Colin Kaepernick

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Cotton #12

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
Sorry,I just could not let this slide by without expressing my total disgust for his actions of not Standing for the National Athem. Colin,if you dislike this country so much,then MOVE,Please MOVE and go find somewhere else,no one is keeping you here.Professional sports team and college teams are no place for political protests and from what I have heard most people get in trouble with the law is because they do not want to OBEY THE LAW but want to make their own.
Sitting on your a*# never accomplished anything. Go spend time working with troubled kids showing them respect for the police. do something to uplift the community. His actions are useless. If he has a grievance do something to change it.
I'll try to put this forward with as little political, emotional stuff poured in.

The general reaction to these kinds of things bothers me more than the actions themselves. I think "loving the nation" doesn't mean being complicit with all of it's problems. You can love the country and simultaneously feel that we as a nation have become too complicit with our evils, and thus feel that the flag/anthem/whatever does not represent the country you know and love. I don't feel this way (yet), but it's understandable.

It seems the PC-ification of the country extends to patriotism too. Many people act like addressing a serious issue is disparaging the country, that not saying the pledge or standing for the anthem is some grievous evil against military personnel. Give me a break. To ignore problems that need solving is to be unpatriotic. The fact that there is more outrage over not standing during the anthem than systematic discrimination and poverty is kind of ridiculous. Similarly, to say that invading Iraq was a mistake is 1. an understatement, and 2. not any insult to the servicemen/women who were involved. It's an indictment of our leaders, not those who served.

That being said, I agree with Tired Horn - if he had his little sit-down episode after giving back to the communities affected, it would carry much more weight. And maybe he has and it's gone unnoticed, who knows. He could easily use his influence in better ways.
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He has the freedom to express himself any way he feels. My cousin died for his rights and my other family members continue to serve. If he feels that minorities are oppressed than that's his belief. I'm a minority myself I don't have the same views as him because I see it in a different way. But I would never tell this man not to stand up for what he believes. They're will be repercussions with his decision but that's just life.
Sorry,I just could not let this slide by without expressing my total disgust for his actions of not Standing for the National Athem. Colin,if you dislike this country so much,then MOVE,Please MOVE and go find somewhere else,no one is keeping you here.Professional sports team and college teams are no place for political protests and from what I have heard most people get in trouble with the law is because they do not want to OBEY THE LAW but want to make their own.

By the way, the same argument could be applied to you. If you don't like political messages in pro sports, don't watch pro sports. But instead, you like this thing, yet dislike certain aspects of it, so now you're here making a statement. Not unlike our friend Colin.
I'm curious what Colin has accomplished by doing this besides spit in the face of the men who fought for our freedom. He's a selfish self loathing sumbitch in my book. Have some respect Colin, it ain't all about you.
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If Colin feels that we live in a country that treats African Americans so poorly- then it's his right to do so. However, instead of a "gesture" that draws attention to himself, perhaps he should reach out to the man in charge of this country that treats African Americans so poorly. I mean, he is the boss, right? They do have a lot in common. Perhaps that commonality can lead to something constructive instead of something potentially destructive for Colin's career.
As usual, the two polarized sides of our nation see an issue, pick their side and dig their heels in. One side sees it as total disrespect to the nation's military. One side sees it as civil rights protest. Neither side hears the other. Doesn't matter what the issue is anymore, there's no consensus on anything and there's no civil conversation anymore. Sad but that's the way it is.

Btw, I obviously have feelings on this but it's moot. Those with confirmation bias towards my point of view will agree, those who don't won't.
If Colin feels that we live in a country that treats African Americans so poorly- then it's his right to do so. However, instead of a "gesture" that draws attention to himself, perhaps he should reach out to the man in charge of this country that treats African Americans so poorly. I mean, he is the boss, right? They do have a lot in common. Perhaps that commonality can lead to something constructive instead of something potentially destructive for Colin's career.
I agree Clob. This president has done absolutely nothing for the African American community and it is baffling as to why a lot of them are enamored with him. I'm not trying to get in an argument here just stating my thoughts.
As usual, the two polarized sides of our nation see an issue, pick their side and dig their heels in. One side sees it as total disrespect to the nation's military. One side sees it as civil rights protest. Neither side hears the other. Doesn't matter what the issue is anymore, there's no consensus on anything and there's no civil conversation anymore. Sad but that's the way it is.

Btw, I obviously have feelings on this but it's moot. Those with confirmation bias towards my point of view will agree, those who don't won't.
Scholz there's no need to be passive aggressive my man. I believe in the "symbol" and right for him to do this. However, wouldn't you agree that most times actions, not symbols, are more productive to solving a problem? He's making a jesture, not taking action. You know POTUS will take his call. Call POTUS, invite him out to Napa for a round of golf and explain to him what "Colin" would do to make things better. Sitting on your rear and acting a little "diva-ish" is fine, but it doesn't HELP fix things in any way. Agree?
Do I agree with his method of political protest? Not really my call. That's his thing. It's the voice he feels he has and an issue he feels strongly about. And after all, we live in a free society, right? I mean, this isn't North Korea where people have to do cartwheels for the flag or get shot, right? It's his decision to stand or sit. It's not mandatory.

Btw, I think the actual issue he's talking about should engender more outrage than one person not getting out of his seat.
Do I agree with his method of political protest? Not really my call. That's his thing. It's the voice he feels he has and an issue he feels strongly about. And after all, we live in a free society, right? I mean, this isn't North Korea where people have to do cartwheels for the flag or get shot, right? It's his decision to stand or sit. It's not mandatory.

Btw, I think the actual issue he's talking about should engender more outrage than one person not getting out of his seat.
Totally agree 10000%.

The home I grew up in was a tough love home. I was taught that if something was fundamentally wrong, that it's your obligation to go out there and try your best to fix it. Colin isn't a "nobody". He has the platform to actually help change things. I'm just saying that instead of a gesture that can be "spun" to make it look like an attention grab, get off your patooty and act.
It's Colin's right to sit during the national anthem. It's not the way 99.9% of athletes would go about making their statement about protesting something like this. He will find that by going about this "his way", that there will be huge repercussions. He chose to handle it this way though and has dug in, so we'll see how society treats him going forward.
Sorry,I just could not let this slide by without expressing my total disgust for his actions of not Standing for the National Athem. Colin,if you dislike this country so much,then MOVE,Please MOVE and go find somewhere else,no one is keeping you here.Professional sports team and college teams are no place for political protests and from what I have heard most people get in trouble with the law is because they do not want to OBEY THE LAW but want to make their own.

As always, so many people have issues walking a mile in their shoes. The person that penned the National Anthem was a slave owner, the song mentions slaves:

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore,
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a Country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash'd out their foul footstep's pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Do I personally believe what he is doing will help anything, no. It is a nothingburger really. I find it interesting from conservatives in Texas that want to secede, but think not honoring the flag is some horrendous crime.

The sole purpose of this was to get attention, that is it, that is all. If he really had an issue there are so many more useful ways for a millionaire to assist with black oppression issues than sitting down for a $.02..
No Respect Punk! Find another country to live in!


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It's not the way 99.9% of athletes would go about making their statement about protesting something like this.
The black athlete as political activist goes back a long way in this country, back to a century ago with Jack Johnson the boxer through Jackie Robinson and through the civil rights era with Ali, Tommie Smith, John Carlos, etc. Jackie Robinson refused to stand for the anthem. Ali was a war protestor (now lauded for his courage btw). Smith and Carlos had their black power fists at the '68 Olympics. I think it's more common than you think.

He will find that by going about this "his way", that there will be huge repercussions.
He's probably going to lose his NFL career over this and he probably knew that. To me that makes his protest more meaningful.
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I'm curious what Colin has accomplished by doing this besides spit in the face of the men who fought for our freedom.
You mean like you okies do every Saturday when you sing "Home of the $ooners!" instead of the brave and disrespect the national anthem? Like that?
The black athlete as political activist goes back a long way in this country, back to a century ago with Jack Johnson the boxer through Jackie Robinson and through the civil rights era with Ali, Tommie Smith, John Carlos, etc. Jackie Robinson refused to stand for the anthem. Ali was a war protestor (now lauded for his courage btw). Smith and Carlos had their black power fists at the '68 Olympics. I think it's more common than you think.

That would still make his percentage of 99.9% pretty much accurate.
Agree with his actions or not - it doesnt matter. He has the RIGHT to do what he did to express himself and how he feels/thinks. It may not be popular, and he may be a douche - but lets not forget that we ALL have the same rights he does.... those screaming that he should leave the country bc he did this obviously dont feel as though he has the right to make the statements he did or do what he did.....yet they do..... interesting.

Side note - I do think he is a doucheard for sure regardless. But if ppl get that butthurt over that one simple action and statement, yet have no issue with the schools taking out the pledge of allegience then they seriously need to re-evaluate things....

Secod side note- I think Colin is a spoiled punk with a sense of entitlement as well.... those "white people" opressing minorities are the ones writing his multi million dollar checks.... they are also the people who took a minority child with no parents and raised him, giving him love and support to help him reach his dreams.....yeah this guy is a tard. lol
That would still make his percentage of 99.9% pretty much accurate.
Not going to nitpick over the %. Just saying black athletes make political statements occurs frequently. Recently, one could point to the WNBA wearing BLM t-shirts, NBA players such as D.Wade, L.James, C.Anthony, C.Paul, etc...
Sorry,I just could not let this slide by without expressing my total disgust for his actions of not Standing for the National Athem. Colin,if you dislike this country so much,then MOVE,Please MOVE and go find somewhere else,no one is keeping you here.Professional sports team and college teams are no place for political protests and from what I have heard most people get in trouble with the law is because they do not want to OBEY THE LAW but want to make their own.

Just for fun - those "laws" are mostly archaic designed trash put in place by those with enough $influence$ to push their own agendas..... and obeying/following the law? Why should we when our leaders do not? Hillary and her crap is a prime example... and that isnt even the tip of this iceberg when it comes to those in power being above the law..... plus if we actually followed laws as they were set in the Constitution etc then this country would be a totally diffeent place....across the board. And just bc you "obey" the law doesnt mean you will be treated accordingly or even just. People go down all the time due to over zealous prosecutors etc... some go down when they are totally innocent... and some never get a chance to even prove their side due to LEO choocing deadly force when it isnt warranted...... yet when a cop kills a citizen, how often do they face murder or even manslaughter charges? Even if it isproven they were out of line or in the wrong? See the problem here..... we are told to follow the laws and everything will be OK, then we turn on the TV and see our elected offcials and the people running this country getting away with stuff that would send a regular person to prison for DECADES.... and it doesnt even matter how much evidence there is to prove guilt for them either... they simply go on with their lives...... follow/obey a set of laws that those in charge get to shit on? Think I will pass... and do keep in mind that these are the same ppl that FREEZE social security and veteran benefits as a tactic to push their legislation through the house etc...... you really think they care?

In the end this is a devide and conquer set up we are walking in to blindly...... seems that while all the drama is going on around the top politicians, the masses errupt in to a race war and start attacking trivial stuff like this instead of focusing on how smeone like Clinton can do all she has, have the DOJ and FBI both say anyone else would have been burined under the prison yet she walks free and is UP FOR ELECTION FOR PRESIDENT......let that sink in..... do you REALLY trust that simply obeying/etc will keep you safe when the world and reality are showing you that the ONLY ones who are safe are the ones in power or with money?

Ok rant done. proceed with the thread lol. ;)

and BTW - I am not trying to atack anyone.... just get irritated when someone simply says if you follow the laws you will be fine.....where human decision and discretion is involved there will never be a fair shake for all, not saying it is bad all the time, on a consistant basis only the wealthy are safe.
You mean like you okies do every Saturday when you sing "Home of the $ooners!" instead of the brave and disrespect the national anthem? Like that?
Scholz I certainly don't and I'm sure you aren't a part of your fan base that adds OU sucks everytime they sing Texas Fight either.
As mature adults you can't just say I don't like what you did so I'm not listening to what you have to say. This is two things the action and the reason behind it.
Now that's not something I'm going to do but frankly who would give a shit if I did choose to sit during the anthem. He has a platform and he used it.
Someone earlier stated obey the law and you won't get in trouble. Umm there is a place called Utopia, Texas but I don't think it's a literal meaning. You can't really even begin to grasp what Colin is referring to if you believe that to be the case for people of color across the board. If you think there's no inequities then of course what he's doing what be viewed in 100% negative light.
You have people that don't give a damn about this country who stand up for the anthem. You people in church every Sunday that represent nothing. The man is making a statement. He's going to lose his career and millions. He doesn't really have to say anything he could sit back and count his money. He saw a problem and he addressed it. Did he do it in the right manner is up for debate. But shouldn't just dismiss someone who's being non violent and risking everything. There's no rule about exercising only the rights people are comfortable with. There's also no rule on what consequences you could face by exercising those rights.
As mature adults you can't just say I don't like what you did so I'm not listening to what you have to say. This is two things the action and the reason behind it.
Now that's not something I'm going to do but frankly who would give a shit if I did choose to sit during the anthem. He has a platform and he used it.
Someone earlier stated obey the law and you won't get in trouble. Umm there is a place called Utopia, Texas but I don't think it's a literal meaning. You can't really even begin to grasp what Colin is referring to if you believe that to be the case for people of color across the board. If you think there's no inequities then of course what he's doing what be viewed in 100% negative light.
You have people that don't give a damn about this country who stand up for the anthem. You people in church every Sunday that represent nothing. The man is making a statement. He's going to lose his career and millions. He doesn't really have to say anything he could sit back and count his money. He saw a problem and he addressed it. Did he do it in the right manner is up for debate. But shouldn't just dismiss someone who's being non violent and risking everything. There's no rule about exercising only the rights people are comfortable with. There's also no rule on what consequences you could face by exercising those rights.

The fact that Kaepernick, a black man, makes $19 million a year belies his claim about oppression. He's also not really losing millions. The way his contract is structured, the 49ers still have to pay him, even if they cut him. He had already lost his starting job, and was already on his way out in the first place. He was going to be in the same position as he is now, looking for a new team.

Funny how he didn't "address" the problem when he was a starter.
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I did respond and I thought better of it and I'll leave it there.
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The fact that Kaepernick, a black man, makes $19 million a year belies his claim about oppression. He's also not really losing millions. The way his contract is structured, the 49ers still have to pay him, even if they cut him. He had already lost his starting job, and was already on his way out in the first place. He was going to be in the same position as he is now, looking for a new team.

Funny how he didn't "address" the problem when he was a starter.
Your last sentence is really what sticks out in this whole mess he's created.
I get that he wants to make a statement. I think he should have just chosen to make a statement that makes sense.

You don't sit during the National anthem. Just like you can't go murder people in the name of black lives matter. Nor would it be smart to go pour gas on yourself and light yourself on fire in the name of some cause. Come up with something that makes sense.

Being Disrespectful. Not the way to garner respect for your cause. Not to mention inactivity rarely leads to change. How about instead of sitting on your arse, you get up and say or do something. You know, since you are a millionaire and have a public voice and all.....$ changes things faster than sitting on your arse.
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Scholz I certainly don't and I'm sure you aren't a part of your fan base that adds OU sucks everytime they sing Texas Fight either.
Different issue. Yelling OU sucks doesn't denigrate the national anthem like your fanbase does, the issue you're allegedly against. Do you get furious in Norman every week? Or not at all ever. I've got a guess.
Sorry,I just could not let this slide by without expressing my total disgust for his actions of not Standing for the National Athem. Colin,if you dislike this country so much,then MOVE,Please MOVE and go find somewhere else,no one is keeping you here.Professional sports team and college teams are no place for political protests and from what I have heard most people get in trouble with the law is because they do not want to OBEY THE LAW but want to make their own.

The issue is that protesting the national anthem is misplaced protest. The anthem does not represent racism or oppression. The actions of those who wrap themselves in the flag do represent those things. So hes protesting the wrong thing...

On a sorta related note, hes not even Black. Hes biracial. Its always bugged me that when one parent is Black and the other is White, Asian, Latin etc, people always just say the person is Black, usually simply because their skin color is darker (except for Blake Griffin, but even then most people just say hes Black.) People completely ignore or imagine the other 50% of their ethnicity doesnt exist. Kap is as much White as he is Black, but it fits a political narrative to just call him Black.

That said, he has every right to protest oppression and racism, but its not state sponsored, and todays laws outlaw any kind of discrimination based on race, ethnicity or national origin, so despite the history of our countries laws, they are no longer valid. That doesnt mean there arent racists still running around today, but again, he should be protesting bigots, not the state or the flag, because those legal entities do NOT represent racism.
Different issue. Yelling OU sucks doesn't denigrate the national anthem like your fanbase does, the issue you're allegedly against. Do you get furious in Norman every week? Or not at all ever. I've got a guess.
Yes Scholz it's different issues just letting you know I don't. Do you really believe the OU fans that are doing it actually believe the words should be changed or are they just having fun with it? Good grief dude, you think of the most inconsequential crap to argue about, seriously. This thread is about Colin being a drama queen so let's don't lose sight of that fact by you taking us off on rabbit trails.
If you say so. I see your people not respecting the national anthem. And you ignoring it. And calling out a black guy for doing the same.
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If you say so. I see your people not respecting the national anthem. And you ignoring it. And calling out a black guy for doing the same.
Because they aren't freaking serious about it Scholz. They aren't trying to make a world wide statement.
The issue is that protesting the national anthem is misplaced protest. The anthem does not represent racism or oppression. The actions of those who wrap themselves in the flag do represent those things. So hes protesting the wrong thing...

On a sorta related note, hes not even Black. Hes biracial. Its always bugged me that when one parent is Black and the other is White, Asian, Latin etc, people always just say the person is Black, usually simply because their skin color is darker (except for Blake Griffin, but even then most people just say hes Black.) People completely ignore or imagine the other 50% of their ethnicity doesnt exist. Kap is as much White as he is Black, but it fits a political narrative to just call him Black.

He's a minority either way. His point wasn't only about black lives it was about all minorities being oppressed. Again I don't agree with his thinking but whether he's half or full he's a minority. He can think how ever he wants and express it how he feels in the end he's an American.
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