Colin Kaepernick

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He's a minority either way. His point wasn't only about black lives it was about all minorities being oppressed. Again I don't agree with his thinking but whether he's half or full he's a minority. He can think how ever he wants and express it how he feels in the end he's an American.
Asian = minority

I'm not seeing much Asian oppression. None in fact. I'm also not seeing any Asian activist groups making headlines on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis. Why is that?

No seriously. I'm not being a jacka$$, I'm asking sincerely. African American population is what, 13%? Asian population is 5%?
On a sorta related note, hes not even Black. Hes biracial. Its always bugged me that when one parent is Black and the other is White, Asian, Latin etc, people always just say the person is Black, usually simply because their skin color is darker (except for Blake Griffin, but even then most people just say hes Black.) People completely ignore or imagine the other 50% of their ethnicity doesnt exist. Kap is as much White as he is Black, but it fits a political narrative to just call him Black.

Pretty much nobody is pure white, black, or whatever. If you go down that road, then you can't really call anybody "white" or "black." Now as to why a lot of biracial people get labeled as "black," a lot of it has to do with the people themselves. A lot of biracial people themselves don't identify as being white, and pretty much ignore that 50% of their ethnicity. You don't see too many biracial people embracing their "whiteness."
Asian = minority

I'm not seeing much Asian oppression. None in fact. I'm also not seeing any Asian activist groups making headlines on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis. Why is that?

No seriously. I'm not being a jacka$$, I'm asking sincerely. African American population is what, 13%? Asian population is 5%?

I'm only repeating what he said during his interview dude. I agree Asians don't usually protest about much if at all. Again I'm only repeating what he said when asked. Also about being biracial in my OPINION it has to do how you're raised. Example my friend is half White and half Hispanic. His mom raised him to speak Spanish and educated him on our culture. Guess what he claimed even though his last name was as "white" as could be. I'm not saying this goes for every biracial just giving examples of some things to think about.
Scholz I certainly don't and I'm sure you aren't a part of your fan base that adds OU sucks everytime they sing Texas Fight either.

Ummm.... Dude.. Texas Fight is NOT the same as the national anthem.... changing words in a COLLEGE FIGHT SONG is different than changing words to ther National Anthem.... 'mon Bell.... I know you are better than that...
Oh and FWIW - race is actually another man made construct... much ike religion.... designed to control the masses and influence the weak minded... Genetically speaking you cant tell the diference between white/black/Mexican/Asiain, etc.... the skin tone is a result of evolutionary aspects, but does not separate the HUMAN RACE into sub classes according to skin color.... remember, it isnt the black race, or the white race - it is the HUMAN race.... dont get caught up in labels and race baiting....
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Longhornsoldier.... that's true BUT geneticists will argue differently. Case in point, sickle cell only effects African Americans, I think it's like 99%. Tay sacs only effect people of Jewish decent-- we are the same, but on a microbial level, we are different.
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Just for fun - those "laws" are mostly archaic designed trash put in place by those with enough $influence$ to push their own agendas..... and obeying/following the law? Why should we when our leaders do not? Hillary and her crap is a prime example... and that isnt even the tip of this iceberg when it comes to those in power being above the law..... plus if we actually followed laws as they were set in the Constitution etc then this country would be a totally diffeent place....across the board. And just bc you "obey" the law doesnt mean you will be treated accordingly or even just. People go down all the time due to over zealous prosecutors etc... some go down when they are totally innocent... and some never get a chance to even prove their side due to LEO choocing deadly force when it isnt warranted...... yet when a cop kills a citizen, how often do they face murder or even manslaughter charges? Even if it isproven they were out of line or in the wrong? See the problem here..... we are told to follow the laws and everything will be OK, then we turn on the TV and see our elected offcials and the people running this country getting away with stuff that would send a regular person to prison for DECADES.... and it doesnt even matter how much evidence there is to prove guilt for them either... they simply go on with their lives...... follow/obey a set of laws that those in charge get to shit on? Think I will pass... and do keep in mind that these are the same ppl that FREEZE social security and veteran benefits as a tactic to push their legislation through the house etc...... you really think they care?

In the end this is a devide and conquer set up we are walking in to blindly...... seems that while all the drama is going on around the top politicians, the masses errupt in to a race war and start attacking trivial stuff like this instead of focusing on how smeone like Clinton can do all she has, have the DOJ and FBI both say anyone else would have been burined under the prison yet she walks free and is UP FOR ELECTION FOR PRESIDENT......let that sink in..... do you REALLY trust that simply obeying/etc will keep you safe when the world and reality are showing you that the ONLY ones who are safe are the ones in power or with money?

Ok rant done. proceed with the thread lol. ;)

and BTW - I am not trying to atack anyone.... just get irritated when someone simply says if you follow the laws you will be fine.....where human decision and discretion is involved there will never be a fair shake for all, not saying it is bad all the time, on a consistant basis only the wealthy are safe.

stopped reading after Hillary...
Longhornsoldier.... that's true BUT geneticists will argue differently. Case in point, sickle cell only effects African Americans, I think it's like 99%. Tay sacs only effect people of Jewish decent-- we are the same, but on a microbial level, we are different.

Something to consider - Jewish isnt a race.. it is a religion.. so maybe it has more to do with diet and location than actual genetics.... And some groups are more succeptable to disease than others... it doesnt change the fact that from a genetic standpoint, humans are humans.. there is no genetic level distinction of race. Well outside of an abundance of various pigment related aspects.... same blood, same organs, same limbs etc etc..... after ahile studying anthropology and genetics I can safely say race has nothing to do with genetics to the point of dividing humans into sub classes like they do with homo-erectus, etc.....
stopped reading after Hillary...

I dont like Hillary or Trump.. think we are screwed either way... but you stopping after seeing Hillary shows me that YOU may be part of the problem.... I simply pointed out that she has been SHOWN and PROVEN to have ben dihonest and breaking laws, yet faces no consequence.... unlike any normal person in the same situation.... there is a problem and the system is broken.... THAT was my point.... but nice of you to avoid the main point bc apparently you support a crook that is above the law instead of an idiot that has absolutley no common sense... closed mindedness at its finest I guess... maybe put aside the political bullshit for awhile and look at things from a ground level aspect. I could have just as easily trashed trump, but he isnt the one that is involved in all sorts of illegal activity that would have sent any normal person to prison for years per statements from the DOJ and FBI.... you may not like that, but it is the TRUTH and that is what you shoul;d be focused on.... and again this wasnt about bashing anyone specific, just pointing out relevant AND recent situations that prove my point about the laws and system being broke unless you are rich or a politician.
Something to consider - Jewish isnt a race.. it is a religion.. so maybe it has more to do with diet and location than actual genetics.... And some groups are more succeptable to disease than others... it doesnt change the fact that from a genetic standpoint, humans are humans.. there is no genetic level distinction of race. Well outside of an abundance of various pigment related aspects.... same blood, same organs, same limbs etc etc..... after ahile studying anthropology and genetics I can safely say race has nothing to do with genetics to the point of dividing humans into sub classes like they do with homo-erectus, etc.....

Lost me on Jews not being a race..
I dont like Hillary or Trump.. think we are screwed either way... but you stopping after seeing Hillary shows me that YOU may be part of the problem.... I simply pointed out that she has been SHOWN and PROVEN to have ben dihonest and breaking laws, yet faces no consequence.... unlike any normal person in the same situation.... there is a problem and the system is broken.... THAT was my point.... but nice of you to avoid the main point bc apparently you support a crook that is above the law instead of an idiot that has absolutley no common sense... closed mindedness at its finest I guess... maybe put aside the political bullshit for awhile and look at things from a ground level aspect. I could have just as easily trashed trump, but he isnt the one that is involved in all sorts of illegal activity that would have sent any normal person to prison for years per statements from the DOJ and FBI.... you may not like that, but it is the TRUTH and that is what you shoul;d be focused on.... and again this wasnt about bashing anyone specific, just pointing out relevant AND recent situations that prove my point about the laws and system being broke unless you are rich or a politician.

said I stopped after reading Hillary..didn't disagree with anything in the post, because I didn't read I stated.
Lost me on Jews not being a race..

Aside from nutjobs etc - show me any legally binding form that offers JEWISH as a race choice and not a religious one.... plus if Jewish is a race then how do people convert to be Jews on a daily basis.... you cant convert to a different race..... smfh.... damn bro put down the pipe... some argue it CAN be a race, but as it stands by definition - it is a religious standard, NOT a racial one..... and while genetics shows they have greater risks to specific diseases etc, the same can be said about minor children etc.. does that make children a race as well? I mean SIDS only afects infants.. so I guess we now have infant-americans..... think you need to press pause and unplug for awhile...

Close minded... quit reading after Hillary came up... stop reading bc you think Jewish is a race and not a religion.... what is up man? When people say they are Jewish it is bc they practice Judaism, not bc they think they are a race unto themselves - although their holy book proclaim them to be gods ppl... so maybe they have swollen heads about it and think it makes it real bc it came from a book of fairy tales....but it isnt.

I can trace my heritage back to Africa if I wanted to... does that make me black? But here... this is the definition of Jewish.... and it STILL doesnt support them as a race.... just a religious aspect or decendants of a religious aspect....
said I stopped after reading Hillary..didn't disagree with anything in the post, because I didn't read I stated.
Then perhaps you should read it and stop nitpiking and being asinine about the topic... there IS more to the world than your own political preferneces.. and if you chose not to read due to that, then it shows your willingness to REMAIN ignorant to things bc it isnt comforable to you.. anyone with an open mind would have read it through and THEN formed an opinion instead of writingit off bc of someones name being used that wasnt even the real focal point of things.
I'm amazed this is even a story actually. How

care to point out how I'm racist or are you just using your standard fall back mantra when things don't go your way?

This dude wont read anything that challenges his beliefs as has ben evidenced in this thread... and he also thinks Jewish is a race not a religion.... just let it go Bell....
Just because Muhammad Ali spoke out against racism as a young black man didn't mean he hated this country. He didn't.

Just because Martin Luther King Jr. and even Malcolm X spoke out against racism as black men didn't mean they hated their country they didn't.

And in this vein neither did Tommie Smith or John Carlos.

I don't think Colin Kaepernick hates America.
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I'm amazed this is even a story actually. How

care to point out how I'm racist or are you just using your standard fall back mantra when things don't go your way?

things not going my way..bwahahaha. WTF does that even mean, what thing is not going my
But Joe Mixon is a good guy. Got it. :rolleyes:
And you have never seen me state anywhere that he is. Quite to the contrary, he should have been kicked off. Yes, Lochte is a douchebag AND he's white so I must be racist:rolleyes:
things not going my way..bwahahaha. WTF does that even mean, what thing is not going my
I have a feeling things don't go quite your way on a daily basis, that's why you are so quick to take out your anger on the world and refer to those who disagree with your rhetoric as being racist. Miss me with your sympathy grabbing.
I have a feeling things don't go quite your way on a daily basis, that's why you are so quick to take out your anger on the world and refer to those who disagree with your rhetoric as being racist. Miss me with your sympathy grabbing.

You are a racist moron that posts on a longhorn message board every 5 minutes. Who does that? I have never posted once on a zeroU message board, nor would I want to. Do you have a longhorn pounding that fat lice ridden body of yours on a daily basis? Or is your wife a longhorn fan, too fat to ****, so you have to get your excitement on a Longhorn message board? Nice try at attacking your perceived version of my life, duck. Now, climb back into your trailer and smoke that last bit of meth, duck.
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You are a racist moron that posts on a longhorn message board every 5 minutes. Who does that? I have never posted once on a zeroU message board, nor would I want to. Do you have a longhorn pounding that fat lice ridden body of yours on a daily basis? Or is your wife a longhorn fan, too fat to ****, so you have to get your excitement on a Longhorn message board? Nice try at attacking your perceived version of my life, duck. Now, climb back into your trailer and smoke that last bit of meth, duck.
So, I'm a racist because I post on a Longhorn message board daily? Oh, I see. I thought you actually had a reason to call me a racist, you know like I have insulted you personally or something. I signed up on this board, I don't just come over here to visit. I enjoy the back and forth discussion. I don't smoke meth and never have but I do like to drink a little beer here and there.
And you have never seen me state anywhere that he is. Quite to the contrary, he should have been kicked off.
So you admit that your starting RB is a terrible human being? Saying he shouldn't be on the team is kind of mealy mouthed about a girl beater.
So you admit that your starting RB is a terrible human being?
For hitting a woman, absolutely. You act like that is some kind of new revelation? I'm not attached to these kids unlike some of you appear to be. I have no problem calling them or a coach out. That's why it cracks me up that some of y'all get your panties all in a wad at the mere mention that Strong has not lived up to expectations or whatever. It's not like you personally know the guy or something.
So, I'm a racist because I post on a Longhorn message board daily? Oh, I see. I thought you actually had a reason to call me a racist, you know like I have insulted you personally or something. I signed up on this board, I don't just come over here to visit. I enjoy the back and forth discussion. I don't smoke meth and never have but I do like to drink a little beer here and there.

So you admit that your starting RB is a terrible human being? Saying he shouldn't be on the team is kind of mealy mouthed about a girl beater.
Really? We've already been through this genius. What as a fan can I do about it? I live in New Braunfels, I go to very few live games maybe only Baylor/OU when they play in Waco. It's out of my hand. Did you stop watching the LOnghorns in protest of Charlie's record?
Fans have control over what their teams do. They control them with purchasing power. Anyone knows this except those being intentionally obtuse about it.

That's why UT teams immediately kick off players accused of violence against women. Because they know the fanbase won't stand for it. And that's why Bob Stoops couldn't care less what his players do. Because he knows his fans don't care and won't do anything about it.
And, bell, btw, you asked about racism? You're voting for a white guy who says America isn't great but want a black guy who says the exact same thing to get out. That's it in a nutshell.
Fans have control over what their teams do. They control them with purchasing power. Anyone knows this except those being intentionally obtuse about it.

That's why UT teams immediately kick off players accused of violence against women. Because they know the fanbase won't stand for it. And that's why Bob Stoops couldn't care less what his players do. Because he knows his fans don't care and won't do anything about it.
Maybe you didn't read what I just posted because your answer sure doesn't seem to address what I said. I'm not going to live games nor purchasing anything Scholz but guess what, the games go on. So you need to post to the other fans that you are referring to because your scenario does not apply to me.
And, bell, btw, you asked about racism? You're voting for a white guy who says America isn't great but want a black guy who says the exact same thing to get out. That's it in a nutshell.
Scholz we've been through this and MM would prefer we don't get into again. His words exactly to me. So I'm just going to let it be.
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