I said here a few months ago that I thought Cuomo was an a**hole that should have resigned he's embarrassing his family and supporters and he keeps getting worse. I've said all along that liberals are not saints.
Look this is what me takes me tick.
Compassion. I care about the families that make less than $75, 000 a year even those making less than $100, 000. These families were the hardest hit by covid they lost their jobs, their mortgage, you name it. I care about them. I see a lot of people in this country kicking them while down. I ask why? Yes in times like these the government is supposed to help them these are not lazy people who don't want to work far from it. And that canceling the unemployment checks isn't lowering the unemployment problem. So yeah I support a living wage you don't know how expensive it is out here or anywhere else. Thru the years companies have been less than honest with the employees about benefits. Target must have gotten the message because they're starting to sweeten the pot for employee hires. It goes on and on. And yes CA is as bad as the others only 53% is completely vaccinated people stopped getting vaxed when they reopened the economy. And now they're requiring that all govt and state employees, people on the front lines to get completely vaxed. Look it's kind of like what they were saying during WW2 do your part for the effort. That's how I approach the virus. If you know anything about the Mormons you know they're conservative. People at our ward have their doubts or questions but everybody has been vaxed. You understanding me now? I'm doing it for the people who didn't have to die from this.
That's where I'm coming from and JDCPA and I'm not going to answer your question other than I don't like Desantis or Cuomo.