This Just Got Real

Rumors floating that disgusting human being Kim Mulkey is looking to escape the sinking ship of Baylor Athletics and that LSU might fire Nikki Fargas in order to bring her on board.
I gotta ask - why is Mulkey disgusting? And BTW - I actually read Tennessee was her landing point.
Baylor brought PH in yesterday and a settlement has been reached. We really don't know who folded their hand because both hands are dirty in all of this...
Sounded like you were saying bailer reached a settlement with Pepper who did they reach settlement with?
Sounded like you were saying bailer reached a settlement with Pepper who did they reach settlement with?
Baylol brought in Pepper - Hamilton to lay it our to Briles and a settlement was reach with Art.
I gotta ask - why is Mulkey disgusting? And BTW - I actually read Tennessee was her landing point.

Talking trash to student-athletes from the other team from the sideline pretty much qualifies her automatically. But that's far from her only episode of disgusting behavior over the years.
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Talking trash to student-athletes from the other team from the sideline pretty much qualifies her automatically. But that's far from her only episode of disgusting behavior over the years.
I love her and her fiery temper. Of course, if I was on the other side, her antics would make her public enemy no. 1.
I love her and her fiery temper. Of course, if I was on the other side, her antics would make her public enemy no. 1.

Someone can be passionate and fiery without being so low-class and showing such consistently piss-poor sportsmanship.

There was the time that she wasn't happy with the media's all-Big 12 tournament team voting and not only called out members of the media during the press conference but specifically called out an OU player by name, saying that she didn't deserve to be on the first team. There was also the time that Baylor won on a last-second shot at OSU on senior night and in the OSU head coach's last game after nearly 20 years where Mulkey ran out and danced on OSU's court instead of lining up for handshakes.

I could go on all night with other examples.

No doubt she wins. She just looks like a sorry human being doing it.
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Let's reserve "sorry human being" monikers for actual sorry human beings, and not someone who trash talks. I know that despite this board being a zoo of name calling and trash talking, it really upsets our sensibilities when someone stoops to that level, but clearly there are more deserving crimes that deserve that moniker.
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Let's reserve "sorry human being" monikers for actual sorry human beings, and not someone who trash talks. I know that despite this board being a zoo of name calling and trash talking, it really upsets our sensibilities when someone stoops to that level, but clearly there are more deserving crimes that deserve that moniker.

I think she's more than deserving. "Sorry human being" is a very capacious term. Not everyone has to be Pol Pot.
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Someone can be passionate and fiery without being so low-class and showing such consistently piss-poor sportsmanship.

There was the time that she wasn't happy with the media's all-Big 12 tournament team voting and not only called out members of the media during the press conference but specifically called out an OU player by name, saying that she didn't deserve to be on the first team. There was also the time that Baylor won on a last-second shot at OSU on senior night and in the OSU head coach's last game after nearly 20 years where Mulkey ran out and danced on OSU's court instead of lining up for handshakes.

I could go on all night with other examples.

No doubt she wins. She just looks like a sorry human being doing it.

I didn't know about the the OSU thing is one thing.

But gee whiz BBR, I can't be mad at anyone who calls out a sooner for being overrated regardless of the circumstances :)
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I'm curious about Baylor's ability to keep the information private. I sure don't know what the law is on this matter.

When the lawsuits start, won't the attorneys for the girls try and get the info Baylor has introduced in court? I guess if Baylor settles out of court, they can keep the info private.

This will be interesting to follow. Pretty sure Baylor is going to be out major bucks however it plays out.
Because BU clearly prefers secrecy over anything else. They'd rather pay $$$ than let the truth out.

And why is Baylor so diligently secretive?

Here's my theory. (It's just a theory; I'm not claiming this is 100% Gospel.)

Baptists are a proud, proud, arrogant lot. They're convinced that their version of Baptist is the one, true, best denomination. Mama couldn't have been wrong. They deeply desire to appear more Biblical and theologically-correct than the Catholics, the Disciples of Christ (TCU), Episcopalians, independent Evangelicals, Lutherans, Methodists, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, and the other types of Baptists. Of course. More than most denominations (but not all), the Baptists crave the delusion that they're being truer to Jesus than any others.

Naturally, the Bears alumni are pretty upset at Baylor University right now, for making their alma mater looks worse than other religious schools, run by non-Baptists. The worst part of it, though, is BU being lower and uglier than secular UT-Austin! Worse than UT??? Say it ain't so! Seriously... say "it ain't so"!

Those Bears who know where the bodies are can't reveal it. It'd be too shameful, and would show how far off the mark they've been, in valuing sports success over everything else (yet again).

And it's not just their priorities that have been out of wack. So is their perception of reality. Any suggestion that shining Baylor U. helped cover up terrible crimes and dissuade victims from reporting -- well, that must just be the work of the Devil, in trying to confuse all the good guys! THAT can't be true, can it?!

So it's no surprise that Bears supporters created the rumor that ESPN and the Longhorns are secretly behind this plot to get Baylor. Disney and the secularists... out to get God's chosen people, yet again.

With all the delusion, and delusion backed by big money, those Bears who are sane and taking responsibility can't go too far. If they do, they lose the support of the green horde. So, anyone with damaging info HAS to keep it under wraps.

They're afraid to look bad, and as a result, they look worse than bad. Diadevic excepted, of course.

Again, it's just a theory.
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HornsruleU, I can believe much of that. I come from a mixed religion family, one Catholic parent, one Baptist parent- so I got to see both sides of both religions growing up. Baylor is full of proud Baptists and for decades, they had a reason to be. Good education, good law school, expensive place to go, the student parking lots looked better than most BMW and Mercedes dealerships. There were beautiful, I mean BEAUTIFUL girls that went to school there--- come on, before you knock that statement, ALL of you that went to UT know that we looked forward to seeing some of the eye candy that rolled in from Waco every year the first week of november-- PLUS you knew they'd be rolling into town in their new 5 series or SL. And now, there's just this funk, this haze, over everything. We've got a few more years of this before all the court cases are settled as well. This is going to drag on, and on, and on, and on.
Because BU clearly prefers secrecy over anything else. They'd rather pay $$$ than let the truth out.

And why is Baylor so diligently secretive?

Here's my theory. (It's just a theory; I'm not claiming this is 100% Gospel.)

Baptists are a proud, proud, arrogant lot. They're convinced that their version of Baptist is the one, true, best denomination. Mama couldn't have been wrong. They deeply desire to appear more Biblical and theologically-correct than the Catholics, the Disciples of Christ (TCU), Episcopalians, independent Evangelicals, Lutherans, Methodists, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, and the other types of Baptists. Of course. More than most denominations (but not all), the Baptists crave the delusion that they're being truer to Jesus than any others.

Naturally, the Bears alumni are pretty upset at Baylor University right now, for making their alma mater looks worse than other religious schools, run by non-Baptists. The worst part of it, though, is BU being lower and uglier than secular UT-Austin! Worse than UT??? Say it ain't so! Seriously... say "it ain't so"!

Those Bears who know where the bodies are can't reveal it. It'd be too shameful, and would show how far off the mark they've been, in valuing sports success over everything else (yet again).

And it's not just their priorities that have been out of wack. So is their perception of reality. Any suggestion that shining Baylor U. helped cover up terrible crimes and dissuade victims from reporting -- well, that must just be the work of the Devil, in trying to confuse all the good guys! THAT can't be true, can it?!

So it's no surprise that Bears supporters created the rumor that ESPN and the Longhorns are secretly behind this plot to get Baylor. Disney and the secularists... out to get God's chosen people, yet again.

With all the delusion, and delusion backed by big money, those Bears who are sane and taking responsibility can't go too far. If they do, they lose the support of the green horde. So, anyone with damaging info HAS to keep it under wraps.

They're afraid to look bad, and as a result, they look worse than bad. Diadevic excepted, of course.

Again, it's just a theory.
Ha - I defended Briles even after the bitter end! Actually - I don't think you are too far off, EXCEPT: (a) alleging it's UT's fault - you will get that from every fan base - from Nebraska leaving, to ATM leaving, to SWC breakup, and it will happen again when you are the biggest dog on the street. I wouldn't say there is a big movement among BU leadership making this allegation. (b) Everybody alum I've spoken to and everything I've read - if you are truly a good Baptist, you CONFESS AND REPENT. Come clean with all details, and only then can we get our act together. Until then, there are those that will say BOR overreacted, the Administration was at fault for not having processes in place (and point to the PH report for this), etc. We have more than our share of infighting when times are good. Give us a good controversy and we will (and are) imploding.
Anybody here read Mark Twain's "The man who corrupted Hadleyburg"?
Baylor mods are saying less than 15 million.

Rumor is that the off campus Pepper Hamilton presentation the other evening was to Briles' attorney a few hours before the settlement. With how fast the settlement was reached I have to think once that attorney saw the evidence for the other side he told Briles to accept Baylor's offer and move on.
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I am guess that that pepper hamilton report is so bad that baylor doesn't want it to see the light of day. I doubt any of the lawsuits that baylor is facing will see a court room.
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