Ummm.... yeah.. you have just been cheating.... history shows that after any success, ou was subsequently blasted by the NCAA for.... (wait for it).... CHEATING... but logic must get filed in the same category as toothpaste, deodorant and sex with ppl NOT related to you when it comes to sooners... as in things you people just dont understand... but at least you can laugh at your own ignorance of your teams sordid history and multiple probatins etc for cheating... there is a good reason ou islooked at as one of the dirtiest programs of all time.... maybe one day, one of you nutless losers will grow up and admit what the rest of the world knows - you only succeed when you cheat as has been proven time and time again throughout your history.... now kick rocks and enjoy a great big bag o' dicks.
Oh and you may wanna look up what the word TRUTH means, bc your reply shows you are totally IGNORANT to what it really is. SMFH.... it shouldnt bother me that a sooner fan is THIS mentally retarded, but some of you cease to amaze me in these ways.