Chuba Hubbard -- gone?

There are 5 Caribbean islands that you can get a passport for your family for about 200k. You can avoid all future taxes if you renounce your citizenship and avoid your capital gains upon leaving the US if you live in PR for awhile 1st. After you get your passport you can live almost anywhere in the world without a visa (less than 6 months per place year in each place).

I live in PR now under Act 20 and 22 and pay 4% and no capital gains.

I saw a youtube video on this. Interesting. Is it liveable? Just from watching the news in a disinterested manner - it seems to be on the verge of bankruptcy. Is it stable? Do you feel safe?
I saw a youtube video on this. Interesting. Is it liveable? Just from watching the news in a disinterested manner - it seems to be on the verge of bankruptcy. Is it stable? Do you feel safe?

Very livable and enjoyable. My wife and I would not live anywhere else for the 6 months from late November - May (perfect weather). The news accounts overstate the living conditions. Yes they do have a lot debt but it hasn't really affected my life yet. The biggest problems are island life (things are very slow to get done) and some of the amenities you take for granted living in US. We live in Palmas Del Mar which is 45 minutes from SJ which means our shopping and restaurants are not as good.
Grundy has done about as well as can be expected at OSU and has always carried himself in a mature respectful way from what I’ve seen over the years. Dude always seems like a sold individual to me. %1$s&ampshare=

I commend Chubba Hubbard for the way he handled this. When he could have taken his coach over the coals and led a movement to get him fired he chose another path " to educate him" as he put it. And it's not really about the messager, Chubba Hubbard, it really is about Mike Gundy. I was wondering that there had to be something going on behind closed doors that hasn't been disclosed now it has and now I understand why.

In 2011 MG and OSU broke through and finally won a conference title and they went on to beat a ST and Andrew Luck team that was the best bowl game that season. And it was probably the first time that OSU beat OK when it really mattered. But they blew it at least 4x since then to win a Big XII title. But if MG sees, really sees, the error of his ways then look out Big XII because OSU not OK has the best team in the Big XII.
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I commend Chubba Hubbard for the way he handled this. When he could have taken his coach over the coals and led a movement to get him fired he chose another path " to educate him" as he put it. And it's not really about the messager, Chubba Hubbard, it really is about Mike Gundy. I was wondering that there had to be something going on behind closed doors that hasn't been disclosed now it has and now I understand why.

In 2011 MG and OSU broke through and finally won a conference title and they went on to beat a ST and Andrew Luck team that was the best bowl game that season. And it was probably the first time that OSU beat OK when it really mattered. But they blew it at least 4x since then to win a Big XII title. But if MG sees, really sees, the error of his ways then look out Big XII because OSU not OK has the best team in the Big XII.
Dude that’s enough from you, seriously. Yes a player putting a list together of a coach’s perceived weaknesses sounds like a recipe for success for the players involved.:rolleyes:. So let me guess, the players want to dictate what Gundy can wear but if the players decide to wear a BLM shirt it is A-ok? Yes sounds fair:rolleyes: I bet you a million bucks Gundy knows the names of his star players, maybe the players whining about not having a personal relationship with Gundy should become better players and get noticed.
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I commend Chubba Hubbard for the way he handled this. When he could have taken his coach over the coals and led a movement to get him fired he chose another path " to educate him" as he put it. And it's not really about the messager, Chubba Hubbard, it really is about Mike Gundy. I was wondering that there had to be something going on behind closed doors that hasn't been disclosed now it has and now I understand why.

In 2011 MG and OSU broke through and finally won a conference title and they went on to beat a ST and Andrew Luck team that was the best bowl game that season. And it was probably the first time that OSU beat OK when it really mattered. But they blew it at least 4x since then to win a Big XII title. But if MG sees, really sees, the error of his ways then look out Big XII because OSU not OK has the best team in the Big XII.

You can't be serious. Chuba "educated" Gundy? So you think that Gundy was wrong for wearing a OAN t-shirt and should apologize for it? WTF? If I'm understanding you, you're saying that the players can have their opinion, but the coach cannot? Good grief. SMDH! :rolleyes:
You know I think the end result will be like the Urban Meyer situation. Don't be surprised if he's suspended for the first 3 games and at the end of the season he'll step down just like Urban did.

My father died last year. One of the smartest things he ever told me was if it's not about the money it's about the money. How it applies to MG is he's got a 5 year rollover on his contract in fact he's always had it. I predict he'll coach the rest of the season and then retire. They'll need to settle the buyout and they might as well let him coach while they're negotiating.

Man I can't believe we lost 5 straight home games, and 7 out of ten to this guy.
Why are you acting like Gundy is lying about what he is being accused of saying in 1989. Seems a little silly to be coming out 30 years later? But you have taken one side and run with your agenda. YOU are what’s wrong with America right now.
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Why are you acting like Gundy is lying about what he is being accused of saying in 1989. Seems a little silly to be coming out 30 years later? But you have taken one side and run with your agenda. YOU are what’s wrong with America right now.

This article made almost no mention of what MG said 31 years ago. I'm sorry but it's obvious that you didn't read the article.

Did you even read the article? In your case I doubt it. So I let me tell you about it. The man is completely out of touch with his players. Last year an OSU player died and MG didn't even know his first name. He refers to players. by their jersey number because he doesn't know their name. And that's just for openers.
Did you even read the article? In your case I doubt it. So I let me tell you about it. The man is completely out of touch with his players. Last year an OSU player died and MG didn't even know his first name. He refers to players. by their jersey number because he doesn't know their name. And that's just for openers.
Charlie Strong didn't even know his starting Qb's first name, what's the difference? Oh yeah, he's black, it's ok but Gundy is white so he's out of touch and racist? GTFO
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Amid the ugliness, an opportunity arose for Hubbard and his teammates to clear house and dictate the program’s future. (They also could have gutted the program through transfer, as the NCAA would have been forced to give all the Cowboys immediate eligibility because of Gundy’s insensitivity.)

This is terrifying.
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Did you even read the article? In your case I doubt it. So I let me tell you about it. The man is completely out of touch with his players. Last year an OSU player died and MG didn't even know his first name. He refers to players. by their jersey number because he doesn't know their name. And that's just for openers.
1...the dude didnt die. so biiiiig false news right off the top. 2...i'm no MG or osu fan but wtf does buddy buddy have to do with coaching? its x's and o's and plug in the joes. you seriously need to GROW UP
1...the dude didnt die. so biiiiig false news right off the top. 2...i'm no MG or osu fan but wtf does buddy buddy have to do with coaching? its x's and o's and plug in the joes. you seriously need to GROW UP

No you seriously need to living in the real world.