Donald Trump
People who want a right leaning Supreme Court
Coal Industry
Non-college educated white voters showed they're still a formidable voting block
Alec Baldwin - Baldwin now has a cameo whenever he wants it on SNL for the next four years
Concrete contractors - building the wall, hope they take Mexican pesos
Hillary Clinton - it will be interesting to see where investigations go from here
Merrick Garland - moderate and by most accounts a good judge will never get a vote
Huma and Podesta - political careers take a major step backwards
Obama's executive orders - will likely get axed in the first week
American people
....... what do you have?
Donald Trump
People who want a right leaning Supreme Court
Coal Industry
Non-college educated white voters showed they're still a formidable voting block
Alec Baldwin - Baldwin now has a cameo whenever he wants it on SNL for the next four years
Concrete contractors - building the wall, hope they take Mexican pesos
Hillary Clinton - it will be interesting to see where investigations go from here
Merrick Garland - moderate and by most accounts a good judge will never get a vote
Huma and Podesta - political careers take a major step backwards
Obama's executive orders - will likely get axed in the first week
American people
....... what do you have?