I am a child of the 70s. I grew up under Reagan. Reagan had two economic successes, 1 international success (out spending the Russians thus leading to their collapse) and 1 MASSIVE domestic and foreign mistake (Iran contra drugs guns). Reagan's administration (CIA) was 50% responsible for drugs flooding in from South America into black neighborhoods.
So much so, that Bill Clinton, then Governor of Arkansas, was made aware by Washington that 40% of all the cocaine being brought into the US were by CIA contract pilots that were based in Arkansas. Clinton, of course, turned a blind eye, which earned him a poker chip at the BIG BOY table that he would later cash in to become President.
Now-- when a government purposely poisons its own population- do you not see a problem with that?
Now-- there's other down low and dirty things our government has done at home, and abroad, to both citizens and non-citizens-- all in the name of agenda.
I can go on for days-- one day I'm going to pull a snatch and grab on
@GuaranteedFresh! and get him to tell you the difference between what happens in the "white world" of special military operations, and what happens in the "black world" of SOF. It is LITERALLY night and day-- and if you think our government never sends those guys into places that violate treaties, laws, international agreements etc-- you're flat out naive.
Now-- our government has rules its supposed to follow. Let me give you an example-- it is against US law to deploy active duty troops on US soil.
"The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) signed on June 18, 1878, by President Rutherford B. Hayes which limits the powers of the federal government in the use of federal military personnel to enforce domestic policies within the United States."
Now, let me ask you-- do you think this law has ever been broken?
Newsflash-- it's broken damn near every day. Our lying politicians and beaurocrats have simply found loop holes that allow them the ability to do it.
Once government STARTS taking liberties like this, they also play fast and loose with other rules.
You said you feel as free as you did 20 years ago.
Wanna bet? 20 years ago I would wait at the airport gate for friends when the arrived.
Can you do that now? Nope. Because you traded a bit of safety, for a bit of your freedom.
When I walk into any large athletic event, I'm FORCED to take my bag or backpack and empty it infront of the police. Is that freedom, or security?
My nephews are not allowed to carry a book bag into school that is not completely plastic and transparent. Again, trading privacy and freedom for "security".
Here's a tangential example--
If I CHOOSE to travel to the Congo- I am required to have a Yellow Fever shot before I go. Now, I can choose NOT to go, and thus, I will be choosing NOT to get a yellow fever shot-- but this is a CHOICE. FREEDOM of choice.
Yesterday, the Govenor of California made it MANDATORY for all children ages 5 to 18 to get the Covid shot. You're thinking "well ya, it's for the greater good of the people!".
Ok, here's another example of the "greater good for society"...... ready?
All fat people and diabetics should be euthanized. They are, after all, the LARGEST DRAIN on our health care system, and for the over all greater good of the REST of us, it would be more fiscally beneficial to our society if we could stop spending money on them, and focus our money and energy elsewhere.
Now, that's fvcked up, right?
Being forced to take a Covid "vaccine" is no different. People are trading bits of their freedoms, for the feeling of security. Like at airports, athletic events, etc.
I REFUSE to trade my God and country given freedoms, for security. It's a choice. It's your responsibility as an American to do the same. But you've become complacent and you're OK with trading your freedoms for the feeling if security.
I'm going to let you read a very important quote-- ready?
Read this carefully, I implore you-
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their
right, it is their
duty, to
throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
What this means is, if the Government starts taking away your freedoms, YOU are given the right to use any means necessary (start with votes and progress to bullets if necessary) to "throw them off" and start a new government with out them.
Any- means- necessary.
My solution is this- peace. Peaceful national divorce. Mommy and daddy got along for 250 years. That's an impressive marriage. But mommy and daddy have drifted apart. And Daddy has become authoritarian and abusive towards mommy. Time for a split, peacefully, or mommy goes and buys a gun and kills daddy while he is sleeping. There's no reconciling. The wife has already been beaten by her husband, and that is a line that once crossed, can not be mended. Would you tell your daughter to go back to a husband that abused her? No, no you wouldn't. You'd kill the bastard and gladly serve your time in jail-- and your daughter would be forever safe.
Half of this country, the "basket of deplorables", the "Neanderthals" the "fly over country" people, the "inbreds", the "rednecks" and any one else refusing to conform to coastal belief systems, are done being the abused spouse.
So as I said earlier, there are two choices on the table, and I am comfortable allowing my opponents the ability to choose their option.
Option 1-- peaceful divorce.
Option 2-- Mommy is going to fvcking kill you.