Biden fear mongering Covid hoax No. 2

That you would find anything appealing about Robert O'Rourke is laughable. The guy is a putz. Texans are smart enough to see him for the loser/fraud that he is. He doesn't stand a chance against Abbott or any other Republican in the governor election.
Exactly. Beto has zero chance of becoming Governor of Texas. As a Hispanic person, I don’t care much for pandering white guys who pretend to be Hispanic. He likes to sometimes try and use a Hispanic dialect in his speech to try and appear as if he’s a genuine Hispanic. The truth is he doesn’t know how to speak any fvcking Spanish. On the other hand, Greg Abbot actually knows how to speak Spanish but has never pandered to anyone as far as I know.
First and foremost I’m gonna applaud you for at least realizing that. And for admitting that. Second that is indeed a big problem in todays politics. Because the truth is I hate both.
But now for the breakdown for each

Greg gets the advantage for me in these two ways: He’s very tough on crime and when it comes to freedom of choice. Now I know what a lot of people are going to say, just a couple of weeks ago I wasn’t sounding like freedom of choice. Here’s the truth, you think I want to wear a mask for the rest of my life? No I don’t. I ****ing hate the damn things and sometimes I can’t breathe and do you really think I want to be forced to do something I don’t want to do? Like take the vaccine? No but I did. I got all 3 because it was my choice. Because I made the choice to take a chance with a vaccine rather than the Virus or having serious symptoms
I stopped reading at "I hate both." Everyone does their own analysis in their own unique way; however, this isn't a high school prom king popularity contest.

Policies - not people - change people's lives. Emotion and whether I like or hate someone has no place in my analysis.
I'll take issue with only one of your statements.

The one about Beto NOT making covid political. I'd say if you go on national TV after your governor (Abbott) lifts the mask mandate, and then you bash his decision of "allowing people the right to choose" by saying that thousands more Texans are going to DIE because Abbott let people take off their masks--- I consider that as-- "making Covid pretty fvcking political".

Here's a video to back up my claim.

Beto está loco y es un mentiroso. Y un payaso blanco. 🤡
Exactly. Beto has zero chance of becoming Governor of Texas. As a Hispanic person, I don’t care much for pandering white guys who pretend to be Hispanic. He likes to sometimes try and use a Hispanic dialect in his speech to try and appear as if he’s a genuine Hispanic. The truth is he doesn’t know how to speak any fvcking Spanish. On the other hand, Greg Abbot actually knows how to speak Spanish but has never pandered to anyone as far as I know.
He's a poser. Nobody spends their father in laws money like Beto.
I stopped reading at "I hate both." Everyone does their own analysis in their own unique way; however, this isn't a high school prom king popularity contest.

Policies - not people - change people's lives. Emotion and whether I like or hate someone has no place in my analysis.
You’re right but did you not read anything else I have clearly written? I listed why each have the advantage and why each don’t have the advantage and what I think it’s going to come down too whether Greg has a 3rd term or not
I'll take issue with only one of your statements.

The one about Beto NOT making covid political. I'd say if you go on national TV after your governor (Abbott) lifts the mask mandate, and then you bash his decision of "allowing people the right to choose" by saying that thousands more Texans are going to DIE because Abbott let people take off their masks--- I consider that as-- "making Covid pretty fvcking political".

Here's a video to back up my claim.

Look about CoVid, it’s a very complicated issue at this point and it’s getting out of control so even I don’t know at this point.
Ok I’m gonna make this very simple, if the power stays on, Even though I think he’s a giant jackass, Greg will get my support even though I’ll still call him out on everything else. Because the Crime and Power grid are two very personal issues to me. Here’s why

last year because of the fact that Austin is becoming a massive shithole, crime has risen and that’s not under Greg’s leadership, that’s under Adlers leadership and the media. One of my best friends was shot and killed almost a year ago the day after Christmas and that was after I lost my grandmother a month earlier. That is reason 1 why the crime issue is very personal. And I hate the city of Austin for being lazy bastards because the crime has risen tremendously and that’s not good
The power grid, the winter storm, I will never forgive Adler and the Austin City council for how they handled it. I almost died last year and I almost lost my girlfriend and cat due to that storm. While a lot of us were sitting shivering in the dark, downtown, west lake and beecaves got to sit with power on but yet Austin city council and those ercot assholes were telling the rest of us to save power when we already lost it

so the power grid will be the deciding factor. If the power stays on and Greg Is a man of his word, Greg will get my vote even though he’s a giant asshole. If the power doesn’t stay on again, Greg can go to hell. Now I’ll give Greg credit because the power grid was a concern this summer with the heat/ac and it really wasn’t I’ll give him kudos. The test will be winter.
the power grid situation will be the deciding factor

also to anybody who keeps Pickpointing at all my views, I’m allowed to be middle where I have views on both sides. Because middle ground is seriously lacking. And if anybody can’t accept that, that’s on you
Oh, i don't know Joe, might want to look at the numbers coming out of Florida where they don't wear masks or mandate vaccines, but I know that won't fit the narrative you're selling. Anyone think Florida votes blue next election? LOL

Covid hoax fear mongering got Biden placed into office and perpetual covid hoax fear mongering will get Biden and the Dems kicked to the curb in the midterms and the 2024 Presidential election. It's all fun and games until loss of jobs, loss of money and loss of freedoms get involved. Inflation is here for a while....
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Ok I’m gonna make this very simple, if the power stays on, Even though I think he’s a giant jackass, Greg will get my support even though I’ll still call him out on everything else. Because the Crime and Power grid are two very personal issues to me. Here’s why

last year because of the fact that Austin is becoming a massive shithole, crime has risen and that’s not under Greg’s leadership, that’s under Adlers leadership and the media. One of my best friends was shot and killed almost a year ago the day after Christmas and that was after I lost my grandmother a month earlier. That is reason 1 why the crime issue is very personal. And I hate the city of Austin for being lazy bastards because the crime has risen tremendously and that’s not good
The power grid, the winter storm, I will never forgive Adler and the Austin City council for how they handled it. I almost died last year and I almost lost my girlfriend and cat due to that storm. While a lot of us were sitting shivering in the dark, downtown, west lake and beecaves got to sit with power on but yet Austin city council and those ercot assholes were telling the rest of us to save power when we already lost it

so the power grid will be the deciding factor. If the power stays on and Greg Is a man of his word, Greg will get my vote even though he’s a giant asshole. If the power doesn’t stay on again, Greg can go to hell. Now I’ll give Greg credit because the power grid was a concern this summer with the heat/ac and it really wasn’t I’ll give him kudos. The test will be winter.
the power grid situation will be the deciding factor

also to anybody who keeps Pickpointing at all my views, I’m allowed to be middle where I have views on both sides. Because middle ground is seriously lacking. And if anybody can’t accept that, that’s on you
Ever wonder how the men of the 82nd airborne-- during the battle of the bulge, were surrounded by Germans and had no winter clothes, hardly any ammo, even less food, and no medical supplies of any consequence, having the crap shelled out of them in sub-zero temperatures for a week--- survived?

We lose power for a few days in Texas and everybody loses their sh!t. Them dudes crapped in dirt fox holes for a week and managed to survive.

We have gotten REALLY soft as a society.
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Ever wonder how the men of the 82nd airborne-- during the battle of the bulge, were surrounded by Germans and had no winter clothes, hardly any ammo, even less food, and no medical supplies of any consequence, having the crap shelled out of them in sub-zero temperatures for a week--- survived?

We lose power for a few days in Texas and everybody loses their sh!t. Them dudes crapped in dirt fox holes for a week and managed to survive.

We have gotten REALLY soft as a society.
Those tough dudes were most likely country boys, not city folk.
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Currently, the definition of “fully vaccinated” for purposes of complying with a mandate is fairly clear: 2 doses of Pfizer/Moderna and 1 dose of J&J. There are discussions about boosters, which could change the definition above. I’m thinking a lot will change (for better or worse) before the deadline, November 22. Keep your powder dry for now.
Nothing changed. The deadline passed. You must have a neg Covid test every 72 hours before entering a work space. OTC doesn’t count unless it was administered by one’s self under the watchful eye of a medical professional.
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That’s if you’ve requested religious/medical exemption. Otherwise disciplinary actions have begun.
That’s if you’ve requested religious/medical exemption. Otherwise disciplinary actions have begun.
I have friends both within the fed government and at govt contractors that have submitted reasonable accommodation requests. They’ve indicated that no answer has been provided to them and no timeline as to when they’ll receive an answer. Horrible situation to be in.
I have friends both within the fed government and at govt contractors that have submitted reasonable accommodation requests. They’ve indicated that no answer has been provided to them and no timeline as to when they’ll receive an answer. Horrible situation to be in.
Your friends are entirely 💯 correct.
Your friends are entirely 💯 correct.
I’ve spoken to a couple of people about the basis of their religious exemption arguments. Their religious exemption argument as described to me is very well thought out and sincere, and the religious belief system is extremely important to them. The argument was not merely cobbled together to get around the jab. I hope they receive a favorable response. I feel for them.
I’ve spoken to a couple of people about the basis of their religious exemption arguments. Their religious exemption argument as described to me is very well thought out and sincere, and the religious belief system is extremely important to them. The argument was not merely cobbled together to get around the jab. I hope they receive a favorable response. I feel for them.
I have an argument that some may call "semantic" in nature.

If you threaten my livelihood in order to force me to put something metal into my body that COULD be detrimental to my health-- then I'm going to treat that as attempted murder. If you believe someone is trying to murder you and has a weapon that is sharp and pointy-- I have to access that threat as severe and then dispatch it.

Call me crazy if you like.
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Ever wonder how the men of the 82nd airborne-- during the battle of the bulge, were surrounded by Germans and had no winter clothes, hardly any ammo, even less food, and no medical supplies of any consequence, having the crap shelled out of them in sub-zero temperatures for a week--- survived?

We lose power for a few days in Texas and everybody loses their sh!t. Them dudes crapped in dirt fox holes for a week and managed to survive.

We have gotten REALLY soft as a society.
Ok once again, no one has clearly read what I just said. Explaining why the power grid situation is personal to me and where I gave Greg Credit and where I said I would vote. So if no one is gonna listen, I’m out. Y’all have fun clearly violating the rules of no politics discussions because I’m not gonna **** my health up dealing with this. I’m too old for this shit. I’m not gonna insult anybody because I don’t want to get in trouble but this is way beyond reason so I’m gonna go now. Clearly backs up there is no middle ground anymore

and for the record, People got PTSD from what happened in February. So tell that to them and see where that gets you. I already had PTSD but that just made it worse. So if you want to call me “SOFT” for that then I guess I’am ****ing SOFT as shit and you know what at least I have the balls to admit I have PTSD.

This is the real issue with society, no one takes mental health seriously anymore. So I’m out.
I have an argument that some may call "semantic" in nature.

If you threaten my livelihood in order to force me to put something metal into my body that COULD be detrimental to my health-- then I'm going to treat that as attempted murder. If you believe someone is trying to murder you and has a weapon that is sharp and pointy-- I have to access that threat as severe and then dispatch it.

Call me crazy if you like.
Ditto. The government and all the cowards that have been hiding in fear have ruined 2 of my businesses. I can't wait for the scrum to break out. I'll be on the front lines.
Ok once again, no one has clearly read what I just said. Explaining why the power grid situation is personal to me and where I gave Greg Credit and where I said I would vote. So if no one is gonna listen, I’m out. Y’all have fun clearly violating the rules of no politics discussions because I’m not gonna **** my health up dealing with this. I’m too old for this shit. I’m not gonna insult anybody because I don’t want to get in trouble but this is way beyond reason so I’m gonna go now. Clearly backs up there is no middle ground anymore

and for the record, People got PTSD from what happened in February. So tell that to them and see where that gets you. I already had PTSD but that just made it worse. So if you want to call me “SOFT” for that then I guess I’am ****ing SOFT as shit and you know what at least I have the balls to admit I have PTSD.

This is the real issue with society, no one takes mental health seriously anymore. So I’m out.
You're the problem and the lot of idiots just like you. You cower in fear of tv bogeyman while allowing the liberals to kill the livelihoods of millions of american families. You are a selfish pussy and I'd pop you in a scrum with glee.
Ok first of all that sounds like you’re threatening me. @LonghornMM you gonna do something about that as the moderator here? Because I’m trying to be the bigger person here. Second I’m a selfish pussy? You know what you can go to hell especially dude. I’ve tried to show many Times that I’m middle ground. But I guess that’s not good enough so let me put it to you this way there buddy boy. You wanna insult me go ahead. I can take it but here’s the deal, you are an example on the right that does not give me hope for a better future. Because let me tell you something, I’m neither Democrat or Republican. Liberal or Conservative. I’am for what is better for this country. While I don’t believe in police brutality I don’t believe in defunding the police here. An example of many

and I’m gonna go back to what @clob94 said earlier. This society has gotten SOFT? I’m gonna take it one step further this society has gotten SAD AND PATHETIC ON BOTH SIDES!!!!!!!! ANd you my friend, are an example of sad and pathetic on the right. Insulting someone who has PTSD who really had no issue with you but now has a massive issue with you. You can insult me all you want but try saying that to someone else, you may not be so lucky my friend. May god have mercy on your soul. So I’m gonna go before I get my account flagged.

So I’m not gonna waste my time anymore with you. I pray that god has mercy on your soul. Because oooooo weeeeeeeeeeee……
Buy some firewood and a generator. You ever been camping?
If you’re gonna threaten me, I’m done wasting my time with you. And for the record you wanna call me a liberal boogeyman, For the record, Donald Trump covered up how serious Covid was and Ted Cruz retreated to ****ing Cancun while the state was undergoing a natural disaster

So I’m done with you
If you’re gonna threaten me, I’m done wasting my time with you. And for the record you wanna call me a liberal boogeyman, For the record, Donald Trump covered up how serious Covid was and Ted Cruz retreated to ****ing Cancun while the state was undergoing a natural disaster

So I’m done with you
I’ve called out Adler for lasts years winter storm who
Is a democrat many times and I said it really wasn’t on Greg but this time going forward it is but if you’re still gonna insult me, Bye Felicia @2300 Nueces
Ok first of all that sounds like you’re threatening me. @LonghornMM you gonna do something about that as the moderator here? Because I’m trying to be the bigger person here. Second I’m a selfish pussy? You know what you can go to hell especially dude. I’ve tried to show many Times that I’m middle ground. But I guess that’s not good enough so let me put it to you this way there buddy boy. You wanna insult me go ahead. I can take it but here’s the deal, you are an example on the right that does not give me hope for a better future. Because let me tell you something, I’m neither Democrat or Republican. Liberal or Conservative. I’am for what is better for this country. While I don’t believe in police brutality I don’t believe in defunding the police here. An example of many

and I’m gonna go back to what @clob94 said earlier. This society has gotten SOFT? I’m gonna take it one step further this society has gotten SAD AND PATHETIC ON BOTH SIDES!!!!!!!! ANd you my friend, are an example of sad and pathetic on the right. Insulting someone who has PTSD who really had no issue with you but now has a massive issue with you. You can insult me all you want but try saying that to someone else, you may not be so lucky my friend. May god have mercy on your soul. So I’m gonna go before I get my account flagged.

So I’m not gonna waste my time anymore with you. I pray that god has mercy on your soul. Because oooooo weeeeeeeeeeee……
Ha ha. You're the problem. Can't decide who is right. I bet you have your government check and don't give a sh!t about local businesses, eh. Were you for lockdowns and are you for mandatory vaccinations?
Ha ha. You're the problem. Can't decide who is right. I bet you have your government check and don't give a sh!t about local businesses, eh. We're you for lockdowns and are you for mandatory vaccinations?
Of course I’m not for lockdowns dipshit. And I’ve said many times I’m for freedom of choice but I exercised my freedom of choice to not take a chance with a deadly virus. But when you’re ready to have a reasonable ****ing conversation I’ll be here until then, Bye byeb
Ha ha. You're the problem. Can't decide who is right. I bet you have your government check and don't give a sh!t about local businesses, eh. Were you for lockdowns and are you for mandatory vaccinations?
And of course I gave a shit about Local businesses.
When you wave bye, jump into the the Grand Canyon while you're at it. You have a bit of an over inflated ego, fyi.
When you wave bye, jump into the the Grand Canyon while you're at it. You have a bit of an over inflated ego, fyi.
Fine I will. But you know what, at least I won’t die suffocating of a deadly virus that YOUR president covered up. That was caught on tape because I wouldn’t take the shot that YOUR president gave millions of dollars and formed operation warp speed so you know what, I’ll go jump into the Grand Canyon and you can have fun suffocating from Covid but hey if you don’t want to take the shot that’s fine. You’re choice. You want to go low I’ll go even lower 🖕🏻
When you wave bye, jump into the the Grand Canyon while you're at it. You have a bit of an over inflated ego, fyi.
And I have an overinflated ego. Well least I’m not a dumbass. Keep it coming buddy. I got nothing to lose here
Since you are such a God fearing gent, what is this? Your fear of a germ and the cold is going to allow for the following:

Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave,e to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.

You gonna take it and go to hell or refuse and starve? If you can't take a few cold nights, you'll get an eternity of warmth in the lake of fire bro. You ready?
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