Go ahead about the oil industry. Witch hunt? I got news for you homeboy. 45 is being investigated on 2 different cases of tax fraud. And since this happened before he was POTUS he doesn't have immunity. There's least 1 grand jury for voter intimidation in GA.
I think the abuse of old E and black and milds have ****ed you up son. I'll bet yer sittin on yer stoop right now sippin that old E, swattin flies and yellin at the kids playin in the street
You're damn right I'm desperate for one of you sheeple to present the true Covid death figures not the piggyback Covid death figures. Again, there's a reason you and the other Biden loyalists don't want any part of that convo. As far as the stimulus checks, you and I will never agree, ever because you're under the assumption that Creepy Joe is just handing out free money. My take is it was never needed because Covid Joe created a pandemic out of fear mongering over a virus that has a 99% survival rate, hence why the narrative changed to "New" covid cases. Who is paying for all of this stimulus? Why stimulus? if the economy is fully opened with no restrictions as should be, no need for it, it's just indoctrinating people, it's a test run imo.

You despise everything pro USA, putting America's interests first offends you.

And btw you're a liar too, just a couple weeks back you said you were 48.
That's not what I said. I said I was 48 when I moved but I probably didn't phrase it right.

Not surprisingly in your case you got it wrong. But I'm America too Belldozer. I served for 4 years. I'm pro America. I support capitalism. I really don't have a problem with the 2nd but I'll never understand assault rifles. And I'll never understand why you use them while hunting good lord will there be anything left of that duck when it hits the ground? Humor injected. And belldozer its not pro America when it only benefits the top 1%. Those people avoid paying 175 billion dollars in taxes every year. I want America back but people what is so wrong with liveable wages? And with the stimulus packages those people now have buying power it's called reinvesting in America. Why is that bad?
I think the abuse of old E and black and milds have ****ed you up son. I'll bet yer sittin on yer stoop right now sippin that old E, swattin flies and yellin at the kids playin in the street
I'm 66 years old. I'm a Mormon so I don't drink I don't have any flies and I like kids.
Ok big boy, care to make a wager that Trump is not indicted on the New York witch hunt?
I'm not going make a wager. But instead of the usual 1 month that a grand jury gets they will have 6 months. Does that mean he'll get convicted I don't know.
I'm not going make a wager. But instead of the usual 1 month that a grand jury gets they will have 6 months. Does that mean he'll get convicted I don't know.
The grand jury is reviewing many cases during that time period not just the Trump bs. This will end just like the guaranteed "collusion" bs meanwhile Biden is guilty as hell of pay to play as the VP but the bias in this country especially from the media is extremely disappointing.
Let me have a run at this

1. no socialism?....how about this trillion dollar payout to evryone?...How about the idea of 300.00 per child? How about not wanting voter ID's? How about wanting anyone that wants to come into the country?...well....as long as they will vote democrat...How about doing away with SAT scores because some minorities have trouble with them?

2.No one coming for the guns?....how about your VP stating they ARE coming aftyer the guns?

3.what the hell is that even about?

4. We still have cops?....what about all the defunding the police departments?..what about the "retraining" being demanded for police?....the training that requires the police to not use any force when arresting someone....no matter how violent they are?

Cali.....the fact is that the president is doing his best( as He likely is ordered to do) to weaken this country.

Your beloved state is losing population and thus seats in Congress so fast it should scare you. Sadly, what it does is scare me because those "infected" Californians are simply spreading the stupidity to every corner of the Nation. California is not a geographical location, it is a disease that is spreading accross the country.....California...the original pandemic...The wall should have been built along the Eastern California border and no one allowed in or out.
Ok the erp went to people earning less than $75,000 per year. That unemployment insurance was desperately needed and now that the republican governors have cut it it will be worse. It was only going to be until Labor Day. This is going to effect at least 4.4 million people. And spare me the they won't try to get a job bulls***.

The change in SAT scores is not going to happen.

KH was saying that on the campaign nothing more. And its not going to happen anyway. However the NRA could be bankrupt in a few years. But that assh*** Wayne Lapierre is about to be humiliated. He's been skimming off the top for years. Hell he's been living larger than Lebron James for a long time now. And did you hear about that clip the NRA was trying to hide? It's out now and that sorry mf couldn't even shoot an elephant that was down and almost dead. Even up close he still couldn't hit it. Somebody had to do it for him. And why go halfway around the world to shoot an elephant? The elephant is the most respected animal in the African jungle not even the lions go after them. And a Texas judge dismissed their bankruptcy case said it was not done in good faith. In other words he sent them back to New York to face the music. And now that Abbott has lifted any kind of requirement to carry a handgun why are you upset?

The POTUS is doing his best to bring the economy back. Man there is a lot of Social Darwinism on this board.
I'm sorry but this is a massive cut and paste. I was talking about you and how you personally benefited from it.

Yes, it is. So what? Much of what is listed has benefited me and my family, as it did yours. You still have not listed how your life and Americans lives are better off under Biden than they were under Trump.
Look I support the 2nd amendment but why is everyone on here so vehemently opposed to universal background checks?

I am pro life and I don't like abortion but I support a women's right to choose.

Look face the facts 45 lost the election fair and square. They filed suit 63 times and lost them all.

And jsto it's 50% open where you live and Placer county where I live. But on 6/15/21 the masks will come off and the restaurants and movie theatres will be open. It's been frustrating, and depressing but its almost over. And no I don't love CA I'll always consider TX my home. But I have a lot of family here. Yes its too expensive and Texas has a lot going for it. CA is going to have a full school year next year. The games will be completely open to the public. And on 6/15/21 I'm going to eat in public and I'm going to go the movies without a mask. Its been so long. I can't remember the details but the CA budget has a $75 billion surplus.

But I see a lot of Social Darwinism on this board. Like people that are different don't deserve to be helped and are inferior. And we were always destined from the start to be better and are entitled to what we want. Scary
Cali...again, you did not respond to anything I said, but instead went off about Trump and the election. I never said a word about that.

You did say that a change in the SAT use would never happen....and yet it already has...done away wit in the California University system.

You did go off on a tangent about the stimulus payments going to the needy.....what do you think socialism is?...”from those with the greatest ability to those of the greatest need”.......That is the basis of the Communist idea.

You say you favor the second amendment, but you do not seem to know what it says. It has Nothing to do with hunting rights! Go to Google and see what it says.......

.....a well armed militia is the best defense of the nation......that well armed part does not mean squirrel guns and single shot 22’s

You remind me of Beto O’rourk in debate....He never answered one question, instead just going off on rants in another direction.
Look I support the 2nd amendment but why is everyone on here so vehemently opposed to universal background checks?

I am pro life and I don't like abortion but I support a women's right to choose.

Look face the facts 45 lost the election fair and square. They filed suit 63 times and lost them all.

And jsto it's 50% open where you live and Placer county where I live. But on 6/15/21 the masks will come off and the restaurants and movie theatres will be open. It's been frustrating, and depressing but its almost over. And no I don't love CA I'll always consider TX my home. But I have a lot of family here. Yes its too expensive and Texas has a lot going for it. CA is going to have a full school year next year. The games will be completely open to the public. And on 6/15/21 I'm going to eat in public and I'm going to go the movies without a mask. Its been so long. I can't remember the details but the CA budget has a $75 billion surplus.

But I see a lot of Social Darwinism on this board. Like people that are different don't deserve to be helped and are inferior. And we were always destined from the start to be better and are entitled to what we want. Scary

I'm going to try and explain this how my friend who is a lawyer explained it to me. In my understanding most of the suits were rejected because of standing. Which means the court ruled that the plaintiff did not have standing to file that lawsuit, it had to be filed by someone else. Basically it would be like me filing divorce on someone else's wife. I can't do that because I'm not the one married to her, I have no "standing" in the case. The way I understand, is it would have to come from the state and not Trump or something like that. So the State would basically have to file on itself. I'm not going to hold my breath for that to happen. Being that the cases never got past that, they were never even able to present any evidence. So these cases that you say they "lost" never had any evidence presented to a judge or jury due to legal technicalities. My friend said the legalities in stuff like that are very complicated and even he didn't fully know what the law says about those type of cases and who can do what. So take it for what it's worth, but the cases were never heard in court and it wasn't because of insufficient evidence or anything like that.
Cali...again, you did not respond to anything I said, but instead went off about Trump and the election. I never said a word about that.

You did say that a change in the SAT use would never happen....and yet it already has...done away wit in the California University system.

You did go off on a tangent about the stimulus payments going to the needy.....what do you think socialism is?...”from those with the greatest ability to those of the greatest need”.......That is the basis of the Communist idea.

You say you favor the second amendment, but you do not seem to know what it says. It has Nothing to do with hunting rights! Go to Google and see what it says.......

.....a well armed militia is the best defense of the nation......that well armed part does not mean squirrel guns and single shot 22’s

You remind me of Beto O’rourk in debate....He never answered one question, instead just going off on rants in another direction.

You forgot the part about:

The condescending remark that attempts to invalidate you opinions as ignorant

The failure to back up a single claim with any form of support (I assume he doesn't know how to add a link to his posts)

The inability or refusal to do any type of root cause analysis of his claims.

For example, 20 Oil and Gas companies went under in 2020. You don't say. Hairy Legs and his cronies spent the entire year trying to shut down our economy. Do people realize how many oil and gas companies there are in the US? How many trading shops that have no physical assets? I'm not sure that Cali understands what happens when the demand for oil plummets because everyone is forced to sit at home and not go anywhere.

Let's not forget these gas station owners that have seen their gas revenue plummet.

And all the O&G field workers that were sent home.

To lay the decline in the economy at Trump's feet after the left cried to have everything shutdown is laughable.
I'm not going make a wager. But instead of the usual 1 month that a grand jury gets they will have 6 months. Does that mean he'll get convicted I don't know.
Has it occurred to you that the NY AG needs more than 6 months to find anything? Like the Mueller probe. Joe, on the other hand seems to have had a dinner at Cafe Milano with Hunter and his Ukrainian associates. While he was VP. There should be some Secret Service records of that. Let's see if they disappear.
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Let me have a run at this

1. no socialism?....how about this trillion dollar payout to evryone?...How about the idea of 300.00 per child? How about not wanting voter ID's? How about wanting anyone that wants to come into the country?...well....as long as they will vote democrat...How about doing away with SAT scores because some minorities have trouble with them?

2.No one coming for the guns?....how about your VP stating they ARE coming aftyer the guns?

3.what the hell is that even about?

4. We still have cops?....what about all the defunding the police departments?..what about the "retraining" being demanded for police?....the training that requires the police to not use any force when arresting someone....no matter how violent they are?

Cali.....the fact is that the president is doing his best( as He likely is ordered to do) to weaken this country.

Your beloved state is losing population and thus seats in Congress so fast it should scare you. Sadly, what it does is scare me because those "infected" Californians are simply spreading the stupidity to every corner of the Nation. California is not a geographical location, it is a disease that is spreading accross the country.....California...the original pandemic...The wall should have been built along the Eastern California border and no one allowed in or out.
Question #3 always reminds me of Augies famous ass chewing.
I was depressed yesterday. I called posters names that I regret now.
I was not acting like a righteous man who was sealed in the Temple in March.

I see what's happening in America today and I feel life sitting in the stands waiting for the game to start. I'm pulling for my team to win but once the game starts there's nothing I can do.

I see what's happening in our country and I see battle lines being drawn and yes its on both sides. No one is going to compromise and it can blow up and just like sitting in the stands there's nothing I can do about it.
Have they by any chance considered sealing you in a Temple to protect all of us?
I was depressed yesterday. I called posters names that I regret now.
I was not acting like a righteous man who was sealed in the Temple in March.

I see what's happening in America today and I feel life sitting in the stands waiting for the game to start. I'm pulling for my team to win but once the game starts there's nothing I can do.

I see what's happening in our country and I see battle lines being drawn and yes its on both sides. No one is going to compromise and it can blow up and just like sitting in the stands there's nothing I can do about it.
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how could they be disillusioned? His condition was very apparent even a year ago. The White House Staff has already said he will no longer take ANY reporters questions.....Damn....he is only 130 days into his gig.! He cannot be trusted to read his teleprompter so they use an earpiece to carefully guide him through any public statements.

whoever said that in a democracy you get the government you deserve was writing about joe....
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I was depressed yesterday. I called posters names that I regret now.
I was not acting like a righteous man who was sealed in the Temple in March.

I see what's happening in America today and I feel life sitting in the stands waiting for the game to start. I'm pulling for my team to win but once the game starts there's nothing I can do.

I see what's happening in our country and I see battle lines being drawn and yes its on both sides. No one is going to compromise and it can blow up and just like sitting in the stands there's nothing I can do about it.

Wait. You're Mormon? That explains everything.

You suffer from "white guilt".

I'll bet you still own a Book of Mormon that states that Mormon's “shall be a white and a delightsome people,”.

Joseph Smith thought black skin meant you were cursed.

However, the LDS was given a revelation from God that his original direction to keep black from elevating to the rank of priest and holding leadership positions in the church was a mistake.

You read that correctly. God made a mistake.

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Wait. You're Mormon? That explains everything.

You suffer from "white guilt".

I'll bet you still own a Book of Mormon that states that Mormon's “shall be a white and a delightsome people,”.

Joseph Smith thought black skin meant you were cursed.

However, the LDS was given a revelation from God that his original direction to keep black from elevating to the rank of priest and holding leadership positions in the church was a mistake.

You read that correctly. God made a mistake.

You don't know anything at all about LDS church and its history. And you make yourself look ignorant trying to be funny about something you know nothing about.

The southern Baptist church was found in part because of its support for slavery. Not anymore times have changed.
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You don't know anything at all about LDS church and its history. And you make yourself look ignorant trying to be funny about something you know nothing about.

The southern Baptist church was found in part because of its support for slavery. Not anymore times have changed.

I don't see a denial in that response.

Just another deflection by Cali.

I know that the LDS past is linked to racism and that means it's still racist today.

I'm applying the logic you have used in your anti EOT rhetoric.
I don't see a denial in that response.

Just another deflection by Cali.

I know that the LDS past is linked to racism and that means it's still racist today.

I'm applying the logic you have used in your anti EOT rhetoric.
Deflection? I did answer your question the truth is complicated. The LDS does great things all over the world to people in need. There are at least a half dozen temples today on the African continent and I'm not talking about south Africa. And more are being built. The LDS church is making a footprint in Western Africa. And there are plans for temples in India, Indonesia, even China. And countries where there is no LDS presence we are asked to offer aid to people in need. That's because we are trusted to do what we are asked and not get involved in their affairs. The ban on priesthood lasted 135 years and ended in 1978. Times are changing for the better but 43 years isn't long enough to undo 135 years.

You know most LDS are republicans. But when disasters happen we load up the semis and bring aid to those in need. Food, clothes, medical care, and whatever else. We're usually the first ones there. Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Harvey, people who slammed doors in missionaries faces now embrace us because we were there.

So yeah your question and your weak gotcha have been answered. During the February freeze the LDS communities in Austin and Houston set up their meeting houses and brought hospice's there. It provided care to keep them out of that awful freeze. It could accommodate up to 60 patients and staff. Some members provided showers at their homes.

Did your church do that?
Deflection? I did answer your question the truth is complicated. The LDS does great things all over the world to people in need. There are at least a half dozen temples today on the African continent and I'm not talking about south Africa. And more are being built. The LDS church is making a footprint in Western Africa. And there are plans for temples in India, Indonesia, even China. And countries where there is no LDS presence we are asked to offer aid to people in need. That's because we are trusted to do what we are asked and not get involved in their affairs. The ban on priesthood lasted 135 years and ended in 1978. Times are changing for the better but 43 years isn't long enough to undo 135 years.

You know most LDS are republicans. But when disasters happen we load up the semis and bring aid to those in need. Food, clothes, medical care, and whatever else. We're usually the first ones there. Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Harvey, people who slammed doors in missionaries faces now embrace us because we were there.

So yeah your question and your weak gotcha have been answered. During the February freeze the LDS communities in Austin and Houston set up their meeting houses and brought hospice's there. It provided care to keep them out of that awful freeze. It could accommodate up to 60 patients and staff. Some members provided showers at their homes.

Did your church do that?

Are you saying that the LDS has changed and that I am not accurately or fairly identifying what it stands for today?🤔

The LDS church believes you can pray people into heaven after they have died, clearly contradicting every bible known to mankind but that's why the LDS has their own Mormon bible to translate all other bible's correctly according to them. Years ago I worked around a family of them. Very strange family, clickish, cultish behavior.
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The LDS church believes you can pray people into heaven after they have died, clearly contradicting every bible known to mankind but that's why the LDS has their own Mormon bible to translate all other bible's correctly according to them.
That's not even remotely close to the truth.
You should be spending less time on here and start putting in work at the Temple building genealogy trees
Actually my cousin did genealogy on our maternal grandfathers family. Also done work on my fathers family. And I giggle when you say I spend to much time on here nobody's on here more than you.
I know plenty of Mormons that are salt of the earth. Some of the nicest and most gracious people I have ever met.

It's truly heartbreaking that the origins of their faithjdx+ are steeped in racism, because once something is connected to racism it can never change. The definition of racism clearly states that anything someone perceives a racist, must be racist.
I know plenty of Mormons that are salt of the earth. Some of the nicest and most gracious people I have ever met.

It's truly heartbreaking that the origins of their faithjdx+ are steeped in racism, because once something is connected to racism it can never change. The definition of racism clearly states that anything someone perceives a racist, must be racist.
The family I knew must have been an anomaly, they were the most evil, rude, selfish group of churchgoers I've ever been around. People couldn't believe they were even associated with a church of any kind.