An Aggie scientist is experimenting with frogs.
He pulls a frog out of a box and sets it on a table, he says jump frog jump. The frog jumps four feet. He writes in his notebook, a frog with four legs jumps four feet.
He chops one of the frog’s legs off, sets it on the table, and says jump frog jump. The frog jumps three feet. He writes in his notebook, a frog with three legs jumps three feet.
He chops another of the frog’s legs off, sets it on the table, and says jump frog jump. The frog jumps two feet. He writes in his notebook, a frog with two legs jumps two feet.
He again chops another leg off. He sets the frog on the table and says jump frog jump. The frog jumps one foot. He writes in his notebook, a frog with one leg jumps one foot.
He chops the frog’s last leg off, sets it on the table, and says jump frog jump. Nothing happens, so he says a little louder, jump frog jump. Again, nothing happens, so he says even louder, jump frog jump. He waits a few seconds then yells loudly, JUMP FROG JUMP. Again, nothing happens. He writes in his notebook, a frog with no legs can’t hear.