We had a coach get a girl pregnant in my hometown. It was all the talk in Cleveland, Texas back in the day. The problem was solved when he married her...
Nothing I’ve read about this case so far indicates that the sex was non-consensual. That teacher is very attractive and I cannot imagine any 16-18 y.o. straight dude turning her down. For the vast majority, it would be a dream come true.It ruined him for ALL future encounters with women.
Maybe his first encounter is with an older more experienced woman that is still in her 20s. Everything else is down hill.
Probably cell phone and/or computer analysis searching for deleted files.What does this mean from the story : (or maybe I don't want to know) :
"Athens Police Chief Buddy Hill said the case was initially reported in November 2019. He said the report alleged a high-school had a relationship with Kirkland. Police sent physical evidence to a lab and they just received the lab report back.
Hill said the lab results point to an inappropriate relationship between Kirkland and the student and Kirkland turned herself in to authorities on Friday."
Nothing I’ve read about this case so far indicates that the sex was non-consensual. That teacher is very attractive and I cannot imagine any 16-18 y.o. straight dude turning her down. For the vast majority, it would be a dream come true.
If the sex was non-consensual then yeah, I can agree with your take. Seems very unlikely though.
Ahhh ok I can go along with that take much easier lol.I guess I wasn't as clear. He reached the peak of the mountain He won't be able to top it. For adults she is an attractive woman. For a high school student she is the impossible dream. He ate a steak at a top steak house and now everything will be a sirloin at Applebee's.
I mean, these dudes can’t keep any secrets. I’m amazed.https://www.kltv.com/2020/07/17/athens-police-arrest-teacher-accused-relationship-with-student/
ATHENS, Texas (KLTV) - A former teacher with Athens ISD has turned herself in on criminal charges following the investigation into her alleged relationship with a student.
Kaitlynn Bethany Kirkland, 24, is charged with improper relationship with a student and tampering with evidence. She was arrested on the charge Friday and has posted a collective bond of $14,500.
On Friday night, the school district released the following statement:
Today, July 17, the Athens Police Department arrested Kaitlynn Kirkland, a former teacher at Athens ISD. She was charged with having an improper relationship with a high school student and tampering with evidence.
Geez took 2nd page to get wood. The rona really having an effect on this board.Wood
When I was in HS, dinosaurs still roamed the Earth, and I can guarantee you that even then, this would not have been a secret for longer than 20 minutes. And that was before cell phones, internet, insta-whatever. My guess would be that in the days leading up to the first "encounter," a few of his buds already knew, and were "coaching" him on how to proceed. From the teacher's perspective, this is all still a bit baffling to me, but from his perspective, it was irresistible.Cell phone evidence of texts or emails? The teacher should be booked for stupidity, not rape. Has no one heard of a burner phone? And does anyone in HS know the meaning of discretion?
@FrancoBevoGeez took 2nd page to get wood. The rona really having an effect on this board.
finally.I wasn’t on the board much yesterday and missed this.....
butt of course
That field was where my football career ended. The grass was too long and my shoe was planted when a linebacker from Navarro hit my knee causing my knee to bend sideways and my head landed beside my foot. I never played again.Nothing to do with the teacher but Athens was in football district the last couple years. Love the stadium there. Playing yall again this year.
Congrats on your erection.Geez took 2nd page to get wood. The rona really having an effect on this board.
Happened to my older sister. My father made them get married.When I was in school (many many moons ago) it was 25-30 year old male teachers, usually coaches, banging junior and senior girls. In fact, one of our Star basketball players was in practice when a male teacher came in to the gym and in front of everyone asking why in the hell had he asked out his wife. Our star player said, “Well why did you hit on my girlfriend?” Teacher got red faced and left....,
I'm not the brightest bulb so please explain.This assault was 1st reported in nov 2019 and they took her dress as evidence?Yeah, but it’s her dress
You're kidding,right? I hope you mean that nothing will equal this?It ruined him for ALL future encounters with women.
Maybe his first encounter is with an older more experienced woman that is still in her 20s. Everything else is down hill.
I am sure this has been happening for as long as there have been young teachers and slightly younger students. You don't remember it because for a large portion of our lives (at least for me, born in 1970), reported news was determined by editors constrained by column inches or available airtime, and in 1985 stories like this just don't make it out of the local barbershop or bar of whatever town it happened in. We see this in the news now because the internet has given us effectively infinite column inches and airtime to show "news" with a clickbait inentivisation system so of course hot teacher mugshots get a lot of views. Sex sells (or generates clicks).This feels like a more recent phenomenon. I don’t remember teachers like this when I was in school. Most women prefer older guys.
I'm not the brightest bulb so please explain.This assault was 1st reported in nov 2019 and they took her dress as evidence?
What do you mean? Back in our day, if we were having an improper relationship with a teacher, we didn't run to mommy or report her.Just another case of the "olds" ruining things for the younger generation.
It ruined him for ALL future encounters with women.
Maybe his first encounter is with an older more experienced woman that is still in her 20s. Everything else is down hill.
You really think that kid is ruined for life?Both the teacher and the student
Yep, I took it as a joke, for that same reason. Blue dress IIRC. That hole thing was overblown.I have no idea...it was just a joke.
Isn’t that how they figured out inappropriate behavior between Clinton and Lewinsky? It was her dress with his mess.
Whenever I read these articles and they seem vague or use genderless pronouns, I start working on the assumption it was a same-sex thing.Are we sure it was a guy?
That coach is a POS if she was underage.My Coach gave my gf a ride home from a game back in the day, took her by a secluded spot & tried to make a move.
Nowadays he'd be hanged.
I think there was a thread on this sometime earlier this year. OB members were relating being hit on by teachers while in HS. Probably happened more than many would want to admit or remember.This feels like a more recent phenomenon. I don’t remember teachers like this when I was in school. Most women prefer older guys.
What does this mean from the story : (or maybe I don't want to know) :
"Athens Police Chief Buddy Hill said the case was initially reported in November 2019. He said the report alleged a high-school had a relationship with Kirkland. Police sent physical evidence to a lab and they just received the lab report back.
Hill said the lab results point to an inappropriate relationship between Kirkland and the student and Kirkland turned herself in to authorities on Friday."
Not a recent phenomenon. I went to a high school that had 200 total kids so around 100 boys. I knew two guys that were banging teachers. This was in the 80’s. Main difference being there were no cell phones as inappropriate pics and texts seem to be the main reasons today’s teacher/student relationships get outed.This feels like a more recent phenomenon. I don’t remember teachers like this when I was in school. Most women prefer older guys.
Cool. What school? I graduated in 1980. We didn't make the playoffs. We finished second in the district both my years on varsity. Back then only the district winners went to the playoffs. Crosby beat us both years. We had a good team but just couldn't seem to beat those guys.Cleveland? We played Cleveland in the 3A playoffs in 84’. Yep. I’m getting older.