What happens (to the LHN) if OU (David Boren) insists on a B12 network (or else)?

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No. He just started this conversation that's still going on. A stupid conversation. A conversation about something that's not going to happen that has people riled up. So it's still worth repeating he should shut his cake hole.

That said, your man Frazier put on a cool show tonight.
Agree about both.
Basically, he gets off on insulting anything related to OU. Sometimes, that means insinuating the OU pres is a closet gay.

How about you leave if you dontlike what is going on here... and lets get real here - if ANY Horn acted like 99% of you okie douches do here on SS we would be perma banned... and dont even try to say we wouldnt.. I have watched it happen time and time again.....

So again - you dont like what is being said, or how your fans are treated here - then take a walk... I mean dont you hear that? Listen REALLY close.... thats the sound of nobody giving a shit about you or your fellow sooners on this board..... so feel free to leave and go back to your BM circle jerk at the scoop.

And fwiw - you president has been outed as being gay for quite some time by some very respectable persons who had nothing to gain from tellingvthe truth about him.... but ignore all of that.
Oh and btw - I really dont care about any of this..but I wouldnt be me if I didnt try and trash a sooner every so often... lol. ;)

In other words - dont take it serious/personal Heisenberg
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