Biden fear mongering Covid hoax No. 2

Thanks again, westx. Please allow me ask one follow up question. Do you think the people who stormed the Capitol on January 6th we're good Reagan Republicans? That they were fighting for our freedom?
No. They should have kept the protest out in front. However, I do understand how their spontaneous emotions got the best of them Another idea is they should have stayed within the more acceptable protesting practices like looting, burning businesses, burning police stations, smashing police cars and overtaking several city blocks. This would have led them to be arrested and quickly released as opposed to being hunted by the FBI, prosecuted and shamed lives.
Yes Good Lord dude how about telling your gay buddies the same thing, if you want unlimited rides on the bologny pony don’t expect doctors to help you when you get the silly virus. If they’re going to be stupid why should they get healthcare? Care telling how much taxpayer money has been spent on AIDS and Aids research? How about cigarette smokers?You have lost all credibility here. You are not comparing apples to apples and you know it.

And just the other day you went berserk on here because there was political dialogue on a sports board, hell you just printed your whole diary. To each their own
Ok I’am but you’re not listening. So I’m going to see myself out now. I shouldn’t have gotten drawn into another political toxic conversation and I was warned so y’all have whatever beliefs you want. I’m not going to stress myself out and give myself more health problems. I’m getting too old for this shit anyways so have a happy thanksgiving. All of you. I stand by what I said, do we really have to have a political conversation on here? Because it is ridiculous When it’s already toxic enough with the football season so do what you want. I’m out. Have a nice day and Ok Cool Hook em
No. They should have kept the protest out in front. However, I do understand how their spontaneous emotions got the best of them Another idea is they should have stayed within the more acceptable protesting practices like looting, burning businesses, burning police stations, smashing police cars and overtaking several city blocks. This would have led them to be arrested and quickly released as opposed to being hunted by the FBI, prosecuted and shamed lives.
Correction westx. The "mostly peaceful protesters" were not arrested as law enforcement was ordered to stand down. I have connections within LAPD that confirmed this. Those in other cities that were apprehended were quickly bailed out by the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which was promoted by our historic VP. To your point, these peaceful protesters never had the FBI on their tail, no prosecutions, and never had the need to spend their life's savings on defense counsel.
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Ok I’am but you’re not listening. So I’m going to see myself out now. I shouldn’t have gotten drawn into another political toxic conversation and I was warned so y’all have whatever beliefs you want. I’m not going to stress myself out and give myself more health problems. I’m getting too old for this shit anyways so have a happy thanksgiving. All of you. I stand by what I said, do we really have to have a political conversation on here? Because it is ridiculous When it’s already toxic enough with the football season so do what you want. I’m out. Have a nice day and Ok Cool Hook em
Look at the thread title. Did you expect we'd be discussing why the proliferation of the spread offense in TX has led to passive offensive linemen?

Happy thanksgiving to you too.
Ok I’am but you’re not listening. So I’m going to see myself out now. I shouldn’t have gotten drawn into another political toxic conversation and I was warned so y’all have whatever beliefs you want. I’m not going to stress myself out and give myself more health problems. I’m getting too old for this shit anyways so have a happy thanksgiving. All of you. I stand by what I said, do we really have to have a political conversation on here? Because it is ridiculous When it’s already toxic enough with the football season so do what you want. I’m out. Have a nice day and Ok Cool Hook em
Not sure what point you want to make. Everyone knows politics is hypocritical, you're not telling us anything new. You coming in here and trying to enlighten us of that is an insult. What many people on the right hate is the fact that the left media and politicians constantly lecture us "deplorables" on how we should be acting and how we should feel about things. Then those same people get caught doing something worse. Hello Cuomo, Newsom, Pelosi, Hunter Biden, etc... Also, I'll let you in on a little secret, we don't give a shit what the snobs say and all it does is make people dig in deeper. The left claims to be so tolerent but only to those who follow along, the rest they would rather cancel, belittle, and condemn as racist than try to understand. You said yourself how left politics ruined Austin, the same thing happened in California and will happen other places if the left gets their way. Why would you vote for that?

Also, I have never heard a conservative not supportive and thankful for health care workers, that's something the left is making up because you know, we're deplorable people and all.
Not sure what point you want to make. Everyone knows politics is hypocritical, you're not telling us anything new. You coming in here and trying to enlighten us of that is an insult. What many people on the right hate is the fact that the left media and politicians constantly lecture us "deplorables" on how we should be acting and how we should feel about things. Then those same people get caught doing something worse. Hello Cuomo, Newsom, Pelosi, Hunter Biden, etc... Also, I'll let you in on a little secret, we don't give a shit what the snobs say and all it does is make people dig in deeper. The left claims to be so tolerent but only to those who follow along, the rest they would rather cancel, belittle, and condemn as racist than try to understand. You said yourself how left politics ruined Austin, the same thing happened in California and will happen other places if the left gets their way. Why would you vote for that?

Also, I have never heard a conservative not supportive and thankful for health care workers, that's something the left is making up because you know, we're deplorable people and all.
Valid points. You’re right. If you think I’m giving Adler a third term, wrong because he has ruined the city but the issue is I don’t know who else to trust. Because a lot of republicans I can’t trust either. The issues are so deep rooted on both sides
Not sure what point you want to make. Everyone knows politics is hypocritical, you're not telling us anything new. You coming in here and trying to enlighten us of that is an insult. What many people on the right hate is the fact that the left media and politicians constantly lecture us "deplorables" on how we should be acting and how we should feel about things. Then those same people get caught doing something worse. Hello Cuomo, Newsom, Pelosi, Hunter Biden, etc... Also, I'll let you in on a little secret, we don't give a shit what the snobs say and all it does is make people dig in deeper. The left claims to be so tolerent but only to those who follow along, the rest they would rather cancel, belittle, and condemn as racist than try to understand. You said yourself how left politics ruined Austin, the same thing happened in California and will happen other places if the left gets their way. Why would you vote for that?

Also, I have never heard a conservative not supportive and thankful for health care workers, that's something the left is making up because you know, we're deplorable people and all.
I don’t like Nancy Pelosi, but I’m not a big fan of Kevin McCarthy either
I do not like Ted Cruz but I’m not a big fan of Chuck Schumer
I like Tim Ryan but I also like Mitt Romney
I did not vote for Hillary. I didn’t vote at all in 2016 but the fact that Trump (yes I know this is gonna trigger a lot of you) covered up how serious Covid was and this is on tape with Bob Woodward, was enough to get me to vote Biden. Do I like the man? No. Do I like both? No I definitely do not

do I like Democratic governors or a certain former democratic governor of New York who I won’t even mention because I’m so ashamed of him? No but I’m not worshipping Abbott or DeSantis as the damn holy grail. I’ll applaud them when they do something I agree with

Ron DeSantis gave all first responders a 1000 raise, I applauded that
Abbott is right on Crime in Texas
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Valid points. You’re right. If you think I’m giving Adler a third term, wrong because he has ruined the city but the issue is I don’t know who else to trust. Because a lot of republicans I can’t trust either. The issues are so deep rooted on both sides
My humble opinion is do your due diligence on the issues. Parties don’t matter today as much as in years past. We essentially have a uniparty now. I don’t trust establishment party members. I look for individuals at the local and state level that have the citizens’ interests at heart and not those that are looking to align themselves with the federal establishment. Adler fails on both counts.
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I don’t like Nancy Pelosi, but I’m not a big fan of Kevin McCarthy either
I do not like Ted Cruz but I’m not a big fan of Chuck Schumer
I like Tim Ryan but I also like Mitt Romney
I did not vote for Hillary. I didn’t vote at all in 2016 but the fact that Trump (yes I know this is gonna trigger a lot of you) covered up how serious Covid was and this is on tape with Bob Woodward, was enough to get me to vote Biden. Do I like the man? No. Do I like both? No I definitely do not

do I like Democratic governors or a certain former democratic governor of New York who I won’t even mention because I’m so ashamed of him? No but I’m not worshipping Abbott or DeSantis as the damn holy grail. I’ll applaud them when they do something I agree with

Ron DeSantis gave all first responders a 1000 raise, I applauded that
Abbott is right on Crime in Texas
There was no stopping Covid once it left Wuhan and it did that way before anyone knew it existed (except for China). His plan didn't work, but Trump didn't want to cause a panic anymore than what was already going to happen. People bought up hundreds of rolls of toilet paper, what do you think would have happened if he didn't try to downplay it? Trump banned flights from China, democrats said he was racist. Pelosi told everyone to hug an asian person in large crowds. Fauci said masks were not needed. The whole world was caught with their pants down, but let's all blame Trump for everything that went wrong.

Also, on the healthcare workers topic, Democrats are showing their gratitude by firing those that aren't willing to get vaccinated. I try to look at both sides of things but some of the things that dems are doing is just pure craziness in my mind.
Gun control my ass. enforce the laws on the books. PROSECUTE offenders. Simple solution.
But do not attack the second amendment.
Can't wait to hear what butthole in chief, I mean FJB, has to say about the Rittenhouse acquittal.
I was amazed; totally thought the mob pressure would scare the jury and force the verdict the mob demanded.
Can't wait to hear what butthole in chief, I mean FJB, has to say about the Rittenhouse acquittal.
I was amazed; totally thought the mob pressure would scare the jury and force the verdict the mob demanded.
FJB has no business commenting on the trial as he inferred Rittenhouse was a white supremacist. FJB biased the trial - thank god the jury assessed only the facts.
Gun control my ass. enforce the laws on the books. PROSECUTE offenders. Simple solution.
But do not attack the second amendment.
This ^^^
We have plenty of valid and strong laws on the books at the city, state, and federal level addressing armed robbery, arson, immigration - to name a few. Enforce them. DAs in blue cities are not PROSECUTING.
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You’re right. But again the advantage is still in my favor on majority of this one my friend.
And actually still majority of this I don’t really care either way

here’s the truth:
-i don’t care who marries who either. A few of my close friends are gay and I support them. A friend of mine back home is married and he’s super gay. A friend of mine is about to get married in El Paso. I support him too.
-I appreciate you admitting the truth about police brutality and Covid. Let me ask you, those conditions you have that led you to be hospitalized, did you have them before Covid and if so, I’ll give you that. I’m glad your ok and better.
-Regarding the vaccine, that is correct but would you rather take your chance with a potentially deadly virus?

but once again, my point still stands. Now not all conservatives are stupid, my brother again, super conservative, he’s smart as shit. Smarter than majority of people in the country. I don’t remember saying that all conservatives are stupid. I remember saying I too have conservative views. But I shit on anything I don’t like. Democrat or conservative, I don’t really give a damn who’s who at this point. Anybody in congress or state government or even local government do something I don’t like, I’m gonna take a massive metaphorical dump on them. Here’s what I will say,
There is stupid people on both sides. Not everybody but some. What is that I say? Well Here it is.

examples of stupid on the left:
During the protests/riots and there was one here in Austin last year, I remember the media and alot of ordinary citizens with left views were calling out the right for not following Covid protocols when the virus really got ugly but yet they were out marching in masses. Most without masks on. I could be wrong but from what I’ve seen, yeah.!Now I know what people are thinking, I don’t support the cause and I don’t support the right to protest, wrong and wrong. I support both But what I don’t support is some people use it as an excuse to riot and then there’s a deadly pandemic still out there. I’ll be honest, during that time I was in lockdown separated from my girlfriend, my friends and my job. I wanted CoVid to die down so I can be reunited with all three of those that I listed.
example number 1 of you’re right there is hypocrisy on the left. No double standard.
example number 2: a lot of republicans are saying the election is stolen. This election. Well I’m not even gonna get into this election but I will say is democrats have cheated elections before probably. Recent example, Debbie Wasserman Schultz STOLE the PRIMARY from Bernie Sanders in 2016 in favor of Hillary Clinton
Example number 3: Does the part of me calling out Steve Adler, the mayor of Austin, not ring a bell? I call him out all the time. Every time he talks about safety etc I call him out because of his handling of the winter storm that was done by him and the city council almost killed half of the city. I call him out all the time because of it because that storm almost took away my girlfriend and my cat. After I already lost two people I cared about and that storm triggered my PTSD. Plus he’s turned Austin into a shithole. I’m sorry and if anybody is wondering why I say that, I’ll give you an Example, the Haruka Weiser story. Where campus used to be safe, now it’s not really. Because Austin used to be safe, now it’s not. The city always talks about doing something about it but they never do

now for examples on the right:
- once again the right to choose argument. If anybody out there does not want to take the damn shot, fine. Your call your decision. I won’t judge and at this point I could care less. If anybody doesn’t want to follow protocol too, not to wear a mask fine. There are places that don’t require it but the places that do, just put the damn thing on because there are people that do want to be safe. Now back to the main point at hand, if majority of folk on the right does not want to wear a mask majority of the time, fine; your decision. You don’t want to get the shot, fine your decision. But if Politicans Like Abbott and DeSantis want to push the Narrative of Freedom of choice then don’t be hypocritical jackasses and take away a woman’s right to choose. Because while I don’t fully agree with Abortion either, I understand certain circumstances. Some I won’t list because I don’t want to get in trouble. But because of those unfortunate circumstances if they do happen and lead to a woman’s health being at risk, I understand and I won’t judge them but people who are going out there being immature about it, I won’t and quite honestly I’d prefer the adoption method for the child to go to a Home that can’t have one.
- Gun control, I’d like to address that for a second, I’m a firm believer in gun control just like how I said before i don’t believe in police brutality but I do not agree either that Defunding the police is the answer. We need the police to keep law and order and right now Austin is not law and order. I’ll applaud Abbott for that one because he is 100 percent right but gun control, I believe in that too. While I don’t believe in guns being taken away, I do agree that the shootings need to stop. I don’t think Anybody in congress is saying oh let’s take the guns away. If anybody is saying that, they need to be put in the home. What I do believe is because of all the mass shootings, we need to have stricter and I mean Very STRICTER GUN CONTROL LAWS!!!!!!!!!!! Because it is getting in the hands of very sick people who are either sick or evil. Yes I also get the narrative of the shadow market. But regardless it’s a start. However the republicans are taking it as OH MY GOD THEY WANT TO TAKE OUR GUNS AWAY!!!!! No I don’t think that’s it at all. There’s people who are plain and simple abusing the 2nd amendment.
-The media, let’s talk about the media for a second.
believe it or not, I listen to both sides.
The right: I don’t listen to Tucker but I do listen to Hannity. I don’t listen to Laura Ingraham but I do listen to Will Cain. (example but it’s actually true)
The left: I don’t listen to Rachel Maddow but you better believe I listen to Erin Burnett, Morning Joe, Chris Cuomo, Chris Hayes (Sometime), Lawrence O Donnell, Anderson Cooper

the media does have a part to play in all of this. Do I think they’re the enemy of the people?? No I dont. Because majority of both lie. Thats a fact. There’s more to the media that we don’t know but those i listed that I do watch or listen too, they all made great points along with shit I don’t agree with. Here’s where the divide comes in. While on the left, they’re more fear mongering, the right is pushing out lies. Not all but most because I want to ask y’all this, why in the hell are there people who are deniers at first then they admit they shouldve followed protocol to prevent them from being hospitalized.

where I really get mad, is when it comes to the respect the medical community gets

there are many more but my point still stands. If anybody wants to question my middle ground more, bring it I got plenty more examples

there’s more to this. Our society and unfortunately majority of people have gotten so stupid that it has led to a massive divide. Congress on both sides have become so corrupt that they’re taking advantage of it. There is no middle ground and no unity. I don’t even think I can trust this current congress if a damn cosmic threat happens. That’s how divided we are and that’s how big of a problem it is.

Real quick I’m gonna say something to both sides, because I also forgot to say that there are people on the left who are also stupid and don’t follow protocols because they’re cocky as hell, if you don’t want to follow protocol either fine but this is what I say to both sides, if you are going to abuse your right to choose fine. But I want to speak on behalf of all nurses and doctors out there and to them too because I’ve seen some ugly shit said to nurses and doctors the past year and for them i don’t care what side of the vaccine argument and political side they’re on, if you are a medical professional, I just want to say thank you. Thank you and god bless you. The shit you guys had to go through this past year, damn. You guys are the true heroes in my book. God bless you guys.
to those on the right who have said ugly shit to any medical professional during the biggest crisis: you should be ashamed of yourself. Because this virus is very real and it is a war on our own soil. The doctors and nurses out there they are our own version of our troops because they’re at work making sure we are ok.
To the left: You may think you’re immune but you’re not.
To both: Thank a medical professional once in awhile. And if you’re gonna be stupid with the protocols for Covid going forward, and other future pandemics, don’t be surprised if the nurses and doctors get so fed up with this crap that they say no. If you’re gonna be stupid, why should they give you health care and use beds for people who are stupid and then not give a bed to the people who actually need them.

The divide on all these issues especially Covid it didn’t have to be this way.
So you're NOT voting for Beto for governor?
Valid points. You’re right. If you think I’m giving Adler a third term, wrong because he has ruined the city but the issue is I don’t know who else to trust. Because a lot of republicans I can’t trust either. The issues are so deep rooted on both sides
You’re back so soon? I’m just messing with you a little, everyone has their opinion.
You’re right. But again the advantage is still in my favor on majority of this one my friend.
And actually still majority of this I don’t really care either way

here’s the truth:
-i don’t care who marries who either. A few of my close friends are gay and I support them. A friend of mine back home is married and he’s super gay. A friend of mine is about to get married in El Paso. I support him too.
-I appreciate you admitting the truth about police brutality and Covid. Let me ask you, those conditions you have that led you to be hospitalized, did you have them before Covid and if so, I’ll give you that. I’m glad your ok and better.
-Regarding the vaccine, that is correct but would you rather take your chance with a potentially deadly virus?

but once again, my point still stands. Now not all conservatives are stupid, my brother again, super conservative, he’s smart as shit. Smarter than majority of people in the country. I don’t remember saying that all conservatives are stupid. I remember saying I too have conservative views. But I shit on anything I don’t like. Democrat or conservative, I don’t really give a damn who’s who at this point. Anybody in congress or state government or even local government do something I don’t like, I’m gonna take a massive metaphorical dump on them. Here’s what I will say,
There is stupid people on both sides. Not everybody but some. What is that I say? Well Here it is.

examples of stupid on the left:
During the protests/riots and there was one here in Austin last year, I remember the media and alot of ordinary citizens with left views were calling out the right for not following Covid protocols when the virus really got ugly but yet they were out marching in masses. Most without masks on. I could be wrong but from what I’ve seen, yeah.!Now I know what people are thinking, I don’t support the cause and I don’t support the right to protest, wrong and wrong. I support both But what I don’t support is some people use it as an excuse to riot and then there’s a deadly pandemic still out there. I’ll be honest, during that time I was in lockdown separated from my girlfriend, my friends and my job. I wanted CoVid to die down so I can be reunited with all three of those that I listed.
example number 1 of you’re right there is hypocrisy on the left. No double standard.
example number 2: a lot of republicans are saying the election is stolen. This election. Well I’m not even gonna get into this election but I will say is democrats have cheated elections before probably. Recent example, Debbie Wasserman Schultz STOLE the PRIMARY from Bernie Sanders in 2016 in favor of Hillary Clinton
Example number 3: Does the part of me calling out Steve Adler, the mayor of Austin, not ring a bell? I call him out all the time. Every time he talks about safety etc I call him out because of his handling of the winter storm that was done by him and the city council almost killed half of the city. I call him out all the time because of it because that storm almost took away my girlfriend and my cat. After I already lost two people I cared about and that storm triggered my PTSD. Plus he’s turned Austin into a shithole. I’m sorry and if anybody is wondering why I say that, I’ll give you an Example, the Haruka Weiser story. Where campus used to be safe, now it’s not really. Because Austin used to be safe, now it’s not. The city always talks about doing something about it but they never do

now for examples on the right:
- once again the right to choose argument. If anybody out there does not want to take the damn shot, fine. Your call your decision. I won’t judge and at this point I could care less. If anybody doesn’t want to follow protocol too, not to wear a mask fine. There are places that don’t require it but the places that do, just put the damn thing on because there are people that do want to be safe. Now back to the main point at hand, if majority of folk on the right does not want to wear a mask majority of the time, fine; your decision. You don’t want to get the shot, fine your decision. But if Politicans Like Abbott and DeSantis want to push the Narrative of Freedom of choice then don’t be hypocritical jackasses and take away a woman’s right to choose. Because while I don’t fully agree with Abortion either, I understand certain circumstances. Some I won’t list because I don’t want to get in trouble. But because of those unfortunate circumstances if they do happen and lead to a woman’s health being at risk, I understand and I won’t judge them but people who are going out there being immature about it, I won’t and quite honestly I’d prefer the adoption method for the child to go to a Home that can’t have one.
- Gun control, I’d like to address that for a second, I’m a firm believer in gun control just like how I said before i don’t believe in police brutality but I do not agree either that Defunding the police is the answer. We need the police to keep law and order and right now Austin is not law and order. I’ll applaud Abbott for that one because he is 100 percent right but gun control, I believe in that too. While I don’t believe in guns being taken away, I do agree that the shootings need to stop. I don’t think Anybody in congress is saying oh let’s take the guns away. If anybody is saying that, they need to be put in the home. What I do believe is because of all the mass shootings, we need to have stricter and I mean Very STRICTER GUN CONTROL LAWS!!!!!!!!!!! Because it is getting in the hands of very sick people who are either sick or evil. Yes I also get the narrative of the shadow market. But regardless it’s a start. However the republicans are taking it as OH MY GOD THEY WANT TO TAKE OUR GUNS AWAY!!!!! No I don’t think that’s it at all. There’s people who are plain and simple abusing the 2nd amendment.
-The media, let’s talk about the media for a second.
believe it or not, I listen to both sides.
The right: I don’t listen to Tucker but I do listen to Hannity. I don’t listen to Laura Ingraham but I do listen to Will Cain. (example but it’s actually true)
The left: I don’t listen to Rachel Maddow but you better believe I listen to Erin Burnett, Morning Joe, Chris Cuomo, Chris Hayes (Sometime), Lawrence O Donnell, Anderson Cooper

the media does have a part to play in all of this. Do I think they’re the enemy of the people?? No I dont. Because majority of both lie. Thats a fact. There’s more to the media that we don’t know but those i listed that I do watch or listen too, they all made great points along with shit I don’t agree with. Here’s where the divide comes in. While on the left, they’re more fear mongering, the right is pushing out lies. Not all but most because I want to ask y’all this, why in the hell are there people who are deniers at first then they admit they shouldve followed protocol to prevent them from being hospitalized.

where I really get mad, is when it comes to the respect the medical community gets

there are many more but my point still stands. If anybody wants to question my middle ground more, bring it I got plenty more examples

there’s more to this. Our society and unfortunately majority of people have gotten so stupid that it has led to a massive divide. Congress on both sides have become so corrupt that they’re taking advantage of it. There is no middle ground and no unity. I don’t even think I can trust this current congress if a damn cosmic threat happens. That’s how divided we are and that’s how big of a problem it is.

Real quick I’m gonna say something to both sides, because I also forgot to say that there are people on the left who are also stupid and don’t follow protocols because they’re cocky as hell, if you don’t want to follow protocol either fine but this is what I say to both sides, if you are going to abuse your right to choose fine. But I want to speak on behalf of all nurses and doctors out there and to them too because I’ve seen some ugly shit said to nurses and doctors the past year and for them i don’t care what side of the vaccine argument and political side they’re on, if you are a medical professional, I just want to say thank you. Thank you and god bless you. The shit you guys had to go through this past year, damn. You guys are the true heroes in my book. God bless you guys.
to those on the right who have said ugly shit to any medical professional during the biggest crisis: you should be ashamed of yourself. Because this virus is very real and it is a war on our own soil. The doctors and nurses out there they are our own version of our troops because they’re at work making sure we are ok.
To the left: You may think you’re immune but you’re not.
To both: Thank a medical professional once in awhile. And if you’re gonna be stupid with the protocols for Covid going forward, and other future pandemics, don’t be surprised if the nurses and doctors get so fed up with this crap that they say no. If you’re gonna be stupid, why should they give you health care and use beds for people who are stupid and then not give a bed to the people who actually need them.

The divide on all these issues especially Covid it didn’t have to be this way.
4:18 am??? Is this what they mean when they say that nothing good happens after 10:00 pm? Didn't read a word, but impressive volume!
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that remains to be seen
You said, and I quote "I don’t think Anybody in congress is saying oh let’s take the guns away. If anybody is saying that, they need to be put in the home."

Beto has said this very thing

Soooo by your rationale, Beto belongs in a mental home.

Yet you say you are considering voting for him.

And there it is--- like a big mushroom cloud, your narrative and credibility were just nuked.
You said, and I quote "I don’t think Anybody in congress is saying oh let’s take the guns away. If anybody is saying that, they need to be put in the home."

Beto has said this very thing

Soooo by your rationale, Beto belongs in a mental home.

Yet you say you are considering voting for him.

And there it is--- like a big mushroom cloud, your narrative and credibility were just nuked.
Ok at this point everyone in congress needs a big wake up call. They’re all stupid I’m done with this. I just got scammed
Ok at this point everyone in congress needs a big wake up call. They’re all stupid I’m done with this. I just got scammed
You got scammed by Beto. You've been scammed by the media. You've been scammed by the CDC, and you've been scammed by the current administration.
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Have you changed that vote for Beto yet? I'm not saying Abbott is the end all, be all. He's not.

And this is the problem with politics. You are often forced to choose between an ass hole and a dip sh!t.

This is true, and when faced with such a decision, one should consider policy over the potential for "mean tweets". FJB
Have you changed that vote for Beto yet? I'm not saying Abbott is the end all, be all. He's not.

And this is the problem with politics. You are often forced to choose between an ass hole and a dip sh!t.

It remains to be seen exactly who else is will be running on the Republican side against Abbott. One thing for sure, the Dems are nut jobs. No way I would ever consider voting blue.
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