Well. How does an admitted Marxist decide to move to a neighborhood that is 99% white-- and spend 1.4 million on her house in........ Beverly Hills?

If you've supported this movement, you've been grifted. Guess how much money in scholarships her organization has given away.

I'll spare you the Google searching. The answer is none.

Case closed your honor.

Send this to the senseless 19 year old that is trying to stand up against the EOT and trying to suggest new rules when this kid still doesn't probably know how to clean his a$$ right and still learning about puberty.
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here's what somebody needs to do-- when the woke mob decides to start burning their torches next time, just ignore them. does disney really think them nerds were going to stop watching mandalorian? they should've ignored it, then checked the ratings. my guess is the ratings wouldn't have changed one iota due to that nonsense. they just want to claim a skin on the wall... so stop appeasing them. that's what the EOT thing was about-- everybody else was getting to claim a skin, and there were some at UT that wanted a skin to claim, too.
I understand what you are attempting to say but the last thing that should be done is to ignore them. Actions have consequences and the woke mob has been allowed to act in an absolutely insane and asinine manner with out incurring them. It is time that faculty are terminated and students are removed from the University for falsely aligning themselves to the lie in an attempt to harm the University. This is an extremely serious matter and it is time it was treated as such.
you boys wit me - same jerks who dont like eot are same jerks hate the anthem. bullies!

the world stupid. dr. king would not be happy wit our actions
Nice house bought and paid for by corporate contributions. If she were really about the movement, she would’ve bought her house in So Central LA among the folks she purports to support. I guess she’d rather live in a crime-free area devoid of trash, graffiti, and homeless living in her front yard.

How ironic we share the same ideas about how we want to live. Only I’m not a grifter like she is. I paid for my house. She relied on Nike, AT&T, etc to buy hers.
Ridiculous. No one has doubted nor should they ever doubt Malcolm X's commitment to the black people who lived in the ghetto, black men who got in trouble, at risk children. He was their champion he was trusted and loved and rightfully so. But at night he went home to middle clash mostly Jewish suburb. So he was a hypocrite for living in a middle class neighborhood?
Ridiculous. No one has doubted nor should they ever doubt Malcolm X's commitment to the black people who lived in the ghetto, black men who got in trouble, at risk children. He was their champion he was trusted and loved and rightfully so. But at night he went home to middle clash mostly Jewish suburb. So he was a hypocrite for living in a middle class neighborhood?

I mean be the change you want to see in the world right? Immerse yourself in the culture you wish to be a part of and improve.

Or you can preach what to do and not model said behavior at all.

Which one sounds hypocritical to you cali?
I mean be the change you want to see in the world right? Immerse yourself in the culture you wish to be a part of and improve.

Or you can preach what to do and not model said behavior at all.

Which one sounds hypocritical to you cali?
The latter of course.
The latter of course.

I'm going to be honest here...I say this same thing to myself all the time. If I want my kids to eat a certain way, study their bible, work out, treat people right, etc., etc. I have to do it myself.

For me, it is a constant reminder. I'm super human in the sense that all the faults of the general human are in my repertoire, lol. If I don't remind myself to psychoanalyze then I'll end up modeling behavior I don't want to see in my children. It's freaking hard man.
Ridiculous. No one has doubted nor should they ever doubt Malcolm X's commitment to the black people who lived in the ghetto, black men who got in trouble, at risk children. He was their champion he was trusted and loved and rightfully so. But at night he went home to middle clash mostly Jewish suburb. So he was a hypocrite for living in a middle class neighborhood?
No one brought up Malcom X. You shouldn’t read Malcolm X into my post. I spoke directly about the BLM co-founder ... you know, the grifter. The one who hasn’t demonstrated any tangible, measurable commitment to the community she purports to support. The one who, without corporate donations, wouldn’t be able to make it in the real world.
No one brought up Malcom X. You shouldn’t read Malcolm X into my post. I spoke directly about the BLM co-founder ... you know, the grifter. The one who hasn’t demonstrated any tangible, measurable commitment to the community she purports to support. The one who, without corporate donations, wouldn’t be able to make it in the real world.
Most black leaders have a trustworthy relationship with poor blacks so what if they live in a nice neighborhood it still doesn't mean they're hypocrites. And hell I can't stand Patrice Cuillors and have no use anymore for blm they've gone to far off the rails I don't pay any attention to them anymore.
I'm going to be honest here...I say this same thing to myself all the time. If I want my kids to eat a certain way, study their bible, work out, treat people right, etc., etc. I have to do it myself.

For me, it is a constant reminder. I'm super human in the sense that all the faults of the general human are in my repertoire, lol. If I don't remind myself to psychoanalyze then I'll end up modeling behavior I don't want to see in my children. It's freaking hard man.
On a personal level I can relate. In being the man of the house it''s up to me to lead the family in BofM studies every day. I do it once twice a week but not every day I should push myself to not be satisfied to keep doing better. Even more so since we got sealed in the Sacramento Temple in March.

We have 2 granddaughters living with us. And we strive to be positive role models for them in some of the things you've mentioned. I've given up some choices to be a positive influence but sometimes I don't. What can can I say I'm still a work in progress.
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Ridiculous. No one has doubted nor should they ever doubt Malcolm X's commitment to the black people who lived in the ghetto, black men who got in trouble, at risk children. He was their champion he was trusted and loved and rightfully so. But at night he went home to middle clash mostly Jewish suburb. So he was a hypocrite for living in a middle class neighborhood?

I find it interesting that you referenced Malcolm X. Who assassinated him by the way?
I find it interesting that you referenced Malcolm X. Who assassinated him by the way?
Is this another sarcastic response? If yes the story of his assassination is to complex to explain on a message board. If no it wasn't we'll talk but I can't imagine someone like you wanting to hear it.
Is this another sarcastic response? If yes the story of his assassination is to complex to explain on a message board. If no it wasn't we'll talk but I can't imagine someone like you wanting to hear it.
Couldn't one just tune into def comedy jam. You know, if they wanted to hear it?
Are you 12? 16? 20?

I know you're not but that makes it worse. You're old enough to know that we have made massive strides over the last 50 years. We are arguably the most diverse country in the world and we have elevated more minorities out of poverty than probably any other country.

You might as well ponder how America is going to deal with America's murder problem.
Blacks kill more blacks than the cops trying to clean up their communities. Fact.
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Is this another sarcastic response? If yes the story of his assassination is to complex to explain on a message board. If no it wasn't we'll talk but I can't imagine someone like you wanting to hear it.

I don't want to talk if it's more of your slanted revisionist crap you typically spew.

Malcolm X was originally known as "Red". While in prison, he joined the Nation of Islam and became a practicing Muslim. Because of his charisma and oratory skills, he quickly rose up the ranks. However, Malcolm was genuinely interested in his faith and not just exploiting other people's ignorance for personal gain. After making a pilgrimage to Mecca, he returned to the US and left the Nation of Islam.

Afraid that his influence and message would surpass their own, Louis Farrakan and Elijah Muhammed had Malcolm X silenced.

It isn't that complicated. In addition, there is one indisputable fact. Were no white people in the room when Malcolm got shot.
I don't want to talk if it's more of your slanted revisionist crap you typically spew.

Malcolm X was originally known as "Red". While in prison, he joined the Nation of Islam and became a practicing Muslim. Because of his charisma and oratory skills, he quickly rose up the ranks. However, Malcolm was genuinely interested in his faith and not just exploiting other people's ignorance for personal gain. After making a pilgrimage to Mecca, he returned to the US and left the Nation of Islam.

Afraid that his influence and message would surpass their own, Louis Farrakan and Elijah Muhammed had Malcolm X silenced.

It isn't that complicated. In addition, there is one indisputable fact. Were no white people in the room when Malcolm got shot.
Revisionist no. I admired and respected and admired Malcolm X. But apparently so do you which makes you a liberal.

Oh the irony.
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Well I do actually a lot more than you.

It must be true, because you said it.

Let's recap.

You introduced Malcolm X into this conversation to bolster your strawman argument.

You stated that no one would question Malcolm X's commitment to champion equal rights for black people.

I pointed out that it was some of the very people that he dedicated his life to serving that assassinated him.

You informed us that it was "too complex", which it's not, to discuss with me. (Probably because you like to distort facts to fit your narrative)

I explained the who's and why's of his death.

You determined that the only reason I would know anything about Malcolm X is because I'm liberal.

The problem with you is that you argue as though you have superior knowledge than the rest of us and then throw out random half literate posts as though your Bill Clinton debating Joe Biden.
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Sigh. Internal roll my eyes. That jsto guy implied that black leaders who don't live among the people or live in really nice houses are hypocrites. That was my point.

The complex part it took more than 50 years to finally to solve the crime as to who did it and who ordered it. Also the FBI had totally infiltrated his inner circle that he wasn't fully aware of. And the NY police played a huge part in it as well.

And one more time. It doesn't matter if some black leaders live in nice houses like jsto implies. BLM has false ideas/solutions. Defunding the police will solve nothing. Disregarding the lives of black women who were victims is inexcusable. There are more significant reasons not to like them than where PC lives.
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Sigh. Internal roll my eyes. That jsto guy implied that black leaders who don't live among the people or live in really nice houses are hypocrites. That was my point.

The complex part it took more than 50 years to finally to solve the crime as to who did it and who ordered it. Also the FBI had totally infiltrated his inner circle that he wasn't fully aware of. And the NY police played a huge part in it as well.

And one more time. It doesn't matter if some black leaders live in nice houses like jsto implies. BLM has false ideas/solutions. Defunding the police will solve nothing. Disregarding the lives of black women who were victims is inexcusable. There are more significant reasons not to like them than where PC lives.

OH. You meant complex in the fact that he was killed with a shotgun in front of 400 people and the guy who did it was convicted of murder in 1966.

And now the cool thing to do is to make documentaries vilifying the FBI and the NYPD.

You are comparing a guy that killed for disagreeing with race hucksters, to a race huckster.

His point was not that she doesn't live in the ghetto. His point was that she exploited those people for her own personal profit.

Malcolm X never did that.
OH. You meant complex in the fact that he was killed with a shotgun in front of 400 people and the guy who did it was convicted of murder in 1966.

And now the cool thing to do is to make documentaries vilifying the FBI and the NYPD.

You are comparing a guy that killed for disagreeing with race hucksters, to a race huckster.

His point was not that she doesn't live in the ghetto. His point was that she exploited those people for her own personal profit.

Malcolm X never did that.
Actually 2 men were tried and convicted and spent more than 20 years on prison. Thing is they weren't even there. The other one who was there, Talmage Hayer, repeatedly said Norman Butler, Thomas Johnson, were not there. The police railroad those 2 into prison. Pretty much destroyed their lives. As for Talmage Hayer he was there along with 4 other men. But it was the man with a sawed off shotgun who killed Malcolm X. If Talmage Hayer had not been captured at the scene all 5 would have walked away scott and it would have remained an unsolved case. And as for the NY police they made no effort to investigate. And in a documentary 3 years they freely admitted to all of this. Hell the podium was put in the back not to be seen again for 15 years. The ballroom was cleared because there was a dance that night. So yes the NY police were complicit in his assassination. None of this came to light until this documentary in '18. And there's so much more. 50 years later and that's why it was complex.

Watch the Netflix documentary who killed Malcolm X and you'll know the whole story. And most of the resentment towards the FBI is all because of J Edgar Hoover. In the history of public servants J Edgar Hoover was the biggest con man of all time. But I have much respect for the FBI.
Actually 2 men were tried and convicted and spent more than 20 years on prison. Thing is they weren't even there. The other one who was there, Talmage Hayer, repeatedly said Norman Butler, Thomas Johnson, were not there. The police railroad those 2 into prison. Pretty much destroyed their lives. As for Talmage Hayer he was there along with 4 other men. But it was the man with a sawed off shotgun who killed Malcolm X. If Talmage Hayer had not been captured at the scene all 5 would have walked away scott and it would have remained an unsolved case. And as for the NY police they made no effort to investigate. And in a documentary 3 years they freely admitted to all of this. Hell the podium was put in the back not to be seen again for 15 years. The ballroom was cleared because there was a dance that night. So yes the NY police were complicit in his assassination. None of this came to light until this documentary in '18. And there's so much more. 50 years later and that's why it was complex.

Watch the Netflix documentary who killed Malcolm X and you'll know the whole story. And most of the resentment towards the FBI is all because of J Edgar Hoover. In the history of public servants J Edgar Hoover was the biggest con man of all time. But I have much respect for the FBI.


You mean the 3 guys that were identified by multiple eye witnesses claimed they were innocent. That must be true. I mean they aren't allowed to make documentaries that make false accusations.

I am failing t ok understand how in 1966, 3 guys could get convicted in connection with the murder of Malcolm X, when there was no investigation.

You don't investigate cases that are already solved.

In addition, you don't have to believe everything you read, see, or hear.

You mean the 3 guys that were identified by multiple eye witnesses claimed they were innocent. That must be true. I mean they aren't allowed to make documentaries that make false accusations.

I am failing t ok understand how in 1966, 3 guys could get convicted in connection with the murder of Malcolm X, when there was no investigation.

You don't investigate cases that are already solved.

In addition, you don't have to believe everything you read, see, or hear.
I said that 2 of the 3 were not there.
Actually 2 men were tried and convicted and spent more than 20 years on prison. Thing is they weren't even there. The other one who was there, Talmage Hayer, repeatedly said Norman Butler, Thomas Johnson, were not there. The police railroad those 2 into prison. Pretty much destroyed their lives. As for Talmage Hayer he was there along with 4 other men. But it was the man with a sawed off shotgun who killed Malcolm X. If Talmage Hayer had not been captured at the scene all 5 would have walked away scott and it would have remained an unsolved case. And as for the NY police they made no effort to investigate. And in a documentary 3 years they freely admitted to all of this. Hell the podium was put in the back not to be seen again for 15 years. The ballroom was cleared because there was a dance that night. So yes the NY police were complicit in his assassination. None of this came to light until this documentary in '18. And there's so much more. 50 years later and that's why it was complex.

Watch the Netflix documentary who killed Malcolm X and you'll know the whole story. And most of the resentment towards the FBI is all because of J Edgar Hoover. In the history of public servants J Edgar Hoover was the biggest con man of all time. But I have much respect for the FBI.
i don't claim to know the accuracy of this particular one, but you need to realize that most of these netflix "documentaries" go into production intentionally trying to get you to discuss them; not in any way pursuing any version of truth. the staircase one (dude clearly killed wife; edited to make viewer doubt that). the one about son of sam (threw in a bunch of satanic crap and threw in a couple of dude's dead, child-less-- no lawsuit-- buddies to muddy the waters). the one where the white trash dude and the mentally challenged kid CLEEEEARLY murdered the tv reporter (tried to discredit police to get you guessing). i mean, at this point, i don't know why anybody takes documentaries produced by netflix seriously.