Yes.... we all know. The same vaccine that our current President, current Vice President, current speaker of the House and about 200 other politicians said that they "would not" be taking the Trump vaccine.
Here's a video that hasn't been purged by the tech companies yet--
So you see my man, this vaccine was politicized LONG before it arrived. Had Trump won re-election, there is 100% certainty that these same politicians would have pushed back against taking the "vaccine". Here's a Wash Post article saying that very thing.
And here's the Associated Press saying the same thing--
NEW YORK (AP) — President Donald Trump is escalating his promise for a coronavirus vaccine before Election Day.
The Globe agrees--
More Republicans than Democrats appear to be “vaccine hesitant.” They’ve gotten the treatment you might expect in some quarters of the news media. “Right-wing anti-vaccine hysteria is increasing. We’ll all
So what it boils down to is this-- i don't give a fvck if Trump, Ghandi, Jesus, or Jenna Jameson was in charge when this virus was created. None of these people, including Biden, were in the lab when this experimental profalactic was rushed through development.
This is the reason I don't fully trust it yet. Trump has nothing to do with it. And the fact that you imply that he does simply shows your ineffective persuasive argument, as well as your political bias.