seasons the Big XII has gone 4/0 in P6 bowl games and I'm talking about ISU, OSU, and Baylor. Texas hasn't played in any of those games since GA.

And TCU, KSU, and TX had to be in the top 10 for toughest schedules at the end of the season.

You talk about TCU falling on the big stage? Really? They lost in ot by 3 points in my opinion that game along with TX/AL we're the 2 best games in the country this year.

When it comes to failing on the big stage what about CJ Stroud? tOSU gave up in the second half lost by 22 points. If you want to use that yardstick then the buckeyes don't belong either.

Both TX and OK have quality baseball programs. They're going into the best baseball conference in the country and I think they'll do well.

And if Eddie Reese is still coaching when we're officially in the SEC he'll be a tremendous boost for the SEC.

Then there's the vb team.

Everyone knows we have an outstanding athletic program. But if Yourmans can negotiate a great contract the Big XII will survive.
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Tcu is not winning a NC in football.....you know another thing that gets me billboards with tcu all over DFW and them saying first team in tx to play in college football playoff. Baylor screwed up by not taking their time at the end. K state had them the first time and then the brakes fell off. Okie lite couldn't take them out in OT, Kansas had them on the ropes.
The Big XII is the hoops conference in the country and it's not even close.

TX has not contributed to that.

In the last 2 seasons the Big XII has gone 4/0 in P6 bowl games and I'm talking about ISU, OSU, and Baylor. Texas hasn't played in any of those games since GA.

And TCU, KSU, and TX had to be in the top 10 for toughest schedules at the end of the season.

You talk about TCU falling on the big stage? Really? They lost in ot by 3 points in my opinion that game along with TX/AL we're the 2 best games in the country this year.

When it comes to failing on the big stage what about CJ Stroud? tOSU gave up in the second half lost by 22 points. If you want to use that yardstick then the buckeyes don't belong either.

Both TX and OK have quality baseball programs. They're going into the best baseball conference in the country and I think they'll do well.

And if Eddie Reese is still coaching when we're officially in the SEC he'll be a tremendous boost for the SEC.

Then there's the vb team.

Everyone knows we have an outstanding athletic program. But if Yourmans can negotiate a great contract the Big XII will survive.
It seems like you're writing about all the things UT has done for the Big 12--not the other way around. Texas has done worlds of good for the rest of the Big12. We've enriched all the other teams, like TCU, and given them money to build facilities, stadiums, recruit players--money they wouldn't have otherwise. My question was--what has the Big 12 done to support Texas? We get a lot of hate-- but what else?

And yes, TCU blew their biggest game--the B12 championship--doesn't matter if it was by 3 or 30--they lost. They backed into the playoffs-period.

You mentioned Ohio State-Ohio State beat Notre Dame in their Nonconference--which is more impressive to me than TCU beating Tarlton State or SMU (or Colorado for that matter). They also took out a 10-2 Penn State--and beat them soundly.

TCU is a nice little story- a good team, but not a playoff team. IMO. The committee obviously disagreed, so my opinion doesn't count, of course, but that's my take.

And I will be rooting for the Maize and Blue.