Just for fun - those "laws" are mostly archaic designed trash put in place by those with enough $influence$ to push their own agendas..... and obeying/following the law? Why should we when our leaders do not? Hillary and her crap is a prime example... and that isnt even the tip of this iceberg when it comes to those in power being above the law..... plus if we actually followed laws as they were set in the Constitution etc then this country would be a totally diffeent place....across the board. And just bc you "obey" the law doesnt mean you will be treated accordingly or even just. People go down all the time due to over zealous prosecutors etc... some go down when they are totally innocent... and some never get a chance to even prove their side due to LEO choocing deadly force when it isnt warranted...... yet when a cop kills a citizen, how often do they face murder or even manslaughter charges? Even if it isproven they were out of line or in the wrong? See the problem here..... we are told to follow the laws and everything will be OK, then we turn on the TV and see our elected offcials and the people running this country getting away with stuff that would send a regular person to prison for DECADES.... and it doesnt even matter how much evidence there is to prove guilt for them either... they simply go on with their lives...... follow/obey a set of laws that those in charge get to shit on? Think I will pass... and do keep in mind that these are the same ppl that FREEZE social security and veteran benefits as a tactic to push their legislation through the house etc...... you really think they care?
In the end this is a devide and conquer set up we are walking in to blindly...... seems that while all the drama is going on around the top politicians, the masses errupt in to a race war and start attacking trivial stuff like this instead of focusing on how smeone like Clinton can do all she has, have the DOJ and FBI both say anyone else would have been burined under the prison yet she walks free and is UP FOR ELECTION FOR PRESIDENT......let that sink in..... do you REALLY trust that simply obeying/etc will keep you safe when the world and reality are showing you that the ONLY ones who are safe are the ones in power or with money?
Ok rant done. proceed with the thread lol.
and BTW - I am not trying to atack anyone.... just get irritated when someone simply says if you follow the laws you will be fine.....where human decision and discretion is involved there will never be a fair shake for all, not saying it is bad all the time, on a consistant basis only the wealthy are safe.