Dear D'onte


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2014
As rookie training camp approaches, there are a few thongs you should consider before arriving in Houston.
1. The Texans and Bob McNair don't play. You fvck around, you get cut.
2. Guns are cool (when used properly). Weed is sometimes cool (when in places where it's legal). Guns and weed = super uncool.

What the actual fvck were you thinking? The Texans think you can help them, otherwise they wouldn't have drafted you 3rd. You have a child on the way. You lost your other child (a sobering experience for any person) and yet you disrespect the memory of one and the future of another by combining two things that should NEVER go together--- guns and drugs.

What happened to the core principals Charlie taught you..... no guns, no drugs...... are we to find out next that you smacked around your baby momma? Please say it ain't so.

I'm hate to pile on but, there's just no excuse man. None. Zero. You get popped with weed, meh, big deal. You get popped with a gun, meh, big deal. But El Whammy dos?

This is a character issue.....this is an environment issue. This goes back, unfortunately, to before Charlie tried to (unsuccessfully) instill core values in you. Take a good long look at the guys that are no longer in the league--- broke, drug abusers, homeless (some), no other opportunities.... do you want that to be you?

Get your head out of your a$$.
And then to bring that crap to campus-there is no excuse for that.
McNair wants only choir boys on his team. This probably isn't going to go well for Foreman.
His lawyer says the gun was legal and D'onta wasn't smoking. He will submit to a urine drug screen to clear him of MJ. Hopefully he didn't get too much second hand exposure.
The lawyers statement said he recently purchased the gun and it was "registered" in his name.

It's been a while since I purchased a gun, but do you have to "register" a gun purchase in Texas now?
I read he was visiting someone and as he was leaving the Police rolled up....D'onte alerted them that he had a gun in the car and that it was registered to him The Police asked a passenger to get out of the car and found MJ on him. That made the gun illegal. D'onte claimed he did not know of the pot and wanted to take a drug screen to show he had not been using it.

If this is all true, the charges against him will likely be dropped.
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I read he was visiting someone and as he was leaving the Police rolled up....D'onte alerted them that he had a gun in the car and that it was registered to him The Police asked a passenger to get out of the car and found MJ on him. That made the gun illegal. D'onte claimed he did not know of the pot and wanted to take a drug screen to show he had not been using it.

If this is all true, the charges against him will likely be dropped.
These kids ought to make better choices of who they hang around then. If the cop could smell marijuana how could D'onte not smell it if he's in the same car as the guy who has it on him? This will all get taken care of by lawyers and D'onte will be fine but he better drop the dead weight while he can.
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Frankly. I dont know th circumstances at all. What I read left me the impression that no one was smoking the pot.

That said...these guys damned sure need to make better choices. Even if D'onte was completely innocent, he needs to know what knuckleheads he is hanging around.However this comes down I am ok with whatever the outcome. You can only stick your hand in the gluepot so many times without getting covered in glue.
I was just assuming the cop smelled marijuana and that's why he searched the individuals and presumably the car.
Clob explained the problem. I believe the gun becomes illegal because of the weed in the car.

No it doesnt make the gun illegal. Not anymore than being drunk and having a firearm. If the gun was legally purchased and registered, then it is legal, regardless of the pot.
I was just assuming the cop smelled marijuana and that's why he searched the individuals and presumably the car.

According to the US Supreme court, the smell of marijuana is NOT probable cause for a search by police, and neither is an alert from a K-9 unit due to the fact that the handler can silently make the dog "alert" with a simple hand gesture just to force the issue.... BOTH decisions have been handed down within the last 3-5 years and are now legally binding basically...
I read he was visiting someone and as he was leaving the Police rolled up....D'onte alerted them that he had a gun in the car and that it was registered to him The Police asked a passenger to get out of the car and found MJ on him. That made the gun illegal. D'onte claimed he did not know of the pot and wanted to take a drug screen to show he had not been using it.

If this is all true, the charges against him will likely be dropped.

NONe of that makes the gun illegal if it was legally purchased and registered. NONE of it. Period... there is no debate etc.... I love you guys, but your knowledge of legal issues and laws is horrifying to say the least..... especially is they did not find any drugs on him personally and only on the passenger. For all the cops know D'onta had no idea the guy had pot - which in this case would have been a misdemeanor anyways, and he didnt give control of the firearm to the man with the drugs...... smfh.......

c'mon guys... if you are gonna speak on it, then educate yourselves.... I can take ignorance in certain instances, but this is LAW and legal stuff and that hits home with me in multiple ways... simple reseach would clear a lot of this up instead of just deciding that what you THINK is actually correct.....
NONe of that makes the gun illegal if it was legally purchased and registered. NONE of it. Period... there is no debate etc.... I love you guys, but your knowledge of legal issues and laws is horrifying to say the least..... especially is they did not find any drugs on him personally and only on the passenger. For all the cops know D'onta had no idea the guy had pot - which in this case would have been a misdemeanor anyways, and he didnt give control of the firearm to the man with the drugs...... smfh.......

c'mon guys... if you are gonna speak on it, then educate yourselves.... I can take ignorance in certain instances, but this is LAW and legal stuff and that hits home with me in multiple ways... simple reseach would clear a lot of this up instead of just deciding that what you THINK is actually correct.....
Hold up....... if you have details that we don't have, please share. As of now, all I know is that there was a car, and in the car was weed and a gun. Now, a gun in a car is no big deal especially if it is l legally owned. I have one in my car at all times. BUT, if you have a gun on you and you're pulled over for DUI, then I know for a fact, in Comal county, the seize your gun ---- happened to two friends of mine. They had a tiny bit of pot and a legal firearm .

Is this not correct?
According to the US Supreme court, the smell of marijuana is NOT probable cause for a search by police, and neither is an alert from a K-9 unit due to the fact that the handler can silently make the dog "alert" with a simple hand gesture just to force the issue.... BOTH decisions have been handed down within the last 3-5 years and are now legally binding basically...
Haha well you may be right but I have been catching a few episodes of that LivePD show lately and if they smell marijuana, they are searching individuals and cars, whether it's technically legal I have no idea but I guarantee you it's done on a regular basis on that show and Neither the perps nor the commentators ever cry foul that I've seen.
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According to the US Supreme court, the smell of marijuana is NOT probable cause for a search by police, and neither is an alert from a K-9 unit due to the fact that the handler can silently make the dog "alert" with a simple hand gesture just to force the issue.... BOTH decisions have been handed down within the last 3-5 years and are now legally binding basically...

OK...we are missing something here. LS, I am not saying I dont believe you but I do not believe what you just said.The way I read that is you said a drug dog alerting his handler does NOT allow a search of his/her possessions? So why is it that I still see drug dogs being used? EVERY vehicle going past a Border Patrol check point is "screened by" a dog. You say the results of that inspection would not result in a search? Are you saying that an 18 wheeler loaded top to bottom with Heroin couild not be searched?..I simply do not believe that. Those screenings are happening as I type this.

I am not talking about at the border itself, I am talking about Border Patrol check points many miles inland.
OK...we are missing something here. LS, I am not saying I dont believe you but I do not believe what you just said.The way I read that is you said a drug dog alerting his handler does NOT allow a search of his/her possessions? So why is it that I still see drug dogs being used? EVERY vehicle going past a Border Patrol check point is "screened by" a dog. You say the results of that inspection would not result in a search? Are you saying that an 18 wheeler loaded top to bottom with Heroin couild not be searched?..I simply do not believe that. Those screenings are happening as I type this.

I am not talking about at the border itself, I am talking about Border Patrol check points many miles inland.
Dog alerts are very non specific. Have you ever heard of Clever Hans? A german horse trainer had a horse that "could count". Turned out the horse had learned to read the trainer and quit tapping when the trainer looked satisfied. I spent a couple years living in a RV. We spent a few weeks in Lajitas, then drove to Ft. Davis. When we got to the Alpine checkpoint, the dog "signalled" at the right front bin. Great excitement among all the assembled law enforcement. Well, if you travel with dogs, the best place for the dog food is the right front bin, so you can feed them outside easily. Being a senior citizen, I laughed, asked if the dog was hungry. A younger man would have been searched and the bus torn apart. I think police dogs are probably NOT well trained or reliable. I say this as a long time bird hunter.
as a long time bird hunter....who has also worked dogs....and as someone whose son started his 20 year stint as an undercover drug agent(NARC), as a drug dog have no idea how well those dogs are trained.

Any way, that is a discussion for another day. The question before us now is whether a dog "alert" can legally allow a vehicle search.....and if it cannot.....what would ever allow a vehicle search. I still maintain that it can.
I imagine Foreman's attorney will get him cleared of anything serious. As far as dogs, I think they are a great tool for law enforcement work. American soldiers trust the dogs to find the explosives as well. The cadaver dog in Ohio smelled the remains of the victims. They were buried 10' deep according to the authorities.
I love how dogs have such a keen sense of smell, and the first thing they do to say "hello" is to shove their nose in another dogs a$$hole or into your crotch.

Maybe we are missing something here.......
What is the point of drug sniffing dogs if their trigger doesn't count as probable cause?
Instead of replying to each individual - it doesnt matter if you believe what I say or not... it is VERY easy to do a gogle search and the SCOTUS sets precedence, and can be google searched. And fwiw - I KNOW my pot laws, as a long time smoker... and yeah those dogs are super trained, but they are also trained to respond to nonverbal hand commands, as well as to watch their handler for any and ALL commands.... There is a reason cases like this have been handed down.

I hate cops..... hate the legal system.... hate the whole ****ing corrupt ass system they represent. If p[olice are there to protect and serve, then why does eeryone get nervous when they see flashing lights? There IS a reason behind it.... educate yourself to your rights and dont believe media or second hand info. If you doubt it then research it. I may have been a bit off in hoew I phrased this, but right now I am in a BAD way right nowin the head... but the question of false hits to obtain probable cause is documented, and can extend to vehicles with the right minded lawyer.... and on a side note - with all the crooked crap police seem to be getting caught doing, is there any doubt that this falls right in line with it? Also did you know that police are basically protected by federal law as being above the law in their jobs? Read up on it... its basically becoming a police state without anyone realizing it....
Side note - my parents next door neighbor is a 25+ veteran of the DPS in Texas.. has a K-9 unit herslef as a bomb sniffing dog and has TOLD me they teach those dogs to false hit when they think it will be hard to gain probable cause...... thats STRAIGHT from the mouth of the beast.... so belivee what you want - I know the truth as told to me by ppl who actually WORK these jobs and do these things..... not all cops are crooked, but enough of them are to cast doubt on the entire system.
ok...I read your links....and as I suspected they do NOT disallow a dog alert as a reason to start a search.

I get a little tired of folks that dont want to obey the law looking for any reason to believe that they are in the right. LS I am sorry that you have had such a bad last year. What happened to you should never happen to anyone. I cannot begin to understand what a bad blow you had to endure and i feel for you. I just dont think you had it exactly right when you said what you said about those court cases.

And if what you said was true about your neighbor....she should be fired yesterday.
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Why the dog talk anyway. The cops have noses. Anyone can smell it it's being smoked. Foreman also complimented the officers on their professionalism during the ordeal. I like weed myself but I respect and support the blue. There is no penalty for being stupid. That was stupid why blame the police?
ok...I read your links....and as I suspected they do NOT disallow a dog alert as a reason to start a search.

I get a little tired of folks that dont want to obey the law looking for any reason to believe that they are in the right. LS I am sorry that you have had such a bad last year. What happened to you should never happen to anyone. I cannot begin to understand what a bad blow you had to endure and i feel for you. I just dont think you had it exactly right when you said what you said about those court cases.

And if what you said was true about your neighbor....she should be fired yesterday.

If we fired cops for lying, there wouldn't be many left. Actually, that would be a good thing.
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Yeah I was incorrect in what I said originally... and I also misquoted that DPS officer I know. LOL my apologies. Well, I was wrong about the dog aspect anyways... the smell of marijuana is not enough to warrant probable cause though for a search... depending on where you are... seems the laws vary from state to state, but precedence has been set by a few State lvl SC decisions... however in Texas it doesnt apply.

LMFAO win some, lose some.... just dont carry it around for extended periods in your car to allow the odor to permiate the vehicle, and sure as hell dont ride around smoking it in your car....

All of this aside I think Foreman will be fine in all fo this when the smoke clears.... pun definitely intended. ;)