Really? Do tell us about the storied history and championship accolades of UofH and how much they bring to the table in the conference they are... Tell us about their expansive alumni base, rich traditions and recent championship chases.... i mean even ISU has made a dman good run in search for a title in basketball...we have a few National champions in baseball, football and basketball in this conference.... and thats just the Big 3mens sports.... im sure Houston has something comparable... Im also sure that Houston has the facilites to compete within the Big 12 as well....
But the one thing I am definitely sure about is that the UofH brings NOTHING to the Big 12 in ANY form what so ever, and my belief is echoed by damn near eery sports writer and analyst that doesnt pimp UofH in the local paper..... you cant deliver a market you dont own, regardless of what you think after 2 years.... When Texas is doing what we are supposed to do, WE command damn near every market in Texas... look it up.
You bring NOTHING and would simply be a drag on the Big 12 that would eventually wind up COSTING members money due to having to share with a school that exists in a market already covered by the Big 12 in most years, has no influence over recruiting in the area when it comes to top talent, and would just be a drain on the entire situation.... These are the things that the experts actually QUOTE as to why UofH wouldnt make it in to the Big 12.... and pretty much every one of those ppl think UofH would be on tier with a Crummy Texas Tech/Baylor level team from the early days of the Big 12... doormats.
I get it, you are a Houston fan.... but you are also an idiot if you truly believe all that crap you have been posting..... Unless you are trying to suggest that you know more than damn near every sprots writer, analyst, coach and commentator on the planet.... and if you are then we have bigger problems than you having stupid thoughts about what a crappy conference USA level team would be able to do in the Big 12 and to Texas.... and while im on it, what is the head to head between Texas and UofH? Texas has won 8 of the last 10, and there has been no decade in which Houston has had a winnign record vs Texas in football.... oh and of those 8 of 10 Texas won, the avergae margin of victory was close to 30 points.... not sure why you think houston has any chance in hell of beating UT ass.... 16-7-2 is the series record... you guys sport about the same winning percentage against Texas that the aggys do......... now the delusion is starting to make sense, as is the fact that you are really sounding liek an aggy.... Daddy issues.. Daddy being The University of Texas spanking that ass all the time and having no need for you and forcing you to live in the long shadow we cast over this State..... enjoy your pipe dream though, UofH wont ever make any of the P5 conferences no matter how much you and your fans huff and puff.... there IS a reason you guys havent been invited to one by now- (in Wayne's Voice )- YOU'RE NOT WORTHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now dont make me have to tell you to go back to the kiddie table again... you are just embarassing yourself...
Side note - Houston is a cool city, but UofH isnt on the big boy level and has ALWAYS been pwned by Texas. You cant argue that either as history, FACTS and reality confirm all I have said. Now, kick rocks junior your act is getting old.