Historically speaking a lot more people than black people worked on the railroad. If I remember my history lessons most of the railroad from west to east was built buy chinese immagrants. Everyone that worked on said railroad from 1865 to present was paid to work on the rail road. This was not slave labor.

Anyone that tries to equate I've been working on the railroad to EOT because of a melody is a moron. That is like equating God save the Queen to America the Beautiful.

Don't be surprised when eating peanut butter becomes stealing black culture it's coming.

At some point, there is going to be a blood letting between liberal and conservatives, a dirty war in our streets.

It isn't about slavery. It was deriding black laborers. And since you mentioned the Chinese I'm sure you've noted they're not white. The Chinese first came to America thru CA during the gold rush and as more came to America more Chinese people worked on the Transcontinental Railroad. People resented them being there. Which led to the Exclusion Act of 1875 which restricted the number of immigrants per boat.

And now you want blood in the streets because of people that don't agree with you? It doesn't make me soft but it doesn't say much about you.
how is it deriding black laborers?...Seriously?...Why do you even think it is about black laborers? Racist thinking if you ask me....

Historically speaking a lot more people than black people worked on the railroad. If I remember my history lessons most of the railroad from west to east was built buy chinese immagrants. Everyone that worked on said railroad from 1865 to present was paid to work on the rail road. This was not slave labor.

Anyone that tries to equate I've been working on the railroad to EOT because of a melody is a moron. That is like equating God save the Queen to America the Beautiful.

Don't be surprised when eating peanut butter becomes stealing black culture it's coming.

At some point, there is going to be a blood letting between liberal and conservatives, a dirty war in our streets.
Your history lessons were horribly distorted if that is what you took from them. While Chinese immigrants were sometimes paid their pay was ridiculously low, much lower than white counterparts. Further the work was brutal and some were forced or else. Think sweatshops except with immigrants simply dying while working and someone saying drag him off (if they were lucky) and drag another one on.
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Our country is screwed. While China is now kicking our ass and poised to take over the world we’re all fixated and obsessed in a major Woke competition.

Do you think China gives a damn if Dr. Seuss offends anyone? Of course not. The more we focus on being the winner of the woke olympics, the easier it is for China to dominate the world.
Our country is screwed. While China is now kicking our ass and poised to take over the world we’re all fixated and obsessed in a major Woke competition.

Do you think China gives a damn if Dr. Seuss offends anyone? Of course not. The more we focus on being the winner of the woke olympics, the easier it is for China to dominate the world.
I agree...there should be serious concerns about China on all fronts.
And now you want blood in the streets because of people that don't agree with you? It doesn't make me soft but it doesn't say much about you.

The melody is I've been working on the railroad. It is considered a black song, I'm pretty sure the Chinese weren't singing that song, however they were working on the railroad. As I pointed out just because the melody of I've been working on the Rail Road is the same as EOT doesn't make it racist, as I pointed out the Melody of God save the queen is the same as My country tis of thee (Thanks Old Horn).

Just because I say it's moving in that direction (civil war) doesn't mean I want it. What I really want is democrats to pull their heads out of their ass and realize the only thing this country has going for it is the Constitution. If they can't then I'd rather see the US break up and allow blue states to start their own country. If that doesn't happen then I fully EXPECT to see blood in the streets.
Your history lessons were horribly distorted if that is what you took from them. While Chinese immigrants were sometimes paid their pay was ridiculously low, much lower than white counterparts. Further the work was brutal and some were forced or else. Think sweatshops except with immigrants simply dying while working and someone saying drag him off (if they were lucky) and drag another one on.

Explain how my history was distorted? You agreed with me that Chinese worked on the railroad not just black people. I made no comments after that. Was there pay distortion, of course there was,

I'm willing to bet you buy your clothes from Walmart, what do you think the workers who made those clothes got paid? Pay distortion has always been around and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I also bet that the majority of those men who worked on the railroad were happy to get the pay they got.

Pretty sure no one was forced to work on the railroad, ie no slave labor.

Sweat shops were all over the US in those days, maybe you should look up The Jungle by Upton St Clair. Acting like Chinese or blacks had it worse (working conditions) than the Irish, Jews or other groups is laughable. The main reason unions popped up was due to pay and working conditions.
Explain how my history was distorted? You agreed with me that Chinese worked on the railroad not just black people. I made no comments after that. Was there pay distortion, of course there was,

I'm willing to bet you buy your clothes from Walmart, what do you think the workers who made those clothes got paid? Pay distortion has always been around and I don't see that changing anytime soon. I also bet that the majority of those men who worked on the railroad were happy to get the pay they got.

Pretty sure no one was forced to work on the railroad, ie no slave labor.

Sweat shops were all over the US in those days, maybe you should look up The Jungle by Upton St Clair. Acting like Chinese or blacks had it worse (working conditions) than the Irish, Jews or other groups is laughable. The main reason unions popped up was due to pay and working conditions.
Pay "distortion", forced labor, and murder; you said everyone was paid for work after 1865. Kind of like saying all Americans had equal rights in the 1900's. The fact that you say you are pretty sure no one was forced to work on the railroad explains the gap of reality and perceived reality. The fact that you try to twist my direct comments to compare Chinese (or Blacks) to those of predominantly white groups (e.g. Irish or Jews) says alot. You take square pegs and try to squeeze them in to round holes...and that is being nice.
Pay "distortion", forced labor, and murder; you said everyone was paid for work after 1865. Kind of like saying all Americans had equal rights in the 1900's. The fact that you say you are pretty sure no one was forced to work on the railroad explains the gap of reality and perceived reality. The fact that you try to twist my direct comments to compare Chinese (or Blacks) to those of predominantly white groups (e.g. Irish or Jews) says alot. You take square pegs and try to squeeze them in to round holes...and that is being nice.

so. Who was the slave that was forced to work on the railroad? Who didn’t get paid? And yes everyone who worked in a factory worked in abysmal conditions back then, including white people. No one was well paid either. This discussion isn’t about Chinese it’s about BLM and their bs that the EOT is racist. This claim comes from 3 arguments

1 The menstral show origin.
2. The melody I’ve been working on the railroad
3. The saying from Robert E Lee The Eyes of the South are upon you.

I have made my argument very clear on the melody
The melody is I've been working on the railroad. It is considered a black song, I'm pretty sure the Chinese weren't singing that song, however they were working on the railroad. As I pointed out just because the melody of I've been working on the Rail Road is the same as EOT doesn't make it racist, as I pointed out the Melody of God save the queen is the same as My country tis of thee (Thanks Old Horn).

Just because I say it's moving in that direction (civil war) doesn't mean I want it. What I really want is democrats to pull their heads out of their ass and realize the only thing this country has going for it is the Constitution. If they can't then I'd rather see the US break up and allow blue states to start their own country. If that doesn't happen then I fully EXPECT to see blood in the streets.
The Dems have taken this country so far left as to make the Union unworkable. It’s not a judgment of people, individuals or ideology. It’s a cold, calculated observation. It happens in relationships all the time. Some adults determine they’ve grown apart and there are irreconcilable differences. As mature parties, they decide to move on. They’re tired of fighting and arguing.
The U.S. is not the Union anymore. No need to pretend. And, I have my doubts as to whether the states can reconcile their differences in my lifetime. Maybe it’s best we decide as mature adults for the states to go their separate ways in a civil manner.
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so. Who was the slave that was forced to work on the railroad? Who didn’t get paid? And yes everyone who worked in a factory worked in abysmal conditions back then, including white people. No one was well paid either. This discussion isn’t about Chinese it’s about BLM and their bs that the EOT is racist. This claim comes from 3 arguments

1 The menstral show origin.
2. The melody I’ve been working on the railroad
3. The saying from Robert E Lee The Eyes of the South are upon you.

I have made my argument very clear on the melody
Nice pivot. I think the discussion about EOT has no merit. The song is loosely tied to something that may have been racist IMO. The University should keep it. The emails from donors which were published are more troubling.

One of the many things I look forward to on the second Saturday in October is the Texas band, EOT, etc. It is a great tradition, and one of the many things I enjoy in the greatest annual college football game.
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I don't think it's a FU to anybody. You can't look at it like it's a scoreboard.

Good guys 1

Not how this works. The bottom line is, if our song had lyrics in it like "ohhhh my black folks pick my cotton all the live long day" or maybe even more modern lyrics like "fvck that b!tch I'm a gangsta hood muh fugga bustin caps in 5-0's asses" ---- THEN it would be overtly racist. I could even see if the lyrics had "subtle" or soft racism lyrics.
But they don't. And just because a couple of dudes put ink on their faces and decided to act like clowns doesn't make the lyrics of the song racist.

Look, if you LOOK hard enough, you can find racism literally anywhere. Don't believe me? Pick something, anything, I can tie it to racism of some form. I can make a set of toe nail clippers seem racist.

Racism is not where you find it. Racism is wherever you LOOK for it hard enough. Right now, in this country, THE LEAST RACIST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, the DEMAND for racism far exceeds to supply.

I've been to 38 countries across this planet. You want to see REAL racism? Go to Asia. Korea people HATE Japanese people. Sure, they're both Asian..... but they're different. And Koreans HATE them some Japanese.
Vietnamese people HATE Chinese people. I mean they hate them.
Italy? Man you haven't seen racism until you've been to Italy.
Pakistan? Don't even get me started.
Hungary? Go spend a week in Hungary. The Magyars will flat out tell you they won't serve, acknowledge, sell to Africans. None. Zero.

I can't tell you how many people, on my MANY trips to Africa (close to a dozen)-- from Angola, South Africa, Gabon, Congo, Cameroon, Ethiopia, south sudan-- how many AFRICANS have told me that they wish their ancestors had ended up being taken to America-- because they know they'd have a better chance to prosper.

This country leads the world in the fight against racism. There is no debate about it.
But the king daddy of racist countries?
Russia. It's not even close.

You a mother****ing lie. You racist devils will say anything. Not one African told you they wish their family was enslaved, raped, separated from their family, whipped, hung, torchered, etc., shut the **** up. You devils only have a good life because of free labor. If not you demons would be speaking a different language. Thanks to the socialist white new deal, you devils have a middle class. Bootstraps sure as **** didn't get it done. All things being equal you are the weak link. Bitch ass demons talk tough in this kkklan meeting.
You racist devils can't force anyone to love racist white tradition. It did come from a minstrel show. The words did come from a racist demon.

Just like the national anthem. It was written by a racist terroist and it mocks rhe murder of Black people in the 3rd stanze. You demons wouldn't stand for such a song, but think we owe it to y'all to bow down to racist trash. It's your tradition. You can't force us to love the hate we received. You whiny entitled devils don't want to lose your racist tradition.
You a mother****ing lie. You racist devils will say anything. Not one African told you they wish their family was enslaved, raped, separated from their family, whipped, hung, torchered, etc., shut the **** up. You devils only have a good life because of free labor. If not you demons would be speaking a different language. Thanks to the socialist white new deal, you devils have a middle class. Bootstraps sure as **** didn't get it done. All things being equal you are the weak link. Bitch ass demons talk tough in this kkklan meeting.
Easy Malcolm. Yes, in fact, dozens of people in Africa have made remarks to me saying this very thing. Whether you choose to believe the truth or not is your call. As far as us "devils" only having a good life because of free labor-- I'm only a 3rd generation American. My family arrived here in the 20th century, and I'm pretty certain that every text book agrees that slavery ended in the 19th century--- so you can take your "your life is easy because your forefathers owned slaves" horse sh!t and cram it sideways up your race baiting ass.
Second-- you don't know me. You don't know my family. You don't know that my 1st generation American grandfather was sent back to his father's homeland to kill his own people during the second world War. So much for an easy life because of "free labor".

As far as the "weak link" you refer to, that's nothing but the hate you have in your heart because your life hasn't turned out the way you wanted it to--- so you're now looking for someone to blame-- and your overlords in government and the media have convinced you that it's "Whitey's fault". It's not whitey's fault-- you're responsible for your own choices. Don't like that? Want a handout? Think life hasn't been fair to you?
Well-- you're more than welcome to move somewhere that you think you'll have a better chance at succeeding. Nothing is keeping you here. People cross borders all the time. Perhaps you need to take a deeper look at who YOU are instead of attacking people you know nothing about, who never participated in any form of slavery.
Or-- you can talk about how 400 years of slavery caused your life to suck, but only after we talk about the 1000 years that MY people were enslaved. Your choice homie.
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Easy Malcolm. Yes, in fact, dozens of people in Africa have made remarks to me saying this very thing. Whether you choose to believe the truth or not is your call. As far as us "devils" only having a good life because of free labor-- I'm only a 3rd generation American. My family arrived here in the 20th century, and I'm pretty certain that every text book agrees that slavery ended in the 19th century--- so you can take your "your life is easy because your forefathers owned slaves" horse sh!t and cram it sideways up your race baiting ass.
Second-- you don't know me. You don't know my family. You don't know that my 1st generation American grandfather was sent back to his father's homeland to kill his own people during the second world War. So much for an easy life because of "free labor".

As far as the "weak link" you refer to, that's nothing but the hate you have in your heart because your life hasn't turned out the way you wanted it to--- so you're now looking for someone to blame-- and your overlords in government and the media have convinced you that it's "Whitey's fault". It's not whitey's fault-- you're responsible for your own choices. Don't like that? Want a handout? Think life hasn't been fair to you?
Well-- you're more than welcome to move somewhere that you think you'll have a better chance at succeeding. Nothing is keeping you here. People cross borders all the time. Perhaps you need to take a deeper look at who YOU are instead of attacking people you know nothing about, who never participated in any firm of slavery.
Or-- you can talk about how 400 years of slavery caused your life to suck, but only after we talk about the 1000 years that MY people were enslaved. Your choice homie.
I think your first two words sum up your point; hypocrisy.
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You racist devils can't force anyone to love racist white tradition. It did come from a minstrel show. The words did come from a racist demon.

Just like the national anthem. It was written by a racist terroist and it mocks rhe murder of Black people in the 3rd stanze. You demons wouldn't stand for such a song, but think we owe it to y'all to bow down to racist trash. It's your tradition. You can't force us to love the hate we received. You whiny entitled devils don't want to lose your racist tradition.

So I would assume that you are a supporter of the Democrat party and their agenda. If so, why? They are the party of slavery, Jim crow, segregation, KKK, the confederacy, etc. The Democrats are hell bent on canceling any person or business who may have the slightest connection to anything remotely racist. But they expect you to completely ignore their history and blindly support and promote their candidates. I'm here to tell you as an American who happens to be a so called "minority" - THEY. ARE. LYING. TO. YOU. So why haven't you cancelled them or called for their party to be eliminated like so many other figures and institutions in our country?

Honestly, I don't care what happened last year, last week, 10 years ago, 50 years ago or 400 years ago. It's history and we learn and move on. Whether it's perceived to be good history or bad history it doesn't matter. We move on and strive to be a "more perfect union". Democrats play on your emotions and work very hard to keep us divided as a nation. That's the only way they can stay in power because their policy ideas would never be able to get support from a majority of voters. Be an independent thinker. Don't allow Democrats and their willing accomplices in the media, academia and Hollywood make you believe that your only choice is to keep blindly supporting democrats.

Like many other minorities, my ancestors were enslaved, tortured and taken advantage of by individuals who were evil and more powerful. The way I read your posts gives me the impression that you are enraged and angry about the institution of slavery that once existed in our country. Your language is extremely racist as well. Calling out an entire message board as racist and klansmen and demons tells all of us very clearly that you're coming in here with a committed bias and hate. I want you to understand that you will never resolve racism and discrimination by committing more racism and discrimination. You're not looking to solve any problems. You and others like you are looking to "get even" with white people today for something that happened hundreds of years ago and they had nothing to do with it. Regarding white people today - what the hell did they do? What injustice or suffering have you experienced? I guarantee you that whatever injustice you have experienced in your short life is nowhere close to what our ancestors went through. But you expect special treatment and everyone to feel sorry and pitiful towards you. We're better than that. You're being played and your allowing it to enrage you with hate towards your fellow man. Take heed and honor the word of Dr King and all of our founding fathers.

Unfortunately, in today's cancel culture Dr King's "I have a dream" speech would be branded as racist. That's how far the left has become.

Stop the hate.
Hell....how about a list of about to be forbidden words....

collard greens
peanut butter
water melon
Mexican food

damn!....not only will I not be allowed to talk, I will starve to death.

Lots of points made in the thread. No one can argue that any working person, regardless of color, back in the day faced challenges.

But I really fear the day that my great appreciation f or good Fried Chicken is viewed as cultural appropriation.

Our children are SO FVCKED.
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Lots of points made in the thread. No one can argue that any working person, regardless of color, back in the day faced challenges.

But I really fear the day that my great appreciation f or good Fried Chicken is viewed as cultural appropriation.

Our children are SO FVCKED.
Every time I go back home to visit the family, mom knows that all I want for dinner is her fried chicken, mashed potatoes and adult Mac and cheese. She knows all I want for breakfast the next morning is her left over fried chicken. If fried chicken ever gets taken from white people, I'm screwed.
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Only in America can a single ethnic group have their own ethnic only clubs, bars, heritage month, tv shows, tv networks, dating sites, magazines, schools, colleges, scholarships, government grants, systemicly provided "cut in line pass" to college admissions and job placement all the while turning around and calling everyone else elite racists.

All that and NONE of us had anything to do with the past. We've all got slaves as ancestors at some point in history but we don't all blame others for our own personal shortcomings.
It's up to the individual to decide if they want to succeed or if they want to be a fake victim and fail. Your choice.
Slavery existed long before America was founded and continues to exist today in various parts of the world. America, because of her ideals and values, led the world in the abolition of slavery thus leading the way for freedom and liberty around the world. No other country in the history of the world has lifted as many people out of poverty and into opportunity and prosperity as the USA.
Only in America can a single ethnic group have their own ethnic only clubs, bars, heritage month, tv shows, tv networks, dating sites, magazines, schools, colleges, scholarships, government grants, systemicly provided "cut in line pass" to college admissions and job placement all the while turning around and calling everyone else elite racists.

All that and NONE of us had anything to do with the past. We've all got slaves as ancestors at some point in history but we don't all blame others for our own personal shortcomings.
It's up to the individual to decide if they want to succeed or if they want to be a fake victim and fail. Your choice.

Spot-on. People who claim to be a "victim", blame others, look for a handout or special treatment, are hateful, confrontational, and contrite do nothing but hurt themselves. Those who live their life being proactive, accountable, positive, make their own path, choose to be happy, and not blame others for things, are the one's who succeed in life. Sadly, some people have no accountability and are always looking to blame something or someone, when they are the one who control their happiness and success, or lack of.
You a mother****ing lie. You racist devils will say anything. Not one African told you they wish their family was enslaved, raped, separated from their family, whipped, hung, torchered, etc., shut the **** up. You devils only have a good life because of free labor. If not you demons would be speaking a different language. Thanks to the socialist white new deal, you devils have a middle class. Bootstraps sure as **** didn't get it done. All things being equal you are the weak link. Bitch ass demons talk tough in this kkklan meeting.

Come on, whose sock is this? Let me help you out Farrakahn. If we were to have a 100% reset and give everyone 1 million dollars within 10 years, those who are rich will be filthy rich again and those who are poor will be dirt poor again.

Why you might ask, because those who know how to make money will continue to make money and those who don't will continue to lose it.

I've done extensive geneology, my family owned slaves I come from old money. However after the Civil war, my family was dirt poor. They lost everything. Now, I have money again, no one gave it to me, I earned it.

As for your doubts on what Clob said, you might want to travel a bit before you call someone a racist, you don't know anything about racism no one does anymore. The last generation to experience racism, and I mean real racism was the civil rights generation. Every generation after that might have had a slur thrown their way, but it is nothing compared to what happend in the 60's.

Now leave this country and you will see real racism, take a trip to Russia and see what happens, Take a trip to Africa and see what life is like there. I have several friends from Nigeria and they have told me some terrible stories and Nigeria is one of the better places to live. Imagine what Samilia is like. In Africa life is cheap, just like in China, and central and South America.

But keep calling people white devil, you have no idea what a devil really looks like.
Come on, whose sock is this? Let me help you out Farrakahn. If we were to have a 100% reset and give everyone 1 million dollars within 10 years, those who are rich will be filthy rich again and those who are poor will be dirt poor again.

Why you might ask, because those who know how to make money will continue to make money and those who don't will continue to lose it.

I've done extensive geneology, my family owned slaves I come from old money. However after the Civil war, my family was dirt poor. They lost everything. Now, I have money again, no one gave it to me, I earned it.

As for your doubts on what Clob said, you might want to travel a bit before you call someone a racist, you don't know anything about racism no one does anymore. The last generation to experience racism, and I mean real racism was the civil rights generation. Every generation after that might have had a slur thrown their way, but it is nothing compared to what happend in the 60's.

Now leave this country and you will see real racism, take a trip to Russia and see what happens, Take a trip to Africa and see what life is like there. I have several friends from Nigeria and they have told me some terrible stories and Nigeria is one of the better places to live. Imagine what Samilia is like. In Africa life is cheap, just like in China, and central and South America.

But keep calling people white devil, you have no idea what a devil really looks like.

Good points. I would add this -take a trip to Mexico. If you're black living in America and you think you're subject to a daily barrage of racism, cops allegedly hunting down blacks, racial slurs, etc. then you have no clue what it's like in Mexico as a Black American. If you're Black, I challenge you to go to any Mexican city on the Texas-Mexico border and walk alone across the border into those cities and see how you're treated after a few hours. I guarantee you that you will be scared and frightened to your core.
You a mother****ing lie. You racist devils will say anything. Not one African told you they wish their family was enslaved, raped, separated from their family, whipped, hung, torchered, etc., shut the **** up. You devils only have a good life because of free labor. If not you demons would be speaking a different language. Thanks to the socialist white new deal, you devils have a middle class. Bootstraps sure as **** didn't get it done. All things being equal you are the weak link. Bitch ass demons talk tough in this kkklan meeting.

Is this satire?
Easy Malcolm. Yes, in fact, dozens of people in Africa have made remarks to me saying this very thing. Whether you choose to believe the truth or not is your call. As far as us "devils" only having a good life because of free labor-- I'm only a 3rd generation American. My family arrived here in the 20th century, and I'm pretty certain that every text book agrees that slavery ended in the 19th century--- so you can take your "your life is easy because your forefathers owned slaves" horse sh!t and cram it sideways up your race baiting ass.
Second-- you don't know me. You don't know my family. You don't know that my 1st generation American grandfather was sent back to his father's homeland to kill his own people during the second world War. So much for an easy life because of "free labor".

As far as the "weak link" you refer to, that's nothing but the hate you have in your heart because your life hasn't turned out the way you wanted it to--- so you're now looking for someone to blame-- and your overlords in government and the media have convinced you that it's "Whitey's fault". It's not whitey's fault-- you're responsible for your own choices. Don't like that? Want a handout? Think life hasn't been fair to you?
Well-- you're more than welcome to move somewhere that you think you'll have a better chance at succeeding. Nothing is keeping you here. People cross borders all the time. Perhaps you need to take a deeper look at who YOU are instead of attacking people you know nothing about, who never participated in any form of slavery.
Or-- you can talk about how 400 years of slavery caused your life to suck, but only after we talk about the 1000 years that MY people were enslaved. Your choice homie.
Clob, you’re in the wrong profession. You’ll make more in politics if you can say this stuff on screen as well as you do on paper. Well done.
Am I still allowed to like Blues music?
No . . . only classic country music of the Merle Haggard, Wayon Jennings, et al variety. You know, songs with lyrics about trucks, whiskey, beer drinking, cheating on relationships, working on ranch land, patriotic themes, etc. You must fit the stereotype.
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Nope. I believe our old buddy blh-horn came back to add an eloquent, well researched opposing opinion to the EOT discussion.

Honestly, I feel sympathy for him. He must have experienced something horrid for him to apply racism to everything he doesn't agree with. Tragic.
It is sad. It's his "out" for his lot in life.

You know, I've noticed something about this racism movement-- it appears to me that the loudest group among the factions during all this is progressive white people. They seem to be making the most noise and offering up the most "charity" during all this.
I read a published psychological research finding in college about the correlation between "charity" and guilt in people. It seems that the more charitable one is, the more guilt they feel about something they did in life, thus their need to be charitable in order to redeem themselves for some terrible slight they committed in their life.

So what is it that all these guilt riddled white people feel so guilty about? I don't feel guilty. I've never bashed someone or mistreated someone because of their race. Perhaps that's why white progressives feel the need to fight someone else's fight for them-- they did some repugnant stuff at one point in their lives and feel guilty about it.

Makes sense