Alamo Bowl TX/CO thread

Definitely something fishy with Sam. Excited to see if Casey has any juice though.
Unfortunately, i have not even seen a flash of “it” in the last 4 years. Though in fairness, not many opportunities.
Casey Thompson very impressive. Reminds of his old man in the '87 OU-Husker game. Looks like a better passer than his brother who did not work out at OU although a good player.
Tom looks like he either has an ulcer or has been main lining coke. Dude has dropped 25 lbs easily. Pretty insane what happens to the human body when you're under stress.
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Does Whittington suffer from Vertigo, or does he have some kind of inner ear issue?
Looks like we got this one wrapped. Unless we do something epically stupid.
I am proud of Casey. Not getting rattled under the pass rush. He is playing solid thus far.
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