Bet I can name the 4 playoff teams for next year

Depends upon how many players they decide to share with each other.
Probably - those 4 teams already have a lock on a lot of the top ‘22 ‘cruits.

Some other team is going to have to start paying some players or this will continue for the foreseeable future
- Texas fans in 2010
- Texas fans in 2011
- Texas fans in 2012
- Texas fans in 2013
- Texas fans in 2014
- Texas fans in 2015
- Texas fans in 2016
- Texas fans in 2017
- Texas fans in 2018
- Texas fans in 2019
Perhaps, not this one

but I’m expecting a huge shift in philosophy next year with offense

just a gut feeling
Clemson and OSU lose all world QBs. Wouldn’t be so sure there.

OU and Bama get top odds for me.

Clemson’s backup QB is really good, and OSU may have the best overall talent. I agree with the OP. Those teams are head and shoulders above the rest of the pack.
Ohio State
College football should expand the playoffs since they can't help any of the competitive advantage stuff. I mean bama is like giving the patriots 10 first round picks every year. I don't think its fun or good for the game. Would love to see some cool rules where you can only sign recruits from your own state or no 5 stars if you make the playoffs for the next year or two.
Quite disturbing what college football leadership has done to parity in college football.
I agree. Maybe for different reasons though.
When the NCAA divided Church and State with “Power 5” and “Rest of 5” that was the beginning of the (possible?) end of College Football as we’ve known it. The Transfer Portal and “Opting Out” have been two other nails in the coffin too.

The only benefit I see is the NCAA is forced to expand the playoffs to keep eyeballs interested.