ExactlyWow. Kennedy. Zubia. Swing the damn bat. Good Lord.
How many backwards Ks is that now?Kennedy caught looking. He's guessed wrong too often tonight. Two down.
Zubia comes up empty on first-pitch slider. Next slider taken for strike. Slider misses low and away and Sims reaches back for some extra gas but it's too high. Zubia caught looking on a slider.
3-3 B8.
Witt isn’t available. Nixon would be pitching 3 straight days after quintanilla you have pitchers that would be pitching in college World Series for first time. Pierce was trying to limit number of outs quintanilla needed to get cause after him it’s a roll of the dice.Tristan barely survived the 5th. I guess u wanted him to pitch thru the 6th and we r down 5+ runs. He was out of gas and needed to be pulled after the 1st or 2nd hitter. When u have a bullpen like ours, we don't need to be a pussy about pulling pitchers who r struggling.
These 2 pitchers today trigger the shit out of me.I detest that MSU catcher…
I was wondering the same.Btw why are we away tonight? Makes no sense
The way the NCAA does it is dumb. It’s basically alternating. Higher seed means nothing.Btw why are we away tonight? Makes no sense
wrong again as usualThat was below the knees but not unexpected with this ump
But, we were visitor last night, too.The way the NCAA does it is dumb. It’s basically alternating. Higher seed means nothing.
We've been away 3 games in a rowThe way the NCAA does it is dumb. It’s basically alternating. Higher seed means nothing.
We were visitor last night alsoThe way the NCAA does it is dumb. It’s basically alternating.