
Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2012
Hurray for the Supreme Court! They have finally driven a stake through the heart of this monster! I believe that this will also end "diversity, equity, etc." in publicly owned corporations. Who would want to watch a football team that was less than 50% black? Not me. Disparity often means differences of ability.
Democrats act like black people are stupid or incapable or helpless without a handout. They aren't. Quite the opposite. And treating people that way makes them crippled inside. This will help ALL minorities thrive.
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The two groups who are the most obsessed about race in our country are liberal Democrats and the KKK. You’re never going to resolve the issue of discrimination by committing more discrimination.

The Supreme Court made the right decision but it should have been made about 30 years ago.
Hurray for the Supreme Court! They have finally driven a stake through the heart of this monster! I believe that this will also end "diversity, equity, etc." in publicly owned corporations. Who would want to watch a football team that was less than 50% black? Not me. Disparity often means differences of ability.

Absolutely, the ruling is great.

However, this means the Left proudly supported the racial discrimination of White Americans, for decades.

This is ACTUAL “systemic racism”. Yet the Left didn’t condemn it, they fueled it.

This is an ideological no-go. The Leftist ideology must die.

And for what it's worth, I'm not white.
Absolutely, the ruling is great.

However, this means the Left proudly supported the racial discrimination of White Americans, for decades.

This is ACTUAL “systemic racism”. Yet the Left didn’t condemn it, they fueled it.

This is an ideological no-go. The Leftist ideology must die.

And for what it's worth, I'm not white.
You might as well be white... You rayciss pig. ;)

I love the fact that the fans of the Mexican National soccer team scream puto at the opposing teams. I like that they do it more frequently when told not to.
I hope that’s a parody but based on the rough age of the girl in the photo, I’m afraid she’s dead serious. Another product of the stellar academic institutions our country has produced in their effort to “reimagine” education.
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Blacks succeed quite well in meritocracies such as found in the entertainment and sports industries. One does not become a professional football, basketball etc. without talent and hard work.
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Blacks succeed quite well in meritocracies such as found in the entertainment and sports industries. One does not become a professional football, basketball etc. without talent and hard work.

But to hear progressives tell it "they're just too dumb to be left to their own devices."
How’s the kid doing?
Teething. Two bottom chompers. 500 teething toys in this house and his favorite thing to chew on is dad's thumb.
Eating solid food. Avacodos. Bananas. Cooked carrots. Had peanut butter, cheesecake, ice cream-- no allergies. He sh!ts like lumberjack.
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Teething. Two bottom chompers. 500 teething toys in this house and his favorite thing to chew on is dad's thumb.
Eating solid food. Avacodos. Bananas. Cooked carrots. Had peanut butter, cheesecake, ice cream-- no allergies. He sh!ts like lumberjack.
Good deal. Next step is carnitas and then on to a tomahawk.
The Washington Free Beacon has an excellent article on the disasters of affirmative action at UCLA Medical school. The lady chair of the admissions committee has run the school off the cliff.
Enough passenger jets start falling out of the sky and folks will get the message.
The Washington Free Beacon has an excellent article on the disasters of affirmative action at UCLA Medical school. The lady chair of the admissions committee has run the school off the cliff.
Have any of you well-read, business-savvy folks come across a study that details the effects of DEI initiatives?

I would posit that bloated compliance staffs, promotions and assignments based on factors other than performance and merit would lead to decreased efficiency (increased costs) as well as potential pressure on sales (by alienating certain customer groups).

I've not seen any studies. Certainly the feds would not want to venture there, and maybe corporations are reluctant to provide any meaningful information that conflicts with the Party's position.
I would posit that bloated compliance staffs, promotions and assignments based on factors other than performance and merit would lead to decreased efficiency (increased costs) as well as potential pressure on sales (by alienating certain customer groups).
agreed......but I would posit( I cannot believe I ever used that word in a sentence) that promotions and assignments based on factors other than performance and merit would lead to unqualified hires...i.e. head of the Nuclear Disposal department...vice President...and Department of Homeland Security and Department of Education.....Chancellor at Harvard , Colombia and.....and....want me to go on?
agreed......but I would posit( I cannot believe I ever used that word in a sentence) that promotions and assignments based on factors other than performance and merit would lead to unqualified hires...i.e. head of the Nuclear Disposal department...vice President...and Department of Homeland Security and Department of Education.....Chancellor at Harvard , Colombia and.....and....want me to go on?
And I would add to your posit that we can clearly see the decline in brand name companies and the product they are churning out.
Example: Disney

What a complete sh!t show. It's not enough to have a diverse group of people saving the universe, oh no. They must create trans-mexi-lesbo-Jedi knights to check the proper diversity boxes.

Did I say that right? Trans-mexi-lesbos-Jedi...? Trans-mexi-lesbo-Jedi..... trans-mexi-lezzi-Jedi...
Can we get an English major in here to help me out?
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Sounds like we agree, but are you aware of any studies or reports out there? All I have seen are those that laud DEI  goals with no mention of impact on business performance metrics.
.....well...lets see...You might ask Anheiser Bush how that DEI ad worked out with sales....
And I would add to your posit that we can clearly see the decline in brand name companies and the product they are churning out.
Example: Disney

What a complete sh!t show. It's not enough to have a diverse group of people saving the universe, oh no. They must create trans-mexi-lesbo-Jedi knights to check the proper diversity boxes.

Did I say that right? Trans-mexi-lesbos-Jedi...? Trans-mexi-lesbo-Jedi..... trans-mexi-lezzi-Jedi...
Can we get an English major in here to help me out?
2019 I took my daughters and their husbands to Disney World. They had the Star Wars Bar with all the crazy characters, but you had to have a reservation. The only time we could get in was 9:00 am. We get there and still had to wait in a 30 minute line. We got in, and each had a cocktail that had smoke coming out of it...for $50 a piece. $300 gone by 9:15. We left and there is still a huge line at 10:00 am. When we get home, all I could think of was this endless supply of people willing to spend $50 for a cocktail at 9:00 am. So I did the smart thing -- I bought 250 shares of Disney at $150/share. Today it closed at $88.65. HOW???????????