If you don't like eot, go elsewhere.


Shameless attempt to extract cash.
Saw that yesterday. "But....but.... three guys wore blackface this one time in 1917....... So you needs to pay me.....".

Everybody wants something for nothing. Look what we've become. Thanks soccer moms of the late 90s and early 2000s. Now not only does everyone get a trophy, everyone wants to be a victim if their trophy isn't big enough.
If you don't like eot, go elsewhere.


Shameless attempt to extract cash.
So, a sophomore (maybe about 19 years old) has the audacity to make "demands". Those "demands" lifted from the article are below:
  • Immediate retirement of “The Eyes of Texas”
  • Allocation of more financial aid and scholarships to Black students
  • Creating more affordable housing
  • Appointment of more Black professors and teacher’s assistants
  • Required trainings on race, anti-racism and UT’s racist history
  • Increased transparency between UT administration and students
  • Adopting equitable and inclusive practices in recruitment, selection and promotion of UT faculty
  • All buildings named after people with racist histories be renamed for people who have worked to make the UT community more equitable
What are the odds that this kid hasn't had a FT job yet, been completely financially independent (and not dependent on loans, scholarships, or other benefactor), served in the pre-woke military, or otherwise not been reliant in some manner on others. He's likely a good, ambitious kid and will be a productive member of society some day.

I would argue he doesn't have standing to make demands. I wouldn't even get to the merits. This group's PR strategy isn't very good.
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So, a sophomore (maybe about 19 years old) has the audacity to make "demands". Those "demands" lifted from the article are below:
  • Immediate retirement of “The Eyes of Texas”
  • Allocation of more financial aid and scholarships to Black students
  • Creating more affordable housing
  • Appointment of more Black professors and teacher’s assistants
  • Required trainings on race, anti-racism and UT’s racist history
  • Increased transparency between UT administration and students
  • Adopting equitable and inclusive practices in recruitment, selection and promotion of UT faculty
  • All buildings named after people with racist histories be renamed for people who have worked to make the UT community more equitable
What are the odds that this kid hasn't had a FT job yet, been completely financially independent (and not dependent on loans, scholarships, or other benefactor), served in the pre-woke military, or otherwise not been reliant in some manner on others. He's likely a good, ambitious kid and will be a productive member of society some day.

I would argue he doesn't have standing to make demands. I wouldn't even get to the merits. This group's PR strategy isn't very good.
This new group needs to exercise option b: disassociate with the entity that you “feel” is so massively “racist”. What ever happened to someone exercising their right to vote with their feet and move on to someplace that meets their equity standards. Appeasement is not a winning strategy with these groups.
This new group needs to exercise option b: disassociate with the entity that you “feel” is so massively “racist”. What ever happened to someone exercising their right to vote with their feet and move on to someplace that meets their equity standards. Appeasement is not a winning strategy with these groups.

I'm sure Sully is waiting with open arms.
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So, a sophomore (maybe about 19 years old) has the audacity to make "demands". Those "demands" lifted from the article are below:
  • Immediate retirement of “The Eyes of Texas”
  • Allocation of more financial aid and scholarships to Black students
  • Creating more affordable housing
  • Appointment of more Black professors and teacher’s assistants
  • Required trainings on race, anti-racism and UT’s racist history
  • Increased transparency between UT administration and students
  • Adopting equitable and inclusive practices in recruitment, selection and promotion of UT faculty
  • All buildings named after people with racist histories be renamed for people who have worked to make the UT community more equitable
What are the odds that this kid hasn't had a FT job yet, been completely financially independent (and not dependent on loans, scholarships, or other benefactor), served in the pre-woke military, or otherwise not been reliant in some manner on others. He's likely a good, ambitious kid and will be a productive member of society some day.

I would argue he doesn't have standing to make demands. I wouldn't even get to the merits. This group's PR strategy isn't very good.

What a steaming load of horsesh*t! :mad:
So, a sophomore (maybe about 19 years old) has the audacity to make "demands". Those "demands" lifted from the article are below:
  • Immediate retirement of “The Eyes of Texas”
  • Allocation of more financial aid and scholarships to Black students
  • Creating more affordable housing
  • Appointment of more Black professors and teacher’s assistants
  • Required trainings on race, anti-racism and UT’s racist history
  • Increased transparency between UT administration and students
  • Adopting equitable and inclusive practices in recruitment, selection and promotion of UT faculty
  • All buildings named after people with racist histories be renamed for people who have worked to make the UT community more equitable
What are the odds that this kid hasn't had a FT job yet, been completely financially independent (and not dependent on loans, scholarships, or other benefactor), served in the pre-woke military, or otherwise not been reliant in some manner on others. He's likely a good, ambitious kid and will be a productive member of society some day.

I would argue he doesn't have standing to make demands. I wouldn't even get to the merits. This group's PR strategy isn't very good.
It's fvcking shameful. First if all, NO FOOTBALL PLAYERS WERE TOLD TO SING THE SONG. They were told to stand there, horns held high, and show respect to the band and the crowd. So the entire article has lost what little credibility it had right there. One HUGE lie like this destroys the argument.

Next, players futures were not THREATENED, by any alumni. That's another lie. The lone email released to the public encouraged players to leave Texas if they didn't want to participate in our traditions. And I agree. You don't like it, fvck right off to Blinn College or whomever will take your sorry ass.

It's sh!t like this-- the "stir the pot" fvcking little deushe nozzles in our society who don't have any life experience and neither of their testicles have dropped yet, that think their opinion truly matters. Fvcking weak minded children spoiled by their parents because parents didn't want to raise them and hooked them on their digital pacifiers to keep the kids mollified and quiet.
It's fvcking shameful. First if all, NO FOOTBALL PLAYERS WERE TOLD TO SING THE SONG. They were told to stand there, horns held high, and show respect to the band and the crowd. So the entire article has lost what little credibility it had right there. One HUGE lie like this destroys the argument.

Next, players futures were not THREATENED, by any alumni. That's another lie. The lone email released to the public encouraged players to leave Texas if they didn't want to participate in our traditions. And I agree. You don't like it, fvck right off to Blinn College or whomever will take your sorry ass.

It's sh!t like this-- the "stir the pot" fvcking little deushe nozzles in our society who don't have any life experience and neither of their testicles have dropped yet, that think their opinion truly matters. Fvcking weak minded children spoiled by their parents because parents didn't want to raise them and hooked them on their digital pacifiers to keep the kids mollified and quiet.

I have a suspicion that Tommy Boy and some other woke individuals in our academic faculty are pushing this.... The altercation at College Station was much worse than this small song issue.
Speaking again of Blazing Saddles. Lilly Von Schtupp, The Teutonic Bombshell, makes the German female appear as a bunch of sluts. Lilly's backup dancers are shouldering Mausers and wearing spiked helmets and making it appear that the Germans are nothing but war mongers. As a man of largely German Ancestry I say this movie should be banned.
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Oh Hell....Ban these books also....they were published in 1903 ( the period of Lynching)

Call of the Wild
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farms
The Souls of Black Folks by W.E.B. DuBois
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Speaking again of Blazing Saddles. Lilly Von Schtupp, The Teutonic Bombshell, makes the German female appear as a bunch of sluts. Lilly's backup dancers are shouldering Mausers and wearing spiked helmets and making it appear that the Germans are nothing but war mongers. As a man of largely German Ancestry I say this movie should be banned.

All my inlaws come from Stuttgart and you should hear the stories about the German people during WW2..they are not Angels for sure, living 4 miles from a Concentration camp and doing nothing...

The reason why Germans are treated badly is this below

The German people never said nothing, just kept on letting them die, sad but true and thats why the Germans have a bad image, one that will never be turn back...Wjen my inlaws came here, they was treated badly and was like a 4th hand US citizen...
All my inlaws come from Stuttgart and you should hear the stories about the German people during WW2..they are not Angels for sure, living 4 miles from a Concentration camp and doing nothing...

The reason why Germans are treated badly is this below

The German people never said nothing, just kept on letting them die, sad but true and thats why the Germans have a bad image, one that will never be turn back...Wjen my inlaws came here, they was treated badly and was like a 4th hand US citizen...
Now ask yourself why they didn't say anything.

Know why?

Because those that chose to speak up about the criminal activity they were seeing were at first, silenced by the establishment.

If they continued their protesting, they disappeared forever. Once word got round that if you spoke your mind too loudly that you'd vanish, people just stayed quiet.

The first phase of this tactic, the silencing phase, sounds REALLY FVCKING SIMILAR to me.........to something going on these days....
First they came for Jews, but I wasnt Jewish so I said nothing.
Then they came for the Comminists, but I wasnt communist so I said noting.
Then they came for the trade unionists, but I wasnt a trade Unionist so I said nothing
When they came for me there was no one left to say anything to....
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Now ask yourself why they didn't say anything.

Know why?

Because those that chose to speak up about the criminal activity they were seeing were at first, silenced by the establishment.

If they continued their protesting, they disappeared forever. Once word got round that if you spoke your mind too loudly that you'd vanish, people just stayed quiet.

The first phase of this tactic, the silencing phase, sounds REALLY FVCKING SIMILAR to me.........to something going on these days....

As usual, Clob is right on the money. I fear for our country. What is happening today astonishes me, and sadens me. The scarriest thing is that I might actually live to see it. The rest of y'all certainly will...
First they came for Jews, but I wasnt Jewish so I said nothing.
Then they came for the Comminists, but I wasnt communist so I said noting.
Then they came for the trade unionists, but I wasnt a trade Unionist so I said nothing
When they came for me there was no one left to say anything to....

They are coming for the guns. They are coming for churches and Christians. They have a problem. They are outnumbered. As soon as the inflation hits and many more become poor, there will be little to lose and that's when we take it back. It will happen one county at a time. Like minded will group together and push the statists into a hole.
All my inlaws come from Stuttgart and you should hear the stories about the German people during WW2..they are not Angels for sure, living 4 miles from a Concentration camp and doing nothing...

The reason why Germans are treated badly is this below

The German people never said nothing, just kept on letting them die, sad but true and thats why the Germans have a bad image, one that will never be turn back...Wjen my inlaws came here, they was treated badly and was like a 4th hand US citizen...
Davey Crockett spoke up about the Indian removal from Tennessee. His constituents voted him out because of it hence Davey said " you can go to hell, l'm going to Texas!
I don't think it's a FU to anybody. You can't look at it like it's a scoreboard.

Good guys 1

Not how this works. The bottom line is, if our song had lyrics in it like "ohhhh my black folks pick my cotton all the live long day" or maybe even more modern lyrics like "fvck that b!tch I'm a gangsta hood muh fugga bustin caps in 5-0's asses" ---- THEN it would be overtly racist. I could even see if the lyrics had "subtle" or soft racism lyrics.
But they don't. And just because a couple of dudes put ink on their faces and decided to act like clowns doesn't make the lyrics of the song racist.

Look, if you LOOK hard enough, you can find racism literally anywhere. Don't believe me? Pick something, anything, I can tie it to racism of some form. I can make a set of toe nail clippers seem racist.

Racism is not where you find it. Racism is wherever you LOOK for it hard enough. Right now, in this country, THE LEAST RACIST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, the DEMAND for racism far exceeds to supply.

I've been to 38 countries across this planet. You want to see REAL racism? Go to Asia. Korea people HATE Japanese people. Sure, they're both Asian..... but they're different. And Koreans HATE them some Japanese.
Vietnamese people HATE Chinese people. I mean they hate them.
Italy? Man you haven't seen racism until you've been to Italy.
Pakistan? Don't even get me started.
Hungary? Go spend a week in Hungary. The Magyars will flat out tell you they won't serve, acknowledge, sell to Africans. None. Zero.

I can't tell you how many people, on my MANY trips to Africa (close to a dozen)-- from Angola, South Africa, Gabon, Congo, Cameroon, Ethiopia, south sudan-- how many AFRICANS have told me that they wish their ancestors had ended up being taken to America-- because they know they'd have a better chance to prosper.

This country leads the world in the fight against racism. There is no debate about it.
But the king daddy of racist countries?
Russia. It's not even close.

Remember when I told you Hungarians are racist AF--- and America is the least racist nation in the world?

Check out the link. The BLM statue in Hungary lasted about 2 hours and was attacked 3 separate times and finally destroyed.

But you go on with your "America is the most racist place EVER" narrative.....
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Remember when I told you Hungarians are racist AF--- and America is the least racist nation in the world?

Check out the link. The BLM statue in Hungary lasted about 2 hours and was attacked 3 separate times and finally destroyed.

But you go on with your "America is the most racist place EVER" narrative.....

It doesn't matter if America is the least/most racist country in the world. What matters is what America is going to do about America's racial problems.
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It doesn't matter if America is the least/most racist country in the world. What matters is what America is going to do about America's racial problems.
When you win the gold medal, you're the best. The only thing you can do is try and best your gold medal performance.

Compared to the rest of humanity, our nation is THE gold medal standard for fighting racism. Hands down. But it will not be fixed over night-- and that's the unrealistic expectation everyone has-- that tomorrow, every person with hate in their heart for a difference race--- black and brown people as well as white-- will simply wake up and lose their bias. And if they don't, the government is supposed to destroy them tout de suite (that's french for you numb numbs out there-- it means immediately or right now).
It's a slow drip of change. And FORCED change never works. Just look at Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan etc.

A slow drip will continue-- but a forced change will cause people to push back-- like Covid and masks. Fear not Cali-- we will get there one day-- but it won't be because of government mandate.
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It doesn't matter if America is the least/most racist country in the world. What matters is what America is going to do about America's racial problems.

Are you 12? 16? 20?

I know you're not but that makes it worse. You're old enough to know that we have made massive strides over the last 50 years. We are arguably the most diverse country in the world and we have elevated more minorities out of poverty than probably any other country.

You might as well ponder how America is going to deal with America's murder problem.
I don't feel that there is a wholesale or systemic racism problem in this country. The news media and social media keeps talking about racism and does things to create racial tension and stir the pot. Some groups don't want us to get along. It's all about control and divisiveness. Let's just quit talking about race. Let's just be people without labeling people's skin color.
When you win the gold medal, you're the best. The only thing you can do is try and best your gold medal performance.

Compared to the rest of humanity, our nation is THE gold medal standard for fighting racism. Hands down. But it will not be fixed over night-- and that's the unrealistic expectation everyone has-- that tomorrow, every person with hate in their heart for a difference race--- black and brown people as well as white-- will simply wake up and lose their bias. And if they don't, the government is supposed to destroy them tout de suite (that's french for you numb numbs out there-- it means immediately or right now).
It's a slow drip of change. And FORCED change never works. Just look at Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan etc.

A slow drip will continue-- but a forced change will cause people to push back-- like Covid and masks. Fear not Cali-- we will get there one day-- but it won't be because of government mandate.

You can see evidence of this as far back in 1940, where the same novel was published in the UK and the USA under two different titles. In the USA, it was called "And then there were none". In the UK, it was called differently (I will let you look it up). They did not change to ATTWN until around 1985.
I don't feel that there is a wholesale or systemic racism problem in this country. The news media and social media keeps talking about racism and does things to create racial tension and stir the pot. Some groups don't want us to get along. It's all about control and divisiveness. Let's just quit talking about race. Let's just be people without labeling people's skin color.

Asian American is the most recent media fabricated division. Some murders happened in Atlanta and without any investigation, it was marketed as an AA hate crime. While there are some who harness such hatred, I doubt it is as widespread as the media makes it out to be.
Even if it, I doubt they will share the facts about which other divisions are perpetrating such crimes on AAs because it would not be in their interest....
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Speaking again of Blazing Saddles. Lilly Von Schtupp, The Teutonic Bombshell, makes the German female appear as a bunch of sluts. Lilly's backup dancers are shouldering Mausers and wearing spiked helmets and making it appear that the Germans are nothing but war mongers. As a man of largely German Ancestry I say this movie should be banned.
No doubt about it, Mel Brooks ridiculed the Germans. I have read that when he was a private at the Battle of the Bulge, he wired up some speakers to play soothing music to the Nazis.
Now ask yourself why they didn't say anything.

Know why?

Because those that chose to speak up about the criminal activity they were seeing were at first, silenced by the establishment.

If they continued their protesting, they disappeared forever. Once word got round that if you spoke your mind too loudly that you'd vanish, people just stayed quiet.

The first phase of this tactic, the silencing phase, sounds REALLY FVCKING SIMILAR to me.........to something going on these days....
Civilians were not armed.
Asian American is the most recent media fabricated division. Some murders happened in Atlanta and without any investigation, it was marketed as an AA hate crime. While there are some who harness such hatred, I doubt it is as widespread as the media makes it out to be.
Even if it, I doubt they will share the facts about which other divisions are perpetrating such crimes on AAs because it would not be in their interest....
Most of the anti Asian attacks were perpetuated by blacks. As are most murders in America.
You can see evidence of this as far back in 1940, where the same novel was published in the UK and the USA under two different titles. In the USA, it was called "And then there were none". In the UK, it was called differently (I will let you look it up). They did not change to ATTWN until around 1985.
Well ya.... it's one of the best selling mystery novels of all time. Over 100 million if I remember correctly. And yes, I have an American and British copy.

Well. How does an admitted Marxist decide to move to a neighborhood that is 99% white-- and spend 1.4 million on her house in........ Beverly Hills?

If you've supported this movement, you've been grifted. Guess how much money in scholarships her organization has given away.

I'll spare you the Google searching. The answer is none.

Case closed your honor.

Well. How does an admitted Marxist decide to move to a neighborhood that is 99% white-- and spend 1.4 million on her house in........ Beverly Hills?
Hey revolutionaries like nice houses to 😃 Seriously I agreed about police brutality against people of color. But on everything else I have no use for them. Interestingly over the last few months black academics from all across the political spectrum's have criticized them. And I really don't need BLM about police brutality.
If you've supported this movement, you've been grifted. Guess how much money in scholarships her organization has given away.

I'll spare you the Google searching. The answer is none.

Case closed your honor.

Well. How does an admitted Marxist decide to move to a neighborhood that is 99% white-- and spend 1.4 million on her house in........ Beverly Hills?

If you've supported this movement, you've been grifted. Guess how much money in scholarships her organization has given away.

I'll spare you the Google searching. The answer is none.

Case closed your honor.
Nice house bought and paid for by corporate contributions. If she were really about the movement, she would’ve bought her house in So Central LA among the folks she purports to support. I guess she’d rather live in a crime-free area devoid of trash, graffiti, and homeless living in her front yard.

How ironic we share the same ideas about how we want to live. Only I’m not a grifter like she is. I paid for my house. She relied on Nike, AT&T, etc to buy hers.
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Well. How does an admitted Marxist decide to move to a neighborhood that is 99% white-- and spend 1.4 million on her house in........ Beverly Hills?

If you've supported this movement, you've been grifted. Guess how much money in scholarships her organization has given away.

I'll spare you the Google searching. The answer is none.

Case closed your honor.

She is a fraud. She is a pushing voodoo/black magic from Africa. It's called Udu Ifa or some such. She is evil.
Hey revolutionaries like nice houses to 😃 Seriously I agreed about police brutality against people of color. But on everything else I have no use for them. Interestingly over the last few months black academics from all across the political spectrum's have criticized them. And I really don't need BLM about police brutality.
Do you think your dishonest media or president will say anything?
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They don't need to the people can see for themselves what kind of person she really is.

Many people's opinions are provided to them by the MSM and politicians. If they had any integrity they would point it out.

Is the person in charge of immigration policy ever going to take a few hours out of their day to actually visit the border? Or will they keep ignoring it?