Another teacher busted...this one in my hometown

When I was in school (many many moons ago) it was 25-30 year old male teachers, usually coaches, banging junior and senior girls. In fact, one of our Star basketball players was in practice when a male teacher came in to the gym and in front of everyone asking why in the hell had he asked out his wife. Our star player said, “Well why did you hit on my girlfriend?” Teacher got red faced and left....,
Same here. It was the male teachers after the young girls.
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I'm not the brightest bulb so please explain.This assault was 1st reported in nov 2019 and they took her dress as evidence?

You're kidding,right? I hope you mean that nothing will equal this?
Yes. All steak dinners will be a sirloin going forward....still steak but not as grand as say a porterhouse.
This feels like a more recent phenomenon. I don’t remember teachers like this when I was in school. Most women prefer older guys.

In 1997 my buddy was gettin’ busy with a cute 24 yo sub. She was cray cray.
Cool. What school? I graduated in 1980. We didn't make the playoffs. We finished second in the district both my years on varsity. Back then only the district winners went to the playoffs. Crosby beat us both years. We had a good team but just couldn't seem to beat those guys.

Hempstead. We played Cleveland the 2nd round in Spring.
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That field was where my football career ended. The grass was too long and my shoe was planted when a linebacker from Navarro hit my knee causing my knee to bend sideways and my head landed beside my foot. I never played again.
My last high school football game was played at Bruce Field in Athens.
What does this mean from the story : (or maybe I don't want to know) :

"Athens Police Chief Buddy Hill said the case was initially reported in November 2019. He said the report alleged a high-school had a relationship with Kirkland. Police sent physical evidence to a lab and they just received the lab report back.

Hill said the lab results point to an inappropriate relationship between Kirkland and the student and Kirkland turned herself in to authorities on Friday."
Methinks the victim did a Clinton on her dress....
This happened a lot w guy teachers/coaches and HS girls in my day, just didn’t make national news.
Always a running joke at every school, all with a similar punch line -
“the difference between coach creepy and the football team is coach creepy scores.”
As for the lab results - they probably swabbed her butthole and found teenage jism.
It was much easier in the 70s with no cell phones, but geez just keep your mouth shut. These guys are idiots for telling a buddy.
Today, July 17, the Athens Police Department arrested Kaitlynn Kirkland, a former teacher at Athens ISD. She was charged with having an improper relationship with a high school student and tampering with evidence.

Sounds like two charges for the same crime.
Sounds like two charges for the same crime.
Sounds like two charges for two separate crimes to me. One crime for the improper relationship and another crime for tampering with evidence to cover up the first crime.
No child sexual assault charges...must've been a 17 or 18 year old.
No, not really and wasnt directed to you so go away.

In my days tons of rumors involving the coaches and older high school girls. Now the tables are turned. I do agree that modern women feel empowered and for the ones that lack morals, can take advantage just like men used to do. Both are wrong:
Growing up the sheriff of my town was dating a 15 year old and would parade it around. No one cared
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