How many of your talking points went down in flames during the course of the week long “investigation” into the 36 year old allegation? How was it possible that you threw this much crap at him and not even one speck hit him? I can’t imagine the euphoria that you felt after she testified and the dejection that you must feel now knowing that your party almost had him. You really thought that she was telling the truth. What fools you are.
It was obvious that her story was BS, yet you couldn’t see it. More likely you wouldn’t see it.
Every detail was phony
Two front doors
I’m afraid to fly
It happened when I was 15 in the early 80’s
My therapist notes confirm it, but you can’t see them
My polygraph confirms it, but you can’t see it
4 boys in the room
Leland wasn’t there at first then Leland was there
PJ was a bystander
Safeway door that wasn’t there
I can’t remember anything but one beer
I don’t know nothing about taking polygraphs
All of the things that you said we needed to investigate were nothing.
July 1st party corroborated her story
Get Judge under oath. He’s the key.
Judge’s book showed bad behavior which corroborated her story
Get Keyser under oath
Devil’s Triangle
Bart Kavanaugh
He lied about his drinking
Gang rapes
He exposed his junk to me
A Yale roommate who doesn’t like him said that he’s a mean drunk
He threw ice at a bar
He committed perjury
It was obvious that her story was BS, yet you couldn’t see it. More likely you wouldn’t see it.
Every detail was phony
Two front doors
I’m afraid to fly
It happened when I was 15 in the early 80’s
My therapist notes confirm it, but you can’t see them
My polygraph confirms it, but you can’t see it
4 boys in the room
Leland wasn’t there at first then Leland was there
PJ was a bystander
Safeway door that wasn’t there
I can’t remember anything but one beer
I don’t know nothing about taking polygraphs
All of the things that you said we needed to investigate were nothing.
July 1st party corroborated her story
Get Judge under oath. He’s the key.
Judge’s book showed bad behavior which corroborated her story
Get Keyser under oath
Devil’s Triangle
Bart Kavanaugh
He lied about his drinking
Gang rapes
He exposed his junk to me
A Yale roommate who doesn’t like him said that he’s a mean drunk
He threw ice at a bar
He committed perjury